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85 Cards in this Set

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Assessment findings in SAM in a child from a 3rd world country

Sunken eyes, distended belly, no tears, protruding shoulder blades, visible ribs, irritability, loss of subcutaneous fat tissue and skeletal muscle.

Kcal energy per gram of carbs

1 carb= 4kcal of energy

Kcal of energy per gram of protein

1g protein = 4kcal energy

Kcal of fat

1g fat = 9kcal energy

What could cause chemical contamination in food-borne illness

Pesticides, toxic chemicals

Optimal tissue healing rewrites what type of nitrogen balance

Intake of nitrogen being greater than the output of northern leaving the body

Does touch therapy always involve touching

Not always

Differences between holistic Healthcare and allopathic medicine

Holistic focuses on the person as a whole. Allopathic treats the disease.

Understand the definition of stress

Eustress is good stress (happiness) distress is bad stress.

Define holistic health care

Taking care of the person as a whole. Mind and body.

Most autonomous form of health insurance


Erikson's stage of development: infancy

Trust vs. Mistrust

Erikson's stage of development: toddler

Autonomy vs. Shame and doubt

Erikson's stage of development : preschool

Initiative vs. Guilt

Erikson's stage of development : school age

Industry vs. Inferiority

Erikson's stage of development : adolescence

Identity vs. Role confusion

Erikson's stage of development : young adult

Intimacy vs. Isolation

Erikson's stage of development : middle age

Generativity vs. Stagnation

Erikson's stage of development : older adult

Ego integrity vs. Despair

Interventions with sleep disturbances

Finding whether it's stress related or a medical issue. Suggest pt. To keep a sleep diary, have a regular sleep/wake cycle, make dietary changes. If sleep apnea is suspected further tests may be done.

Exercise for osteoarthritis of the knees

Aquatic exercises

Possible reaction to aroma therapy

Allergic reactions

Benefits of exercise

Improves quality of life, improves mood and sense of well being, improves flexibility, build muscle strength, increases endurance, increases efficiency in the heart, increases bone density, weight reduction, decrease risk of stroke, decrease risk of heart disease, decrease risk of diabetes.

What can occur as a result of health disparities

Longevity and quality of life can be affected

Effective preventative measure for bike riders and motorcyclists

Be alert, wear helmets.

Difference between acupuncture and acupressure

Acupuncture manipulates life energy chi by stimulating precisely mapped points using needles. Acupressure stimulates median points using hand pressure, no needles

Interactions of vitamin k/ vitamin e/ Coumadin

High doses of vitamin e can interfere with vitamin k action which can then enhance the the effect of Coumadin. It's suggested to discontinue vitamin supplements 1 week before and 1 week after surgery.

Different types of incontinence

Stress, urge, overflow, and functional

What is functional incontinence

A form of incontinence where the pertain is usually aware of the need to urinate but for one or more physical or mental reasons they are unable to get to a bathroom. Lots of urine may vary from small leakage to full emptying of the bladder.

Music therapy

Users music or sound to change behaviors, emotions, physiological processes, influences limbic system of the brain. Various types of music can be used.

Would yoga be recommended for a person with rheumatoid arthritis

No. Strength exercises and Tae chi

Is any amount of stress good

Eustress is good stress.

What is good stress

Eustress which is motivating energy such as happiness, hopefulness, and purposeful movement

Dietary recommendations for a type 1 diabetic

Determine an appropriate, tailored meal plan. Decide daily energy needs based on body weight goals ( weight loss, weight maintenance, weight gain) and based off the pts energy needs determine the appropriate number of choices from the food groups using my plate

Who has greatest risk of a hip fracture secondary to osteoporosis

Thin, post menopausal women.

What aspects should be included in an exercise prescription for a person

Age, physical health, weight, illnesses.

Normal physical findings on 14 yr old girl

Breast buds, acne, growth spurt

Relaxation response

Are techniques that oppose stress response by reducing sympathetic arousal.

Safe information to provide someone regarding tanning

Use sun block, avoid taking 2 hours before and after noon, apply sun block 15-30 minutes before being expressed, reapply sin block if exercising or swimming.

Sandwich generation

Middle aged adults 35-65

What's true about ethnic minorities in the us

Emerging populations are made up if ethnic minorities, less access to Healthcare, receive lower quality Healthcare, higher rates of illness, injury and premature death.

