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104 Cards in this Set

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Exchange List , and how is it used?
Assorts foods into three main groups by their proportions of CHO, PRO, and fat. Makes it easy to control both the amount and type of fat in a diet.
My plate, and how is it used?
Makes smart choices from every food group- finds balance between food and physical activity, stays with daily calorie need, and gets the most nutrient out of calories.
USDA food patters, and how is it used?
Helps carry out dietary guided recommendations and how much or how little you should have for each food group.
Dash diet, and how is it used?
Plan to being a low salt and sodium plan. Reduced blood pressure. Aids with weight loss. Primarily used for people with diabetes or heart conditions.
Leading causes of death with nutrition etiologies?
Heart disease. Cancer. Diabetes 2 . Kidney disease. Liver disease
What are RDA's based upon?
Scientific knowledge
Nutrients which are sources of kcal's/energy?
Carbs. Protein . and fat.
Body fat distribution shaped and associated risk ?
"Apple shape"- upper body fat. Most common with increased risk for pre diabetes, diabetes type 2, metabolic syndrome, and some cancers
Reasons why water imbalance become upset?
dehyrdation and water intoxication
Healthiest Fats ?
Peanut butter. Canola oil. Olive oil. Avocados . Sesame oil.
Common deficiencies in lactaste intolerant patients?
Calcium and Vitamin D.
Calories to lose weight?
3500 calories = 1 pound
Alcohol recommendation in pregnancy?
Do NOT drink
What affects your kcal needs and BMR?
your age, sex, metabolism,activity level, your body shape
Safety of weightless medications and who should use them?
Doctors will only prescribe them if you have a BMI of 30 or higher or if its 27 and you may have a conditions related to your weight like high blood pressure or type 2 diabetes.
Factors effecting fat cell number and size?
LPL( lipoprotein lipase), overeating, and inactivity.
Fructose containing drinks cause weight by. Sources of high fructose corn syrup?
Because it's full of sugar and calories. Sodas and fruit punch,cereal, condiments, yogurts.
What fats should you decrease? What are sources of saturated fat?
Saturated and Trans fat. Sources=red meat. whole milk products
Which 3 vitamins are antioxidants?
Vitamins A, C, and E.
Behavior modifications techniques to lose weight?
include low cal foods at each meal, eat only at the table, use smaller plates, bowels and glasses.
Risk of mortality for overweight and underweight?
Yes. Overweight =heart disease, stroke, cancer.
Underweight=cardiovascular disease.
The bodies preferred source of energy?
Best sources of iodine?
Iodized salt, seafood, bread, dairy products, plants grown in iodine rich soil
Purpose of irradiation
To sterilize and protect food under certain conditions of time and temperature
Heavy metals of concern in food and water?
mercury, cadmium, and lead
Safe food refrigeration temperatures?
35 to 40 degrees f
Safe handling methods for food prep and storage to prevent food poisoning
Do not cross contaminate, cutting boards and knives must be washed with soap or bleach for at least 20 seconds, refrigerate perishable foods within 2 hours, cook or freeze fresh poultry within 2 days
Vitamins/minerals needed for bone health?
Calcium, magnesium, trace minerals, and vitamins c, d, and k.
Minerals regulating water balance ? Mineral most often in toxic amount causing hypertension?
Sodium and chloride. Sodium is the mineral most often to cause hypertension in toxic amount.
safety of bottled water vs. tap water
Tap water is protected by the EPA, they make sure the water meets minim standards for protecting the public healthy. Bottled water is regulated by the FDA . Sometimes bottled waters won't always be purer than the ones from tap .
Substances found in foods that can produce illness?
Salmonella- undercooked poultry
Hepatitis- undercooked or raw shellfish
Giordiasis- contaminated water
Botulism- deadly toxin in improperly canned foods
Incidence of food borne outbreaks and the market place
A fast food restaurant in seattle served burgers tainted with the infectious organism ecoli, causing illness in some 500 patrons and at least one childs death.. The meat had been improperly handled at the slaughter house and undercooked at the restaurant
Food grading, inspection, and safety?
Keep hot foods hot, keep cold foods cold, and keep a clean and safe kithcen
What is GRAS?
"Generally recognized as safe " list. Food additives that have long been in used and were believed safe. EX: salt, sugar, caffeine , herbs
What is the Delaney cause?
An act that states that no substance that is known to cause cancer in animals or human beings at any dose level shall be added to foods
What info should be collected on a weight loss client?
Healthy history, their weight loss goals, what kinds of food they do and don't eat, how they normally eat, if they have any allergic reactions or are lactose intolerant, if they workout, what their eating schedule is like, if their current diets include the 5 major food groups
Types of vegiterraen diets?
Mediterranean and vegan
Common deficiencies in vegeterian diets?
Iron, zinc, vitamin b12, and vitamin D
Heathy eating recommendations for americans?
-Fat free and low fat dairy products , and seafood. consume less food with sodium
-Balance calories with physical activity to manage weight
-Consume more of certain foods and nutrients such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains
B vitamin deficiency that causes birth defects?
Vitamin b12
Ways to preserve vitamins in cooking and storing?
-Less time, less heat, less water. Steam vegetables
-Keep the lid on
-Reuse water - it has vitamins in it
-Eat raw/fresh
Common eating disorders?
Anorexia nervosa -self starvation
Bulimia- Recurrent bing and purge cycle
How to access a diet as a healthy choice?
