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67 Cards in this Set

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True or False

The central nervous system includes the brain, spinal cord, and autonomic nerves
True or False

The meninges are protective coverings, continuious around the brain & spinal cord
True or False

For most people, the speech center is found in the left hemisphere
True or False

The four large, fluid-filled spaces in the brain are called ventricles
True or False

Each spinal nerve attaches to the spinal cord by means of 2 short roots--a ventral root and a dorsal root
The part of the brain that can directly influence or inhibit the relase of hormones from the pitutiary is the:
a. hypothalamus
b. thalamus
c. medulla
a. hypothalamus
Which of the following is a correct statement?
a. There are 7 cervical nerve pairs
b. there are 11 thoracic nerve pairs
c. there are 5 lumbar nerve pairs
d. all of the above are correct statements
c. there are 5 lumbar nerve pairs
The spinal ganglion can be found on the:
a. dorsal nerve root of the spinal nerve
b. dorsal ramus of the spinal nerve
c. ventral nerve root of the spinal nerve
d. ventral ramus of the spinal nerve
a. dorsal nerve root of the spinal nerve
The innnermost layer of the meninges is the:
a. pia mater
b. arachnoid membrane
c. dura mater
a. pia mater
There are __ pairs of spinal nerves
There are __ pairs of cervial nerves
There are __ pairs of thoracic nerves
There are __ pairs of lumbar nerves
There are __ pairs of sacral nerves
There is __ pair of coccygeal nerves
The ventral (anterior) root of a spinal nerve includes ____ fibers
a. sensory
b. motor
b. motor
The dorsal (posterior) root of a spinal nerve includes _____ fibers
a. sensory
b. motor
a. sensory
After each spinal nerve emerges from the spinal cavity it forms several large branches called ______
spinal nerve rami
autonomic motor fibers from the _______ ramus, heading toward a ganglion of the symphatic division
In the _______ ramus, somatic motor & sensory fibers to several smaller nerves, these smaller nerves innervate the muscles and ski of the posterior surface of head, neck, & trunk
The _______ ramus is a combination of the ventral and dorsal into a ______ ramus which extends to the extremeties
The ventral rami of most spinal nerves (except T1-T12) subdivide to form complex networks called a ____. (braided network of several different rami
5 kinds of plexus are:
cervical, brachial, lumbar, sacral, coccygeal
____ plexus: C1-C4 plus part of C5 & cranial nerves XI & XII (major nerve pherenic nerve, innervates the diaphram)
______ plexus, C5-T1 (innervates lower shoulder and all of arm)
____ plexus, L1-L4 and innervates thigh and leg
____ plexus, L5-S4, innervates thigh and leg
_____ plexus, S5 & part of S4 with the coccygeal nerve, (innervates the floor of the pelvic cavity)
each skin surface area supplied by senory fibers of a given spinal nerve is called a _______ (dorsal root)
a skeletal muscle or group of muscles that receives motor axons from a given spinal nerve (ventral root)
3 types of axons in a cranial nerve
sensory, motor, mixed
CN I: sence of smell
olfactory nerve
CN II: vision, enters the skull at the optic foramen
optic nerve
CN III: eye movements, regulation of size of pupil, (near vision), enters the skull via the superior orbital fissure
Oculomotor nerve
CN IV: eye movements (enters at the superior orbital fissure)
Trochlear nerve
CN V: sensations of head and face, chewing, teeth, movements, (enters via the foramen ovale)
Trigeminal nerve
CN VI: abduction of the eye
abducens nerve
CN VII: taste buds on anterior 2/3 of tongue. facial expresssions, secretion of saliva & tears
facial nerve
CN VIII: balance, hearing
vestibulocochlear nerve
CN IX: taste buds of posterior 1/3 of tongue, swallowing, secretion of saliva, aid in B.P. & respiration
glossopharyngeal nerve
CN X: voice production
vagus nerve
CN XI: trapezius & sternocleidomastoid
Accessory nerve
CN XII: tongue muscles
hypoglossal nerve
layers of the meninges of the brain & spinal cord (superficial to deep)
dura mater, arachnoid membrane, pia mater
projects downward into the longitidual fissure to for a kind of partition between the two cerebral hemispheres
falx cerebri
dura mater: seperates the halves of the cerebellum
falx cerebelli
dura mater: seperates the cerebellum from the cerebrum
tentorium cerebelli
thin, web-like inner layer of the meninges
arachnoid mater
transparent meninge layer attached to the brain & spinal cord
pia mater
space immediately outside the dura mater but inside the bony coverings of the brain & spinal cord
epidural space
space under the dura, between the dura and the mater
subdural space
space under the arachnoid and outside the pia mater (contains significant amount of cerebrospinal fluid)
subarachnoid space
In this plexus fluid & blood become seperated (they are capallaries that project from the pia mater into the lateral ventricles)
choroid plexus
clear, make 1/2 liter per day, forms from blood plasma, regulates Ca+ & K ions in the CNS and takes waste to the blood, shock absorber, delivers nutrients to NS cells
cerebrospinal fluid
Gets sensory info from muscles, skin, & viscera enters the _____ via the dorsal roots and synapse in the spinal gray mater
spinal cord
ventral roots carry info out of the spinal cord (motor) (what kind of tract)
decending tracts
dura mater: seperates the halves of the cerebellum
falx cerebelli
dura mater: seperates the cerebellum from the cerebrum
tentorium cerebelli
thin, web-like inner layer of the meninges
arachnoid mater
transparent meninge layer attached to the brain & spinal cord
pia mater
space immediately outside the dura mater but inside the bony coverings of the brain & spinal cord
epidural space
space under the dura, between the dura and the mater
subdural space
space under the arachnoid and outside the pia mater (contains significant amount of cerebrospinal fluid)
subarachnoid space
In this plexus fluid & blood become seperated (they are capallaries that project from the pia mater into the lateral ventricles)
choroid plexus
clear, make 1/2 liter per day, forms from blood plasma, regulates Ca+ & K ions in the CNS and takes waste to the blood, shock absorber, delivers nutrients to NS cells
cerebrospinal fluid
Gets sensory info from muscles, skin, & viscera enters the _____ via the dorsal roots and synapse in the spinal gray mater
spinal cord
ventral roots carry info out of the spinal cord (motor) (what kind of tract)
decending tracts