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100 Cards in this Set

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true or false: diffusion movement always occurs from areas of greater to areas of lesser concentration.


true or false: facilitated diffusion always requires a carrier protein


which vesicular transport process occurs primarily in some white blood cells and macrophages?


in which stage of mitosis do the identical sets of chromosomes uncoil and resume their chromatin form?


once solid material is phagocytized and taken into a vacuole, what happens?

a lysosome combines with the vacuole and digests the enclosed solid material

which of the following statements is correct regarding net diffusion?

a. the rate is independent of temperature

b. the greater the concentration, the faster the rate.

c. molecular weight of a substance does not affect the rate

d. the lower the temperature, the faster the rate

b. the greater the concentration gradient, the faster the rate

Mitosis _____.

is the division of the nucleus

which of the following is a function of a plasma membrane protein?

a. circulating antibodies

b. molecular transport through the membrane

c. forms a lipid bilayer

d. oxygen transport

b. molecular transport though the membrane

which of the following statements is correct regarding RNA?

a. messenger RNA, transfer RNA, and ribosomal RNA play a role in protein synthesis

b. if the base sequence of DNA is ATTGCA, the messenger RNA template will be UCCAGU

c. there is exactly one specific type of mRNA for each amino acid

d. rRNA is always attached to the rough ER

a. mRNA, tRNA, and rRNA play a role in protein synthesis

true or false: the shock-absorbing pads between the vertebrae are formed of fibrocartilage


true or false: the role of brown fat is to warm the body; whereas the role of white fat is to store nutrients


true or false: tendons and ligaments are composed mainly of dense irregular connective tissue.


true or false: macrophages are found in areolar and lymphatic tissues.


true or false: goblet cells are found within pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium.


true or false: the basic difference between dense irregular and dense regular connective tissues is in the amount of elastic fibers and adipose cells present.


true or false: a major characteristic of fibrocartilage is its unique amount of flexibility and elasticity.


true or false: cartilage tissue tends to heal less rapidly than bone tissue


true or false: intercalated discs and striations are found in skeletal muscle.


true or false: squamous cells are flattened and scale-like when mature


true or false: functions of connective tissues include binding, support, insulation, and protection.


true or false: blood is considered a type of connective tissue.


the reason that intervertebral discs exhibit a large amount of tensile strength , which allows them to absorb shock, is because they possess _____.

collagen fibers

which of the following would be of most importance to goblet cells and other glandular epithelium?

a. microvilli

b. golgi bodies

c. lysosomes

d. multiple nuclei

b. golgi bodies

the simple columnar epithelium that forms absorptive cells of the digestive tract have which characteristic?

dense microvilli

what is the single-celled layer of epithelium that forms the lining of serous membranes?

simple squamous

which statement best describes connective tissue?

a. usually contains a large amount of matrix

b. typically arranged in a single layer of cells

c. primarily concerned with secretion

d. usually lines a body cavity

a. usually contains a large amount of matrix

connective tissue matrix is composed of _____.

fibers and ground substance

the fiber type that gives connective tissue great tensile strength is _____.


groups of cells that are similar in structure and perform a common or related function form a(an) _____.


the shape of the external ear is maintained by _____.

elastic cartilage

edema occurs when _____.

areolar connective tissue soaks up excess fluid in an inflammed area

the first step in tissue repair involves _____.


what are the three main components of connective tissue?

collagen, elastin, and reticular fibers

select the correct statement regarding adipose tissue:

a. it is composed primarily of extracellular matrix

b. its primary function is nutrient storage

c. mature adipose cells are highly mitotic

d. most of cell volume is occupied by the nucleus

b. its primary function is nutrient storage

true or false: the fibula is the major weight-bearing bone of the leg


true or false: all of the bones of the skull, except the mandible, are united by sutures and are therefore immovable


true or false: the frontal bone articulates with the parietal bone by means of the sagittal suture.


true or false: the mastoid sinuses are located at a position in the skull where they are usually free from infections.


the vertebral column is held in place primarily by the anterior and posterior longitudinal ligaments


true or false: body weight is carried primarily by the talus and calcaneus


true or false: the layman's term for the scapula is the collarbone


true or false: the shallow socket of the shoulder joint restricts movement of the humerus but does increase the stability of the joint


true or false: costal cartilages join most ribs to the sternum


which forms the largest portion of the coxal bone?


what makes up the axial skeleton?

cranial bones, vertebral column and rib cage

the ethmoid bone is composed of all of the following except the _____.

a. superior nasal conchae

b. crista galli

c. cribriform plate

d. inferior nasal conchae

d. inferior nasal conchae

which vertebra does not have a body


the suture that connects the two parietal bones together is the _____.

sagittal suture

the hyoid bone is unique because it _____.

is the only bone in the body that does not articulate with any other bone

along with support, the anterior ligament of the vertebral column also acts to _____.

a. hold the discs in place

b. prevent hyperextension of the spine

c. hold the spine erect

d. protect the spinal cord

b. prevent hyperextension of the spine

what is the major function of the intervertebral discs?