- A balanced assortment of vitamins and minerals from a variety of foods from each of the food groups-
-a reasonable amount of calories( no less than 1200 )
-enough, but not too much, protein
- enough fat (20-30 percent of daily energy intake from fat)
Foods high in sodium
Potato ships, pretzels, salted popcorn, crackers, salted nuts, cheeses, salty or smoked fish/smoked meats, canned food, large amounts of processed foods
Best sources of fiber?
Fruits, legumes, whole grains, and vegetables
Food component which passes through the GI tract mostly undigested and unabsorbed?
Whats the recommended percentage of calories which should come form carbs per day?
45 to 65 percent
Trans fat are similar to which types of fats?
Saturated fats
Are all artificial sweeteners calorie free?
Health benefits of vegetarian diets?
Can reduce the risks of several chronic diseases including obesity, high blood pressure, heart disease,and cancer.
Do vegetable proteins contain all 9 essential amino acids?
List 2 excellent vegetable protein sources
Protein bars and protein shakes
Recommendation for trans fat in the diet?
As little as possible
Diabetes mellitus type 2 is caused by ?
Insulin resistance
List 2 things which should be included in the treatment for diabetes type 2 ?
Exercise/ weight loss and carb/calorie control
Name sugars.
Molasses, lactose, high fructose corn syrup, fructose, sucrose, juice concentrate
List 2 functions of protein in the body
gives energy the body needs and helps and forms muscles to the bones and skin
Do we have bacteria living in the large intestine?
What type of cholesterol is associated with the risk for heart disease?
LDL cholestrol
List guidelines to evaluate if a diet is healthy choice?
If it has an adequate amount of carbs, calories, fat, nutrients. and if it used the major food groups
Who does not need increases protein needs?
Pregnant women.
List 2 health advantages of a vegetarian diet?
Good sources of nutrients and antioxidants
Vegetables are healthy and will make you look and feel better
Is energy the primary function in the body?
Proteins are denatured in the body ....
in the stomach by pepsin which contains hydrochloric acid
When calories are adequate , can weight gain occur with a high protein intake?
Is protein defiency common in the US?
Explain why excess protein breakdown can produce health problems?
Too much protein can cause kidney problems and kidney damage- can lead to keotis too if not much water intake is taken place
Which diet plan group foods into groups by energy sources such as PRO, Cho, and fats?
Diabetic exchange list
Which diet plan group foods into groups by similar nutrients contained?
USDA food patterns
Does a structure function claim must submit proof of the claim and be FDA approved?
What are the 6 dietary principles?
Variety, moderation, balance, adequacy, kcal control, nutrient density
The recommended dietary allowances are set for the needs of?
97 TO 98 % of healthy americans
The 5 leading causes of death in the US with nutrition etiologies reflect?
Diseases of over nutrition
Whats the nutrient found in the largest amount in th ebody?
Can the number of fat cells be decreases with weight loss?
What are 2 risk factors in addition a vmi of 25 or more which are considered when assessing if a client is at a healthy risk because of their weight and need to lose weight?
-If the waist circumference is 35 inches or more for women; 40 inches or more for men
-if they have diabetes, ldl, high blood pressure
What are 2 possible side effects of weight loss surgery?
Regaining weight back. not being able to intake or digest food properly again. you'll get cramps and stomach aches.
List 4 different types of weight loss methods ?
fat diets, diets that are low in carb and high in protein, water pill diet, laxative diet methods
Will a small amount of high fats provide satiety so that one will not be hungry again before the next meal?
True or false. Fructose and artificial sweeteners stimulate appetite and increase food intake?
What is the most satiating of the energy nutrients?
What burns the most calories?
Basal metabolism
Is healthy body weight the best way to access weight status for everyone, why?
No because if you're an athlete or body builder than you most likely will not fall underneath the "hbw"
Being underweight is a greater risk for?
What is the least healthy place to store fat tissue and why?
Around the abdominal . Higher risk for obesity, type 2 diabetes
List 2 health risks associated with being overweight
Type 2 diabetes and heart disease
Nutrients absorbed into the blood stream from the small intestine go to the _________ first?
Whats one health benefit of bacteria living in the intestinal tract
Its good to have some bacteria in your system to clear out the intestinal tract
What part of the intestine where water and electrolytes are reabsorbed by the body?
Large intestine or colon
True or false. Probiotic foods contain microorganisms which can change conditions and bacterial colonies in the GI tract to benefit health?
What is celiac disease? Symptoms? Cause? Treament? Impacts health?
Where you can eat foods but not get the nutrients from it. Symptoms- allergic reaction /swell up from wheat products.
Cause- No known cause.
Treatment- No treatment except to eat gluten free foods and watch your diet/eating habits
Impacts health- You have to get your nutrients from other sources other than wheat
What is the energy cycle to produce aerobic energy for the body ?
TCA/krebs cycle/ citric acid cycle
Fats are more capable of producing fat stores because?
They are chemically complicated
Whats the percentage of fat molecule which is able to produce glucose?
3-5 percent
True or false. All amino acids can make glucose
Whats a coenzyme for energy production?
b vitamins. glucose
Is the body response to a low carb / high protein diet similar to fasting and starvation?
List 2 factors that affect alcohol absorption?
How much food you consumed that day and your weight and body build.
Name 4 health consequences of alcohol consumption?
liver disease. heart disease. cancer. pancreatitis
Do plant sterols lower ldl or raise hdl cholesterol?
What is associated with a higher risk for heart disease?
What are two foods high in saturated fats?
Red meats and pork/beef
List 4 health risks associated with a high dietary fat diet?
diabetes, liver disease, weight gain, and obesity
What are 2 health problems associated with high sugar consumption ?
Pre-diabetic or become diabetic. weight gain/obesity