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43 Cards in this Set

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What is Esoteric Persuasion?

•intended for or likely to be understood by only a small number of people with a specialized knowledge or interest

•Subliminal Persuasion/Music/Color

What is supraliminal?

Opposite of subliminal. Messages that are consciously recognized and processed- Product placement.

Does subliminal messaging work?

No. We are just obsessed/afraid of the idea of mind control. Product placement and priming works

What is priming/terror management theory?

Being told to think about it in order to access attitudes or information. Effects go away in minutes.

How is music used as persuasion? (4-5)

•Aid in recall, Facilitate liking, Enhance mood, Influence behavior (affect speed of your behavior), Improve task performance

How are colors used in persuasion? (2)

Colors can associate things with positive or negative connotations. Ex: Bad guys wear red and good guys wear white.

Colors in branding can help recall or differentiate items/companies from others

What are the two types of motivation and define them.

1. Intrinsic motivation: Internal desire or drive

2. Extrinsic motivation: incentive/disincentive or environmental drive/desire

Name a few basic motivations (Any.. so many).

Power, Curiosity, Acceptance, Order, Saving, Honor, Idealism, Social, Contact

How do motivational appeals persuade people?

Persuaders can use our emotions to persuade us to action

How is "emotional marketing" used as a motivational appeal? 4

Creates a lasting emotional bond with the product, Facilitates long term loyalty, Tap into basic human desires, Connect with brands on an emotional level

How are fear appeals used as motivational appeals? 2

Pinpoint issues of life and death, Rely on -severity-susceptibility

How is pride and patriotism used as motivational appeals? How can this backfire

Appeal to values(We like things that are like us), Can backfire-Pandering

How is humor used as motivation appeals? 4 How can this backfire? 2

•Peripheral cue, Can capture attention, Facilitate liking, Facilitate recall

Backfire: People remember the joke, not the product. The joke is offensive

How are sex appeals used as motivational appeals? 3

•Peripheral cue, Vicarious experience of sex & pleasure, Post hoc reasoning (If you use/buy/consume, you will be sexy)

How is scarcity used as motivational appeal? 4

•Likely has evolutionary roots, Rooted in competition, More resources= better life, Lost resources= lost opportunities

How does scarcity relate to sex appeal?

Things that are perceived as sexy or desirable are usually perceived as scarce. Not everyone is beautiful.

How does scarcity relate to reactance? 2

•Scarce items increase our feelings of reactance, We are less free to have ____________ (whatever we want).

What is Truth Bias and why does is exist 4

Idea that 1e are (generally) pre-disposed to believe that people are being truthful(Biological, Cultural, Easier (System 1), Not to make waves

What is Interpersonal Deception Theory

Lying behaviors are strategic. We lie to create Uncertainty, Non-Immediacy, Dissociation or to Engage in image/relationship protecting behavior

What is Information Manipulation Theory?

-Not all lies are 100% accurate, Liars manipulate information in terms of quality, quantity, manner and relevance

What is the four factor model and define each of the factors.

Four different factors that determines a lie or truth.
1.Arousal: Increased nervousness
2.Attempted Control: Face is information rich, so people focus to control there which leads to leakage elsewhere. Farther from face=More leakage
3.Emotion-Lying tends to increase negative emotion, Liars delight
Lying tends to require more cognitive load. Except when lies are planned

What two components does compliance gaining focus on

Interpersonal Influence and behavioral conformity

What are the 4 general strategies (strategic taxonomy) of compliance gaining

•Rewarding activity, punishing activity, Expertise, Activation of commitments

What are the 5 powers that can determine if compliance gaining is effective?

1.Reward -Control over a resource

2.Coercive -Limit choices/Inflict punishment

3.Expert -Based on knowledge

4.Legitimate -Formal rank or position

5.Referent -Someone wants you to like them

What are some contextual factors that determine the effectiveness of compliance gaining? 6

Intimacy:Closeness of the relationship

Resistance:Anticipated resistance from the target

Personal Benefits:Self vs. Other

Rights: Invocation of obligations,Some requests are more legitimate than others

Relational Consequences:Potential for harming a relationship

Apprehension-Potential for conflict escalation

What are some compliance gaining techniques discussed in class? 5

Pregiving, Foot-In-The-Door, Door-In-The-Face, Lowballing, Bait and Switch

What is pregiving?

Favors & gifts create a sense of indebtness, people do not like to feel indebted and therefore are more likely to agree to unfair exchanges

What is foot-in-the-door

•Compliance to a small, initial request (Request must be small, but not trivial)

Who are most susceptible to foot-in-the-door?

People with a high need for consistency

What is door-in-the-face?

Rejection of a large initial request will lead to accepting the second request. (Second should be obviously smaller) Second request seems more reasonable after the bigger request.

What causes work best for foot-in-the-door and door-in-the-face tactics?

Pro-social causes

What is the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis

Language shapes the way we think. The names we give to objects shape what we think about them. This can facilitate or inhibit certain types of thinking. Precise language can enable more precise thought

What is implicit? 3

Unwritten, socially enforced, Context based

What is explicit? 2

Formal laws and rules, Clear sanctions

How are norms influential?

You may be punished for deviation of norms

What is social proof?

People base their behavior on that of others, We view the behavior as correct to the degree we see others performing it. Powerful in unfamiliar situations

Compliance Gaining is a subset of persuasion. TF


What is credibility?

Judgements made by a perceived concerning the believability of a communicator.(Ethos)

Is credibility a peripheral or central cue?

Peripheral because it provides an easy decision rule and low involvement. Works best when qualification are presented first

Halo-effect: Can extend beyond the immediate

What does context help us do in compliance gaining?

Contextual considerations impact strategy choice

What are the primary dimensions of credibility and who came up with them? (3)


Expertise:Authority and knowledge and skills related to subject

Trustworthiness: Honest character, safe, dependable

Goodwill: Has your interests at heart

What are the secondary dimensions of credibility?

Dynamism: A source is energetic, enthusiastic
Composure: A source is calm, cool, and collected
Sociability: A source is friendly, warm, charming

What is one way credibility is used against us?

Celebrity endorsement- celebrities will lend their credibility to a product, and people make implicit and explicit connections. Proven to work