Nutrition and the older adult

Older adults are at higher risk for malnutrition. Problems with accessing food are compounded by the effect of normal aging. Decline in gastrointestinal organ function can lead to changes in the absorption and elimination of nutrients. Deterioration of smell, taste and sight, high frequency of swallowing and dental issues, side effects of medication and cultural food preferences.

Maximum heart rate for individual


Physiological responses to stress

Increased respiratory rate, increased mental activity, bronchial dilator, increased glucose, increased fatty acids, increased blood flow to lower extremities, increased heart rate, dilated pupils, increased cardiac output, increased arterial blood pressure. Flight or fight response. Sympathetic nervous system.

What would be stressed during diabetic education

Dietary changes and exercise

What is naturopathy

Emphasizes healthy lifestyle, strengthening the body, cleansing of the body, and noninvasive treatments.

What is homeopathy

the treatment of disease using minute doses of natural substances that in healthy people would produce signs of disease

Intervention with a minor that has been recently diagnosed with an STI and the parents.

Tell the minor to tell the parents, or you'll have to because they are their legal guardians. Be present as a support system and answer any questions they may have regarding the diagnosis.

Characteristics of a person with metabolic syndrome.

Overweight, high lipid levels, hypertension, insulin resistance.

What is glaucoma and what would you expect a patient to experience with it?

Glaucoma is a condition due to the increase of ocular pressure that may cause permanent nerve damage. Patient will experience a loss of their peripheral vision. If the optic nerve is damaged it will not heal and may cause blindness.

What is aerobic activity?

Activity that uses large muscle groups in arepetitive, rhythmic fashion over an extended period to improve the efficiency of the oxidativeenergy-producing system and improve cardio respiratory endurance
Thetechnique of imagery promotes what in an individual?

Imagery is used to access the "inner pharmacy" of endorphin's to promote well being.

Generalnutrition health in regards to salt and sugar intake, fruits, vegetables, andmeats

Reduce sodium >2300mg a day. <1500 a day for adults 51 yrs of age or older, african americans, CKD, HTN, DM. <10 calories from saturated fats, <300 mg a day of cholesterol, limit or eliminate trans fatty acids, 1. Reduce intake of calories from solid fats and added sugars, Limitrefined grains, especially refined grains with solid fats, added sugar and sodium(essential all fast food),Alcohol in moderation; 1 drink/day for woman; 2drinks/day men. Increase Vegetable and fruit intake, ½ of all grains aswhole grains, Fat-free or low-fat milk and milk products, Protein foods such asseafood, lean meat, poultry, eggs, beans, peas, soy products, unsaltedseeds/nuts, Eat seafood in place of some meat and poultry, Use oils to replacesolid fats when possible, Foods with potassium, dietary fiber, calcium, vitaminD, Choose eating plan that meets nutrient needs over time at an appropriatecalorie level, Account for all food and beverages consumed, Follow food safetyguidelines to prevent food borne illness.

Livingin a college dorm poses what possible health risk to college students?

Meningococcal disease

Whatsymptoms would a person exhibit with salmonellosis?

abdominal cramping, severe diarrhea, vomiting and nausea

Whatsystem developed the ChooseMyPlate program?

It was first known as my pyramid and was created by the US department of agriculture.

Dietaryhabits to decrease the risk of developing cancer in the future would include?

High proportion of plant foods (2/3 plate), 5 or more servings of fruits and vegetables, breads/cereals/ grains provide fol-late, calcium and selenium, limited amounts of meat, dairy, high fat (1/3 plate) 3 oz. of meat, poultry, fish, balance caloric intake and physical activity, limit alcohol.

Whatis BMR?

The energy needed to sustain life while at rest. Such as breathing

Whatis the HPV vaccine and are there benefits in receiving it late?
The HPV vaccine is a vaccination that helpsprevent getting the 4 types of Humanpapillomavirus and is recommended for boys ages 11-12 and preteen girls whoideally have not been sexually active. Even if they were sexually active itwill still work but maybe not on all the strains if they were already exposedto one or more of them.
Whatis reflexology?
Deeply applied pressure to mapped points on feetand/or hands, Pressureapplied with thumbs deeply into the points to release tension and stimulatecirculation of blood. Lymph and energy, Pressure points correspond to organs ofthe body that will be stimulated by pressure.
Whatactions best indicate that learning has occurred in an individual?

