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84 Cards in this Set

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Affirmative action

Positive actions by an employer college, etc to improve employment or education opportunities for women, minority groups, or other people who have suffered from discrimination


Policy of racial segregation and political and economic discrimination against non-European groups in South Africa until the 1990's

Between-school effects

refer to inequalities among children who go to different schools

Capitalist Economic System

Type of modern economic system in which people and organizations invest capital in the production of goods and service to make a profit. Owners make profit by keeping cost low. Requires free market


Most rigid form of stratification. In a caste system, individuals are born into their social position and have few, if any, opportunities for upward or downard mobility. Hindu societies

Comparable worth policies

adjust pay so that people who work in predominantly female occupations are not penalized

conflict over control in organization

Consumer society

a society whose inhabitants think of themselves more as consumers than as producers. America is an example

craft production/ craft unionism/craft worker

Employees who combine an intense pride in their work with a broad knowledge of tools, materials, and processes as well as manual skills acquired by long training experience.

Cultural capital

A concept introduced by Pierre Bourdieu referring to cultural qualities that are prized in the educational system as well as by society overall, and exposure to cultural forms such as art, music, and theater


Process by which something assumed to be normal, universal, and accepted is challenged or modified and thus no longer seems obvious or natural. Example, Gay marriage

Discrimination three forms

intentional, unintentional, institutional

scope of discrimination

whether discrimination is individual or institutional in origin

division of labor

specialization of tasks required to produce goods. The culmination of the division of labor occured at the original ford production plant


A process in which previously religious concepts, values, and ideals become detached from their religious roots and secularized. ex protestant ethic

Emotion management/labor

both refer to management of feelings to create a publicly observable facial and bodily display. Emotion management becomes emotional labor when sold for a wage


Group distinctiveness based on a common territoty, history, and tradition


An attitude based on a belief in the cultural superiority of ones own ethnic group above all others


Manipulation of one person or group by another for the latter's own benefit and profit. Marx argued it is inherent.

Family relations

As properties: erotic generational and household property

Linked to changes in wider society: reflexivity, individualism, consumerism

theoretical perspective on: feminism, functionalism, marxism


A manufacturing system based on mass production and mass consumption of cheap, standardized goods

Post- Fordism

involves more "flexible" production and labor arrangements


Strict adherence to fundamental religious doctrine, with no concessions to modern developments in thought or customs.


A way in which one sees their sexuality

Gender gap

The gap in wages between men and women

Gender role conflict

a role conflict refers to tensions between the requirements of incampatible roles

Gender schemas

tacit assumptions about men and women that unconsciously shape people perceptions of others goods

Gender socialization

the learning of gender roles

Gender Typing

Predominantly female occupations usually have lower stats and pay

Gendered division of labor

The differing ways that work and responsibility are divided up in the family between husband and wife. Traditionally husban worked outside home while and wife dedicated herself to the house. Postmodern is changing this.

Normative alternatives theory



Systematic mass murder of a group of people. Holocaust

Industrial economy

An economy characterized by the employment of large numbers of workers in the mass production of manufactured goods. Industrial economy peaked during the twentieth century


Systematic, disinvestment in a nation's manufacturing infrastructure

Jim Crow Laws

Enforced racial segregation in the U.S. South between 1877 and the 1950's

Life chances

Opportunities for sharing in material or cultural goods during ones lifetime. life chances are affected not only by personal merit and accomplishment but also by race, gender, and socioeconomic status.

Marriage squeeze

Restricted supply of available partners that results when a woman chooses to delay marriage. Because cultrural norms suggest that women should not marry younger men, and men have a tendancy to marry woman older than them, women who choose to marry later may be caught in a "squeeze"

Method of difference

J.s Mill one of several methods of comparison

Middle America

The "one big middle class" that many americans identify themselves as part of


Ethnocentric attitude of a native-born population toward immgrants. In US this attitude was particularly prevalent during the 1850's- a time when American nativists believed that the beliefs and customs of certain europoean groups would undermine the culture upon which US was founded

New Age religion

A mix of beliefs, pracitices, and ways of life, all of which share the element of "self-spirituality".

