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48 Cards in this Set

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______ was the young Venetian trader that traveled by caravan on the ______ with his father and uncle, arriving at the Mongol count in ______.

Marco Polo; Silk Roads; 1275

______ was the communist leader that gained support from China's farmers as he attempted to establish his own ______ government in China.

Mao Dezong: communist

Confucius taught that relationships are bases on ______.


Confucius was famous for his sayings and ______. These teachings are gathered in a book called the ______.

Proverbs; Analects

In 1979, the ______ was enacted in China as a way to limit the growth of the Chinese ______.

One Child Policy; population

In Buddhism freedom from suffering is possible by practicing the ______.

Eightfold Path

In Japan a shogun us another name for a ______.

Military ruler

In the 1800s, Japan and Europe both moved onto the Korean peninsula and adopted a dipomacy based on military force known as ______.

Gunboat Diplomacy

In the 1890s, ______ and Japan claimed large areas of China in which they had exclusive ______ rights. These areas of control are know as ______.

Europe; trading; Spheres of Influence

Japan is made up of a series of islands, or island chains known as ______, that were created through ______ and ______ activity over millions of years.

Archipelago; tectonic; volcanic

The ______ is the frequent earthquake and ______ zone that is home to an arc of islands east of China, and the meeting place of the Pacific, Philippine, and ______ tectonic plates.

Ring of Fire; volcanic eruptions; Eurasion

The _____, which is located in China, is ______ longest river.

Chang Jiang; Asia's

The ______ is located in southern Mongolia and north-central China and covers 500,000 square miles of land.

Gobi Desert

The ______ is East Asia's highest plateau at about 15,000 feet.

Plateau of Tibet

The Buddhist aim to end world suffering is known as ______.


The form of Japanese poetry that consists of 3 lined in 17 syllable combinations is known as a ______.


Two atomic bombs were detonated on the Japanese cities of ______ and ______ in August of 1945.

Heroshima; Nagasaki

______ is the fetile soil which is blown by the winds from deserts to the west and north and deposited by the Yellow River.


Animal bones and tortoise shells on which priests had scratched questions for the gods are known as ______.

Oracle bones

A just ruler that has divine approval to lead is said to have the ______.

Mandate of Heaven

The ______ is the pattern of rise, decline, and replacement of dynasties.

Dynastic Cycle

______ is a political system in which nobels, or lords, are granted the use of lands that legally belong to the king.


______ is the largest island country in Southeast Asia.


______ is the most densely populated nation in mainland Southeast Asia.


Angkor Wat was designed to resemble the home of the ______ gods.


In Southeast Asia many cities, known as ______ have emerged. These cities serve as the country's ______ economic center, and its ______.

Primate cities; (major) port; capital

Mainland Southeast Asia is home to a number of rivers, and one of these rivers, the ______ forms the border between Thailand and Laos.

Mekong River

Many people in Southeast Asia are moving to cities in hopes of finding better ______, leaving ______ conflict, and finding better ______ opportunities.

Education; political; job

The ______ in Southeast Asia is best known for its architecture, specifically Angkor Wat, an ______ yesr old temple in the region.

Khmer; 800

The collusion of the Eurasian, ______ and Indo-Australian tectonic plates millions of years ago created upheavals which formed ______ mountain ranges and ______ known as ______.

Philippine; parallel; plateaus; cordilleras

The majority of people in the Philippines practice ______.


The world's largest Islamic country is ______.


While nearly all the world's religions are practiced in Southeast Asia the most predominant is ______.


______ was the reform policy of economic restructuring introduced in the Soviet Union in the 1980s that helped lead to the collapse of the ______.

Perestroika; Soviet Union

______ was the reform policy that called for greater ______ openness in the Soviet Union and was introduced in the country in the 1980s.

Glasnost; political

During the Soviet era the government limited individual artistic expression as the government believed it was the artist's job to glorify the ______ achievements and thus what was created was a type of art known as ______.

Government's; socialist realism

In 1547, Ivan's great grandson Ivan IV, became Russia's first crowned czar, which means ______.

Supreme ruler

In 1891, under Czar Alexander III, Russia expanded into ______ and also saw the construction of the ______ a public works project which connected Moscow to Vladivostok and helped open the Russia interior to settlement.

Siberia; Trans-Siberian Railroad

In 1917, ______, led by ______ seized control of the Russian government.

Bolsheviks; Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

**In 1917, World War 1 brought ______ and soldiers into the streets demanding "bread and freedom." These events forced ______ to abdicate his throne as well as led to his death, and the death of his family, while also signaling the start of ______ Russia.

Workers; Czar Nicholas (III); communist (maybe Soviet)

In 1949, most nations in Eastern Europe had become nations that were controlled by the Soviet Union; these nations were referred to as ______.

Satellite states

In 1985, ______, a reform minded official, assumed power in the Soviet Union.

Mikhail Gorbachev

In the 800s C.E. ______ warriors settled among the Slavs of Russia and in response Slav communities were organized into city-states known as ______.

Scandinavian; Keirvan Rus

In the Soviet Union the government discouraged ______ practices and promoted a belief that there is no god, a belief known as ______.

Religious; atheism

Jews have long been persecuted in Russia as in Russia's past they were often targets of organized ______, massacres, and general anti-Jewish riots which were known as ______.

Persecution; pograms

The ______ believed in communism, a philosophy that was largely based on the works of the German philosopher ______.

Bolsheviks; Karl Marx

**The ______ mountains form the boundary between European Russia and Asian Russia and average a height of ______ feet while also being rich in iron and ______ fuels.

Ural; 2,700 (or 2,000); mineral

The policy withing Russia, known as ______ encouraged people to speak Russian and follow Eastern Orthodox Christianity.