Have the patient explain what you've taught them and if it was a task have them demonstrate it for you.

Whatis Turner syndrome?

Turner Syndrome is a genetic disorder that occurs in females. They are born with one X chromosome instead of 2. Assessment findings in someone with this disorder are short stature, webbed neck, low posterior hair line, low set ears, shield shaped chest with widely spaced nipples, lack of sexual development and menses. Learning disabilities are also common.

Whatare alternative/complementary therapies and are they used in the hospital andoutpatient settings?
Alternative/ complementary therapies includeyoga, touch therapies, energy therapies, aroma therapies, imagery, hypnosis,and other forms of alternative medicines. They are used by professionals insidea hospital and in outpatient settings.
Whatis the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)?

Food stamps for low income individuals.

Whatwould be the first action to take in order to deal with stress effectively?

Recognize stressors

Whatis the relaxation response and how can deep breathing help?

Relaxation response are techniques to oppose the stress response in the body by the sympathetic nervous system. Deep breathing helps because when someone is under stress they tend to hold their breath(causing tension) and by deep breathing it is harder to hold on to tension.

Whatis ChooseMyPlate?

Its healthy food guidelines that can be adopted by the public to maximize healthy eating habits and minimize chronic disease.

Whatare indispensable amino acids?

Indispensable amino acids are acids that cant be produced naturally by the body and must be part of a person's diet to obtain them.

Understandreferenced daily intake (RDI), daily reference value (DRV), and recommendeddaily allowance (RDA).

RDA- minimum nutrient requirements that protect against nutrient deficiency

RDI- The daily recommended nutrient intake that was considered sufficient to meet the requirements of 97-98% of healthy individuals.

DRV- Set of numerical quantities for dietary intake of energy containing macronutrients. (Carbs, fiber, cholesterol)

Whatis Klinefelter syndrome?

Occurs in males. Genetic disorder that causes the males to have an extra X chromosome. Assessment: Tall, thin, do not develop secondary sexual characteristics, and often have gynecomastia.

Describea nurse who is “being with” the patient.
Being available in a situation withthe wholeness of one’s individual being
When considering kcal intake of food, whatwould be needed to gain/lose/maintain weight.

When kcal exceeds the persons energy demands the person gains weight. If kcal doesn't meet the energy demands the person loses weight.

Namesof diseases that cause death and are directly associated with diet.

Stroke, heart disease, diabetes, and some cancers.

Whowould have a modifiable, nutrition-related risk factor for stroke?

Obese people

Definitionof Clinical Model of health care

The absence of disease based on the presence of signs and symptoms.

BMIvalues and what they mean.

underweight: <18.5

normal weight: 18.5- 24.9

overweight: 25.0-29.9

obese: 30.0-39.9

Morbidly obese: > 40.0

Whatis Polarity Therapy?

the combination of energy work, caring intention, movement exercises, and dietary regimens aimed at clearing energy blockages and building health.

Whatis acupuncture and what can it be used for?
Manipulates life energy chi or qi by stimulating precisely mappedpoints ****on the skin surface (not subcutaneous or intramuscular) and it isused to treat substance abuse, nausea/vomiting, depression, insomnia, and pain.
Howcan energy flow become chaotic?

Illness, stress, any emotional/spiritual upset can affect life energy flow.

Inthe older adult what would the nurse be assessing for in regards to cognition?

Memory loss, language difficulty, impaired judgement/reasoning.

Importantnutrition considerations in the infant.

0-6 months they are breast-fed or formula fed

6-12 months they are being introduced to solid foods.

Appropriateexercise for 70-year-old woman with osteoporosis.

weight bearing exercises, aerobic exercises, and resistance exercises.

Advicefor the teen using acne medication and even after day 14 there is noimprovement.

At first the acne may seem worse but give it a few more days.

Whatis BMI used to determine?

measures weight corrected for height and serves as an alternative for height-weight relationships.

Whichfunctional health pattern would be altered if a woman has not received a Paptest in many years?

Health perception/health management pattern.