absorb shock

paranasal sinuses are found in which of these facial bones:

a. zygomatic bones

b. nasal conchae

c. vomer

d. maxillae

d. maxillae

which condition is an abnormal lateral curvature of the spine?


which bone forms the prominence of the cheek?

zygomatic bone

true or false: the apocrine sweat glands are fairly unimportant in thermoregulation.


true or false: skin surface markings that reflect points of tight dermal attachment to underlying tissues are called epidermal ridges.


true or false: dense fibrous connective tissue portion of the skin is located in the reticular region of the dermis.


true or false: the outermost sheath of a hair follicle is the connective tissue root sheath.


true or false: the protein found in large amounts in the outermost layer of epidermal cells is collagen.


true or false: the stratum corneum is a zone of approximately four layers of viable cells that are able to synthesize proteins that keep the outer layer of skin smooth and soft.


true or false: the pinkish hue of individuals with fair skin is the result of the crimson color of oxygenated hemoglobin circulating in the dermal capillaries and reflecting though the epidermis.


true or false: hair growth and density are influenced by hormones, nutrition, and in some cases lifestyle.


true or false: when a patient is said to have "third-degree burns", this indicates that the patient has burns that cover approximately one-third or more of the body.


true or false: sweat glands continuously produce small amounts of sweat; even in cooler temperatures.


select the most correct statement concerning skin cancer:

a. most tumors that arise on the skin are malignant

b. squamous cell carcinomas arise from the stratum corneum

c. basal cell carcinomas are the least common but most malignant

d. melanomas are rare but must be removed quickly to prevent them from metastasizing

d. melanomas are rare but....

a needle would pierce the epidermal layers of the forearm in which order?

stratum corneum, stratum granulosum, stratum spinosum, and stratum basale

the major regions of a hair shaft include all of the following except ____.

a. medulla

b. cortex

c. external root sheath

d. cuticle

c. external root sheath

acne is a disorder associated with which gland of the skin?


the single most important risk for skin cancer is

overexposure to UV radiation

what is the most important role of the arrector pili muscles?

to force sebum out of the hair follicle to the skin surface

a splinter penetrated into the skin of the sole of the foot- almost to the papillary region of the dermis. which layer of the epidermis would be the final layer injured?

stratum basale

the reason the hypodermis acts as a shock absorber is that ______.

a. it is located just below the epidermis and protects the dermis from shock

b. it has no delicate nerve endings and can therefore absorb more shock

c. the major part of its makeup is adipose, which serves as an effective shock absorber

d. the cells that make up the hypodermis secrete protective mucus

c. the major part of its makeup is adipose, which serves as an effective shock absorber

which type of skin cancer appears as a scaly reddened papule and tends to grow rapidly and metastasize?

squamous cell carcinoma

which of the five layers of the epidermis is responsible for cell division and replacement?

stratum basale

what are the ridge structures called that are located in the superficial part of the papillary layer of the dermis?

dermal papillae

how do physicians estimate the extent of burn damage associated with fluid loss?

a. by measuring urinary output and fluid intake

b. by observing the tissues that are usually moist

c. through blood analysis

d. by using the rule of nines

d. by using the rule of nines

true of false: hematpoiesis refers to the formation of blood cells within the red marrow caivities of certain bones


true or false: compact bone is replaced more often than spongy bone


true or false: bones are classified by whether they are weight bearing or protective in function


true or false: short, irregular, and flat bones have marrow cavities in order to keep the weight of the bones light


the structural part of compact bone (the osteon) resembles the growth rings of a tree trunk


true or false: 65% of the mass of bone is a compound called hydroxyapatite


true or false: all bones stop growing by the end of adolescense


true or false: the hormone that is primarily involved in the control of bone remodeling is the parathyroid hormone


the structure of bone tissue suits the function. which of the following bone tissues is adapted to support weight and withstand tension stress?

a. spongy bone

b. irregular bone

c. compact bone

d. trabecular bone

compact bone

yellow bone marrow contains a large percentage of _____.


a fracture in the shaft of the bone would be a break in the _____.


which structure allows the diaphysis of the bone to increase in length until early childhood?

epiphyseal plate

which of the following is not a function of the skeletal system?

a. support

b. stage of minerals

c. hematpoiesis

d. communication

d. communication

what is the structural unit of compact bone?


the canal that runs through the core of each osteon is the site of _____.

blood vessels and nerve fibers

the process of bones increasing in width is known as _____.

appositional growth

which bone cell accomplishes the bone reabsorption process?


which hormone increases osteoclast activity to release more calcium ions into the bloodstream?

parathyroid hormone

what is absolutely necessary for bone growth or healing from a fracture?


in the epiphyseal plate, cartilage grows _____.

interstially, by pushing the epiphysis away from the diaphysis

osteogenesis is the process of _____.

bone formation

which bone rests between the calcaneus and tibia?


true or false: the periosteum is a tissue that serves only to protect the bone because it is not supplied with nerves or blood vessels


true or false: the term osteoid refers to the organic part of the matrix of compact bones
