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13 Cards in this Set

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Disease control priorities in developing countries
-need to be more efficient with money/make more cost effective treatments.
-spread of new knowledge
Tobacco use
Risk factors heart attack/stroke
OPPONG & HAROLD "disease,ecology, & environment"
explanation for uneven geographic distrub. of diseases.
-environment (i.e. mosquitos)
-behavior (i.e. vietnam highland)
-Social class
~vulnerable ppl live in vulnerable places
OMRAN "The Epidemiologic Transition"
-the transition from majority of deaths being infectious to chronic disease.
-provides more precise explanations for decline in mortality rates associated w/DTT
-3 models
--classical(england & wales)
--accelerated (japan)
--contemporary or delayed (chile and ceylon)
-disease control programs=fertility transition & socioeconomic development.
UNAIDS "Getting to Zero"
-15 million living with HIV
-25+ ppl who died from TB had HIV
-epidemics=gay men, drug use, sex workers.
-change HIV from prevalence to incidence
-Relieve ppl of their fears that keep them from getting treated.
CRADDOCK "The politics of HIV/AIDS in Africa"
-critique of West response AIDS in Africa
-ABC (abstinence,be faithful, condoms)
-Pres. Emerg. Plan 4 AIDS relief
---local context
---Significant/not high-risk pops.
---drug use
---Sex work
-access to Antiretroviral drugs
AIDS in Africa
--Could worsen gov/poverty
--Imporper Sexual norms
Epstein and Ferber (1-4)
-greenhouse effect
-focus on chronic disease while infect diseases HIV/AIDS, TB and ebola are ermerging.
-venn diagram emphasizes combo of factors.
--reemerging & emerging infect diseas
--climate change
-cholera-climate change->warm water->infect disease
-climate change & health
--dengue fever (mosquito)
--lyme (more moist for ticks)
--allergies(higher CO2)
--dust (africa)
--heat (europe)
Epstein and Ferber (5-9)
-el nino, hurricanes
- oyster filter water, no longer can filter chesapeake bay.
-el nino & malaria
-sea level
-pine bettle, less cold weather
-forest fires
1. Food is Necessary
2. the passion between sexes is necessary and will remain.
-power of pop>earth subsistence for man
SMIL "enriching the Earth"
-nitrogen fertilizer (haber-bosch)
-40% of global pop for survival
1950=95% of nitrogen fert. by North Amr, Japan, europe
1989= equal use of nitro fert by devlpd & devlping cntrys.
RUNGE & SENAUER "how biofuels could starve the poor"
-all of us corn=12% of U.S. gas use
-ethanol effects farmers profit as well as the price of food. still has enviornmental concerns
GRANTHAM "time to wake up"
-depletion of hydrocarbons, metals, & fert, land and water.
-deforestation-insufficient supply of wood.
-diminishing returns
-increase in market commodities.
-poor contries will suffer the most.
TREBILCOCK AND SUDAK "the political economy of emigration and immigration"
-surplus of high and low skilled immigrant workers.
-immigration should be more free market, more free and efficent mix.
EDWARD M EAST "pop pressure and immigration
-incease the average intelligence of the pop.
-intelligent births>unintelligent births
-forbid immigration of unintelligent
-post 1860, people immigrate to u.s. in search of easy riches.
-restrict immigration to 3%, reduce quotas, intelligence testing.