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35 Cards in this Set

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What are the details about Ephesus?
Commendation: Consistent good works and aggressive orthodoxy in doctrine
Criticism: Lack of love for Christ.
Promise: Eating from the tree of life (salvation)
What are the details about Smyrna?
Commendation: Faithfulness in persecution.
Promise: Crown of life (protection from spiritual death)
What are the details about Pergamos?
Commendation: Faithfulness in persecution
Rebuke: Toleration of immorality and idolatry
Promise: Eating of the hidden manna (picturing full satisfaction) and receiving a white stone (picturing victory over sin)
What are the details about Thyatira
Commendation: Increase in good works.
Rebuke: Toleration of false libertine teachers like Jezebel.
Promise: Ruling in Christ’s kingdom in glory.
What are the details about Sardis
Rebuke: Only a small remnant had not apostatized.
Promise: Clothed in white garments (picturing righteousness), their names retained in the book of life, and acknowledgement by Christ.
What are the details about Philadelphia?
Commendation: Faithfulness in persecution
Encouragement: Honor before enemies. Protection from the hour of trial, and retained crown.
Promise: Become a pillar in God’s temple (permanence), receive the name of God, His city, and Christ’s new name (possession by Christ).
What are the details about Laodicea?
Rebuke: For spiritual indifference.
Warning: Repent before chastisement.
Promise: Co-ruling with Christ on His throne.
Seven Spirits?
: Most likely a reference to the perfection of God the Holy Spirit, due to the Trinitarian salutation.
Seven Lampstands?
Representing the seven churches to whom the epistle was addressed, who brought the light of the gospel to the world; these also represent individual believers throughout the Church Age.
Seven Stars?
: Referring to the respective head elders at each of the seven churches, also representing all other present/future Christian elders
Seven Horns?
: Representing the omnipotence of the Holy Spirit over the earth as Christ’s active agent here
Seven Eyes?
Representing the omniscience of the Holy Spirit regarding the activities of the world
Keys of Death and Hell?
: Symbolizes Christ’s authority to 1) “give/take away life” 2) resurrect humans from the dead 3) defeat evil itself
Key and Root of David?
: this represent OT covenant authority, Heir to His throne and promises made under His covenant
24 Elders?
: OT saints, equivalent to the 24 courses of priests. OR NT Saints. OR: OT & NT saints, with a member from each of the 12 Israelite tribes and 12 apostles respectively. OR Angels.
Four Living Creatures?
: 1) lion representing power; 2) calf representing submission/sacrifice; 3) man representing wisdom; 4) eagle representing swiftness
The Scroll (ch 5)
The scroll probably represents the title deed to the earth, which Jesus alone was worthy to claim from the Father because of His sacrificial death
Four Horsemen?
White Horse:Picturing a pseudo world-peace; the rider probably pictures the antichrist RED: War. BLACK: Famine. PALE: Death.
144,000 Jewish evangelists on earth
Palm Branches?
Used to celebrate a victorious general returning from battle
: Meaning destroyer; a reference to Satan (vs. 1), or possibly to one of his chief demons
The falling star that poisons the fresh water.
The outer court John measured (ch. 11): ?
picturing God’s protection of His people during the last 3.5 years of the Tribulation
Two witnesses and Olive trees?
: Oil comes from olive trees to fuel light in lamps this light imagery represents their light as proclaimers of God’s truth.
Three Woes?
: First: Opening of the bottomless pit from whence-forth the scorpions come out to torment unbelievers for five months, and they can’t find death. Second: The interlude between the sixth and seventh trumpet. Third woe: we don’t know.
The woman (rev 12)
The Sun/Moon/Twelve Stars?
clothed with heaven’ glory (the sun) as God’s chosen people. The moon under her feet: ruling over creation, being “under her feet”. 12 stars on her crown twelve Israelite tribes.
The ten horns of the beast? (ch 12)
Ten kingdoms of the revived Roman empire which exist during the second half of the great tribulation.
The beast from the sea and the earth? (ch 13)
Most likely the antichrist Representing him coming from 1) the Gentiles; 2) out of the bottomless pit; 3) the masses of people
The first and second deaths and resurrections?
Physical death and spiritual death.
Main Themes?
a. Revelation of the glorified Christ. b. Exposure of false teachers c. Future victory of the saints: Encouragement to faithfulness during persecution.
Sub Themes?
Worship, and ministry of the angels.
The four keys of prophetic literature?
A. God’s judgement on the wicked.
B. God’s mercy to the penitent.
C. God’s faithfulness to the remnant.
D. God’s sovereignty over the nations (Dan. 4.17)
List two miracles which the false prophet performed to solicit worship and obedience to the Antichrist (Rev. 13:12-18).
1. Fire falling from heaven (13):
2. Animating the image of the beast
Be familiar with the four hermeneutical strategies for interpreting Revelation.
I. Preterist: events described all occurred in the first century.
II. Historicist: Event described are symbolic of the church age.
III. Idealist: Events described are purely symbolic of the historic struggle between good and evil.
IV. Futurist: Events described in chapters 6-22 will all occur after Christ’s second coming.