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33 Cards in this Set

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Which term refers to the technique of applying paint to wet plaster?

Buon fresco

Durable method of painting murals because a chemical reaction bonds the pitment into the wall surface; it also requires the painter to be quite skillfull so the work can be completed before the plaster dries.

Bruon Fresco

Abbot Suger's primary motivation for radically altering the design o the Church of St. Denis was to...

Bring more light into the church

Old Saint Peter's is an example of?

a longitudinal plan

During the Republican period of Rome, portraits were..

realistic and individualized

The Parthenon was constructed so that almost all the temple's lines are slightly curved because..

they counteract the optical illusion of structural distortions

The emotional expressiveness and dramatic rendering of the Nike (Victory) of Samothrace is characteristic of which period of Greek art?



In painting, the process of creating the illusion of three-dimensionality on a two dimensional surface by use of light and shade.

In sculpture, the process of molding a three-dimensional form out of malleable substance.


Italian term meaning "set againts," used to describe the classical convention of representing human figures with opposing alternations of tension and relaxation on either side ot a central axis to imbue fugures with a sense of the potential for movement.


A large cemetary or burial area; literally a "city of the dead."

Rosetta Stone

The key to sloving Egyptian hieroglyphs. Discovered in Egypt.

Hieratic Scale

Used to visually communicate power in Egyptian and other cultures.

A pharaoh being depicted larger than he is.


a rule, for example of proportion; Canon a fifth century BC treatise written by sculptor Polykleitos incorporating his formula for the perfectly proportioned statue


The banning and or destruction of images, especially icons and religious art.

Stele of Naram-Sin.2254–2218 BCE. Height 6'6”. Hieratic scale employed

Figure of a Woman, Cycladic, Aegean Islands0

Mosaic Mihrab, Islamic

Hagia Sophia,Constantinople (modern day Istanbul),532 AD

Once a church now a museum

Justinian and his attendants, Byzantine

Bayeux Embroidery,Romanesque

Depicts the Norman Conquest

Bull Lyre,Sumerian, Ancient Near East

Rose Window

Located at the Chartres Cathedral

The Lamentation

Giotto, 14th Century

Woman of Willendorf

Porch of Maidens

Located at Acropolis of Athens


Was the largest Dome until the 1400's

Kritos Boy

Constrappo Stance

Flying Buttresses

Polykleitos. SpearBearer (Doryphoros).Roman copy after the original bronze of c. 450–440 BCE
DyingGallic Trumpeter. Roman copy after the original bronze of c. 220 BCE. Hellenistic style (Greek)

What city was the center of book production in the Gothic period


First style of writing invented by the Sumerians


Two primary building styles used in early Christian Churches

Gothic and Sacred