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50 Cards in this Set

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The_______ is to explicit memory as the __________ is to implicit memory.

Hippocampus; Cerrebellum

What is not a hypothetical stage of memory?


What do alcohol, benzodiazepines and barbiturates all have in common ?

They are all allosteric agonists (Positive allosteric modulators) at the GABA-A receptor.

The primary defining feature of addiction is

The inability to stop using a drug despite its adverse effects and efforts to stop.

Following the surgery, H.M seemed to experience

a mild retrograde amnesia for events of the 2 years preceding the surgery.

Patient H.M. could get faster when he did the same puzzle agaon each day for a week performance improved is evidence for what kind of learning ?

Procedural learning

The main reason why LTP is one of the most widely neuroscientific phenomena is that it

involves a synaptic change similar to the synaptic change that has been hypothesized to be the basis of memory storage

Which of the following is a positive symptom of schizophrenia

Hallucinations, inappropriate affect, delusions, incoherent speech or thought, (all of the above)

The clinical effectivness of typical neroleptic drugs is postiviely correlated with the degree to wich the bind

D2 receptors

You performed an experiment where you had rats learning to run a maze for a food reward. You gave half of the rats a compound, APV, which is an NMDA antagonist, while they were learning the maze. The other half of the rats received saline (placebo control) while learning the maze. What would you expect would happen?

The rats that received APV will learn the maze slower than the saline/placebo rats.

Long-term potentiation has been most frequently studied in the


The main difficulty in diagnosing psychiatric disorders is that

Patients suffering from the same psychiatric disorder often display different symptoms

Patients suffering from different psychiatric disorders often display the same symptoms

The fact that PCP causes symptoms similar to schizophrenia implies that what neurotransmitter is involved in schizophrenia?


LTP beigns with the activation of __________ receptors by glutamate and depolarization of the postsynaptic membrane


If enough stimulation is present at the synapse then the depolorization removes the _________block of the ________________receptors.

Mg2+ of the NMDA receptor

This then allows the influx of Ca2+ ions results in an increase in the number of

AMPA receptors over time.

According to the DSM-5, the newly established diagnosis for drug-taking behavior is____________.

Substance use disorder.

The amydala appears to be involved in the______________component of memory, whereas the cerrebellum appears to be involved in the _____________ component

Emotional; sensorimotor

Which of the following is regarded as a critical factor on the inductions of LTP?

co-occurrence of activity in presynaptic and postsynaptic neurons.

What part of the brain is critical in making and retrieving explicit or conscious episodic memories?


During class, I showed you a clip from "The Office" to illustrate classical conditioning. What was the US in the Video clip

Offering a mint

During class, I showed you a clip from "The Office" to illustrate classical conditioning. What was the CS in the Video clip

Computer Tone

Illustrated here is a neural circuit in which ___________ is commonly studied


The neuroplasticity theory of depression is that depression is caused by

a decrease in neuroplastic processes in the prefrontal cortex, hippocampus, and amygdala.

Lithium is classifed as a

mood stabilizer

Recent research suggests that dopamine release in the nucleus accumbens is more related to ______________ than to _____________

Wanting; liking

Drugs commonly used to treat depression tend to have which of the following pharamcological characterstics ?

5-HT reuptake inhibition,

Which neurotransmitter has been most often implicated in anxiety disorders because of the effects of benzodiazepines?


The dopamine hypothesis of schizophrenia suggests:

There is decreased dopamine activity in the mesocortical pathway and increased dopamine activity in the mesolimbic pathway.

The physiological definition of a drug of abuse is on that activates the brain areas responsible for reinforcment. Which of the following is an example of how drugs are POSITIVELY reinforcing?

The person takes the drug and feels great and then is more likely to take the drug again.

The physiological definition of a drug of abuse is one that activates the brain areas responsible for reinforcement. Which of the following is an example of how drugs are NEGATIVELY reinforcing?

The person dependent on the drug and without the drug is in withdrawal and feels awful, when they take the drug it takes away the awful withdrawl

If you gave someone an SSRI, what would you expect the immediate effects at the synapse in the brain would be?

increase in 5-HT

If you gave someone an SNRI, what would you expect the immediate effects at the synapse in the brain would be?

Increase in NE and Increase in 5-HT

Which paradigm is illustrated here?

intracranial self-stimulation


is an SSRI

In no more effective in treating depression then imipramine

is no more effective in treating depression than SNRIs

has few side effects at therapeutic doses.

(all of the above)

Several large-scale studies have compared the effectiveness of various antidepressants to placebos. These studies have found that

various classes of antidepressants are similarly effective.

overall, antidepressants benefitted only 25% more patients than did placebos.

antidepressants are of no significant benefit for the mildly or moderatly depressed.

(all of the above)

What is the name of the growth factor that is though to be the key in the negative effects of stress described in the neurotrophic hypothesis of depression.

Brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)

When discussing the mechanism of action of LSD in class we discussed the normal effect of 5-HT on two receptors, What are they?

5-HT1A & 5-HT2A

The first-to-be-isolated endogenous chemical that binds to THC receptors was named


What mechanism of action did the first two antidepressants (MAO inhibitor and NET & SERT inhibtior) share?

Increase in synaptic levels of NE & 5-HT.

Suppport for the neuroplasticity of depression comes from the discovery that ketamine

alleviates depression within hours and stimulates widespread synaptogenesis

Clinical depression and anxiety are comorbid disorders, which means tht they

tend to occur together in the same individuals.

Which neurotransmitter is involved in motivation, reward, movement, attention, and learning?

dopamine (DA)

THC dampens glutamate release in the hippocampus so it is not suprising that some of the effects of THC are associated with


Which of the follwing drugs in high doses produces a syndrom of psychotic behavior that is similar to paranoid schizophrenia?


Olds and Milner argued that the brain circuits that support intracranial self-stimulation are the same one that mediate

The pleasurable effect of naturally rewarding stimuli such as food water, and sex.

Many of the dopaminergic neurons with cell bodies in the ventral tegmental area synapse in the

nucleus accumbens

Opiates _____________ to __________________

bind to and activiate opiate receptors; increase dopamine release.


Mimic dopamine; activate dopamine receptors.

Compete with dopamine at transporters; allow dopamine to remain in the synapse longer.


binds to and blocks dopamine transporters; allow dopamine to remain in the synapse longer.