Nuclear family vs Extended family

Nuclear is a form of family organization consisting of husband and wife and their offspring

Extended combines several generation and a variety of different kinship relations.

Occupation sex segregation

Concentration of men and women in different occupations. Women are concentrated in the types of jobs that pay lower salaries, which is the principal cause of the gender pay gap.


Moving unskilled labor to countries without minimum wage laws


Adjective referring to the organization of the family around father-rule and, more broadly, to the organization of a society or social system around the idea of male dominance, superirority, and power


Process by which people make the transition from identifying as aprt of a class or occupational group to thinking of themselves as individuals= specifically as individual consumers


Things related to religion place above every day objects or routines


The esteem, honor, or deference assigned to one's social position


Workers characterized by control of a large body of abstract, formal knowledge; substantial autonomy from supervision; authority over clients as well as subordinate occupational groups, and claim that they will use their knowledge for the benefit of clients.

Protestant ethic

Belief that wordly successes stemming from individual responsibility and a compulsion to save and invest are a sign of gods favor


Biologically speaking an arbitray classification assigned based on genetic characteristics.


behavior based on the belief that a group is inferior because of inherited physical differences that are inherently connected with behavioral differences

Religious economic model

(Rational choice theory of religion)

The theory that religion thrives-- even in modern societies-- when religious organizations compete freely for followers

Civil religion

The public religious dimension of political life

Emile durkheims definition of religion

Mainly functionalist definition but included a substantive element that he called the sacred as distinct from the profane.

Social function of religion, according to durkheim

social origion of religion, according to Durkheim

Individualism as a religious attitude according to durkheim


The amount of "religiousness" in society, usually measured by such variables as attendance of religious services, church membership, individual contributions to a church of religious institution, and belief in God.


Rules that prescribe how people must conduct themselves with sacred things


Refers to things set apart and forbidden.


Everything not set apart and forbidden

Scientific management

Taylorism believed that there was one best way to perform every task, and that this way could be discovered by observing workers and then developing a more efficient means of accomplishing their work.

Second shift

Women continue to bear the main responsibility for domestic tasks, even though more women are working in paid employment outside the home than ever before


Disenchantment and rationalization would inevitably result in the decline of religion.

Three dimension??

Secularization thesis

Service economy

An economy devoted to supplying services, such as information processing, teaching nursing, advertising, marketing or food


Biological differences between men and women

Social class


Concerned with revealing how the changing capitalist economic system is affecting class relations and whether his prediction of increasing polarization of the two main classes-- capitalist and proletarians-- is occuring

Social class


Mapping the changing market of different groups of occupation that constitute classes and investigating how these changes affect "life chances," such as educational attainment, health, and income

Social closure

Occurs when a group monopolizes advantages or resources and excludes others from having access to them

Social mobility

Ability of individuals or groups to change their social position or status, either for better or for worse within a social hierarchy.

Social Stratification

The heirarchal ranking of people on the basis of social difference-- specifically, with regards to their access to desirable resources, their life chances, and their social influence.

Step Family

A family in which at least one partner has children from a previous marriage, living in the home or nearby


A neutral term, referring to fixed, cognitive preconceptions that are necessary for understanding modern society. Facilitate and maintain a majorities domination of the minority

Thomas theorem

States that if people define a situation as real, it is real in its consequences.

Transformation of marriage

Term reffering to postmodern efforts to denaturalize marriage and redefine the nature of the marriage contract. Gay movement

Craft unionism

Limits union membership to skilled workers engaged in a particular craft

Industrial unionism

Combines all workers, skilled and unskilled, who are employed in a particular industry

"Insurance agency" model of unionism

Workers are regarded as clients whose dues essentially purchase advocates to speak for them when they have problems at work

Social movement unionism

Links improvements in wages and working conditions to organizing other workers promoting economic equality in society

Victorian "Love Revolution"


"wages of whiteness"

(W.E.B. DuBois)

Within-school effects

Refers to differences among students in the same school, e.g. differences between students in honors and remedial classes.