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133 Cards in this Set

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Psychologist who introduced the concept of reinforcement

B.F Skinner

Mental process, such as dream or memory

Cognitive activity

School of psychology that looks at basic elements of conscious experience


Contemporary psychological approach emphasizes study of ethnicity,gender,culture and socioeconomic status

Sociocultural perspective

Founder of school of behaviorism

John B. Watson

Philosopher who stressed the importance of introspection


Founded structuralism

Wilhelm Wundt

School of psychology that describes experience as a whole rather than broken down into parts

Gestalt psychology

Action that can be observed or measured


Wrote first modern psychology textbook

William James

Contemporary school of psychology interested in information processing

Cognitive perspective

Early psychologist who influenced the psychoanalytic perspective

Sigmund Freud

Modern psychiatrist who influenced the biosychosocial approach

George Engel

Established the first psychology laboratory

Wilhelm Wundt

Roots of biological perspective


Area studied by sociocultural theorists

Economic status and gender

Contemporary school of psychology that focuses on consciousness and self fulfillment

Humanistic perspective

Belief that people choose to emulate what they have observed

Social learning theory

Contemporary school of psychology influenced by Charles Darwin

Evolutionary perspective

School of psychology that emphasizes the effects of experience on behavior

Learning perspective

Whole group that is the subject of a study

Target population

Example in which subgroups of a population are represented proportionally

Stratified sample

In depth investigation of an individual or group

Case study

Research method in which participants are observed over a long period of time

Longitudinal method

Measure of how closely one thing is to another


Method of gathering information by distributing questionnaires


Groups of individuals selected by chance from target population

Random sample

Observation method that enables researchers to control the environment

Laboratory observation

People in an experiment who do not get the treatment

Control group

Experiment in which only researchers know who is getting the treatment

Single blind study

Participants or clients right to privacy


Factors in an experiment that researchers manipulate

Independent variable

Measure of distance of every score to mean

Standard deviation

Standards for proper and responsible behavior


Experiment in which only the organizer knows who is receiving the treatment

Double blind study

Predisposition to a certain POV despite what facts may suggest


Substance or treatment that has no effect apart from persons belief in it


Nerve cell


White fatty substance that insulates and protects the axon


Chemicals such as acetylcholine and dopamine


Produce energy to fuel cell activity

Cell body

Transmits messages away from cell body


Governs involuntary muscles and internal organs

Autonomic nervous system

Carries messages from brain to specific muscles

Spinal cord

Transmits messages between the central nervous system and all parts of the body

Peripheral nervous system

Little brain in Latin involved in balance and coordination


Part of hind brain involved in heart rate, blood pressure and breathing


Tiny vital to regulation of body temperature, storage of nutrients and various aspects of motivation and emotions


Forms a border around brain stem and is involved in survival behaviors

Limbic system

Involved in regulating body movement attention sleep and alertness


Outer layer of brain from Latin word for bark

Cerebral cortex

Structure that connects the two hemispheres of the brain

Corpus callosum

Relay station for sensory stimulation including sight and hearing


Makes possible learning of complex information and abstract thinking


Where information is shaped into something meaningful provides core of working memory

Association area

Opening in the colored part of the eye


Bony tube in the inner ear that contains fluids and neurons


Illusion of movement produced by a rapid progression of images

Stroboscopic motion

Sensitive surface of the eye that acts likes the flim in a camera


Nerve that sends information about odors to the brain

Olfactory nerve

Minimum amount of difference that can be detected between two stimuli

Difference threshold

Neuron sensitive to light


Perceptual preference for seeing smooth continuous patterns


Weakest amount of a stimulus that can be sensed

Absolute threshold

Tendency to perceive a whole figure even when there are gaps in sensory input


Requires two eyes to be seen

Binocular cue

Process by which we become more sensitive to weak stimuli and less sensitive to unchanging stimuli

Sensory adaptation

Restricts the passage of competing messages to the brain

Gate theory

Tells people about the motion and position of their body


Reflects learning expectations and attuides


Transmits neural impulses from the cochlea to the brain

Auditory nerve

Takes in account the setting a person's physical state mood and attuides

Single detection theory

Tendency to perceive objects as keeping their color even of changing lights alter appearance of their color

Color constancy

Enables people to keep their balance

Vestibular sense

Usually cause by damage to the inner ear

Sensorineural deafness

Being aware of sights sounds and smells in the environment

Sensory awareness

Ideas that are not available to awareness under most circumstances


Refers to biological functions that are never in awareness


Concept or model of something cannot be seen or touched


Common altered state of consciousness experienced by most daily


Ideas that are not in awareness but can be recalled


Strategies use to push painful or unacceptable ideas out of consciousness

Defense mechanism

Awareness of things both inside and outside ourselves


State in which a person's sense of self changes

Sense of self

awareness of emotions thoughts memories and images

Direct inner awareness

Release the hormone adrenaline and cause heart rate to go up


Club drug that produces hallucinations increased energy and impaired judgement


Type of depressant used to relieve pain


Craving for a drug that develops after taking it awhile




False idea seems real


Can cause serve long term health effects including gum diseases and tooth decay


Can be a long term effects of LSD


Drug produced from the cannabis saliva plant


Perception of an object or a sound that seems real but isn't


Form of classical conditioning in which food comes to be avoided

Taste aversion

Act of responding in the same way to a stimuli that seems familiar


Method of overcoming dears by pairing a pleasing stimulus with a fear one


Methods that involves relaxation and gradual exposure to a feared stimuli

Systematic desensitization

Form of learning based on consequences of actions

Operant conditioning

When a conditioned response stops occurring


Stimulus cause automatic response

Unconditioned responsed

Stimulus that encourages a behavior by meeting a m organisms biological needs

Primary reinforcement

Act of responding differently to stimuli that are no similar


Revival of an extinguished responsed

Spontaneous recovery

Increase the frequency of the behavior that follows when they are removed

Negative reinforces

Intervals schedules and ratio schedules are example of this

Partial reinforcement

When this chores the timing of the next reinforcement is unpredictable

Interval schedule

Learning in which each step of a sequence is learned and leads to the next


Learning that is hidden until needed

Latent learning

Trying to learn all at once

Massed learning

Form of behavior modification thay pays people to act correctly

Token economy

Modeling is a form of this learning

Observational learning

Type of learning that is spread out

Distributed learning

Behavior modification in which a person sets goals and creates a system of rewards to encourage them the desired behavior

Personal contact

Expression of psychological distress through physical symptoms


Psychological disorder characterized by loss of contact with reality


Unrealistic preoccupation the fear that one has a serious diseases


Mood disorder involving a cycle of mood changing


Coma like state

Catatonic stupor

Anxiety disorder involving a persistent or irrational fear


Clusters of symptoms that are recognizable I'm some culture

Culture bound syndromes

Separation of personality traits or mental process from conscious though


Intense persistent feeling of anxiety cause by traumatic accident


Dissociated disorder involving feelings of detachment from self


Symptoms include deep fear of people and odd behaviors


Lack insterst in relationships with others


Fear of doing or saying something foolish


Self mutilation


Suspicion and distrust of others


Preoccupation with fantasies of personal success


Inflexibility and fixation on rules

Obsessive compulsive

Disregard for and violation of others
