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100 Cards in this Set

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a COOH group is a __ group
thymine, adenine, and guanine are examples of
nucleotide bases
what type of organic compound always includes a carboxyl group and an amino group?
an amino acid
which of the following is an amino group?
which of the following macromolecules is composed of monimer units containing a sugar, a phosphate group, and a nitrogen-containing base?
nucleic acids
your classmates is trying to keep all the facts about biological molecules straight. she is confused about proteins and asks you to explain how the terms amino acid and protein are related. what do you tell her?
proteins are made up of a chain of amino acids
how is a denatured protein diff from a normal protein? a denatured protein...
has broken secondary and/or tertiary structure
hemoglobin represents which level of protein organization?
quaternary structure
organisms contain thousands of different protein composed of __ diff amino acids
a white blood cell engulfing a bacterium is an example of
a molecule moves down its concentration gradient using a transport protein in the plasma membrane. this is an example of ___
facilitated difusion
an ATPase pump takes part in
active transport
the reate of diffusion is influence by
all of thse factors
which cellular process incolves an inward sinking of a small patch of membrane to form a cytoplasmic visicle?
whihc membrane component is involved in cystic fibrosis?
a transport protein
in reference to diffusion "passive" really means:
no ATP energy is required
for diffusion to occur there must be
a gradient
in genereal the net movement of molecules in a fluid is a response to the
concentration gradient
plants need which of the following to carry on photosynthesis?
carbon dioxide and water
absorption of solutes against a concentration gradient is accomplished by:
active transport
the units or monomers used to create the polymer called protein are called
amino acids
on the molecule to the left the "R" represents the
any carbon group
this organelle is more likely to be found in a plant cell than in a animal cell:
central vacuole
what is the meaning of the term "prokaryotic"?
"small nucleous"
when a piece of the green plant Elodea is placed in distilled water:
the water is hypotonic to the Elodea cells
what determines how a protein functions?
All the above
which of the following is true of the transport proteins in the plasma membrane?
they span the lipid bilayer
a relatively short cell appendage composed of microtubules which moves in an oar-like fashion is genrally called a:
the fluid behavior of the plasma membrane results primarily from the __ (remember the movie clip of a pin poking the cell membrane)
fexibility of the lipid components
deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is believed to be the most important substance of:
a phospholipid has a phosphate-containing head and two fatty acid tails attached to a backbone of
inside the nuclear envelope the DNA in the form of fine "spread out" strands is called
the net movement of molecules from a high conentration to a low concentration is described by which of the following?
the RNA in the nucleus leaves through
nuclear pores
which of the following substances is responsible for making some plants woody when the substance is abundant?
choose the term which is least like the others:
in the plasma membrane, the tails of the phopholipids
form a barrier to polar substances
the endoplasmic reticulum
serves as the internal transportation system of a cell
the fluid filled sac that may store food, ions, or water in plant cells and is involved in fluid pressure is
central vacuole
which type of transport across membranes will proceed naturally without energy input?
the phopholipids and cholesterol that are used to form membranes are synthesized in the
smooth endoplasmic reticulum
the energy for flagellar movement (as in sperm swimming)
appears to come from ATP
the nuclelus is:
a dense body consisting mostly of RNA and responsible for producing ribosomes
the nucleic acids include
The sencondary cell wall in plants adds
rigidity to the cell
not all substances can cross the cell membrane, for this reason, the cell membrane is said to be
selectively permeable
what cellular process involves an inward sinking of a small patch of membrane to form a cytoplasmic vesicle?
which of the following processess does not involve formation of a visicle?
what is a role of proteins found in eukaryotic plasma membranes
regulating the flow of materials through the membrane
what determines the sequence of amino acids in a protein?
a sequence of nucleotides in DNA
plant cells generally lack
the control center for the activities of the cell is the
mitochondria typically arise by the division of existing:
a dipeptide is:
two amino acids linked by a peptide bond
the tertiary structure of a protein refers to:
the bending and folding of te helix
resolution by the best light microscope is ulitimately limited by:
the wavelength of the light
the basic shape of a DNA molecule is a:
double-stranded helix
ribosomes are:
tiny particles RNA which help synthesize proteins
of the objects listed, which is the smallest that you can see without the aid of a microscope?
frog embroyo
golgi bodies appear to function in:
secretion of cell productions
nucleic acids indirectly
direct proteins synthesis
hooke was the first to observe cells under simple microscope in the 1600s because he was looking at:
plant cells in which the thick cell wall was clearly visible
a major diff betw plant cell mitosis and animal cell mitosis is the absence in plant cells of:
organelles involved in the synthesis of steroids and other lipids in gland cells are:
smoothe E.R.
Most of the chemical energy stored in the glucose molecule can be released by chemical reactions in the:
which organelle resembles a bacterium in its size and biochemistry?
a mitochondrion
which is the correct sequence of polypetide transport in the secretory (releasing secretions) pathway?
ribosome>>>ER>>>golgi bodies>>>plasma membrane
glycoproteins differ from the other membrane proteins in that they:
have chains of polysaccharide associated with them and they aid the immune system
what is the fate of defective or malfunctioning organelles in cells?
they are broken down by lysosomal digestive enzymes
the capicity of a cell to exhibit movement or mobility is generally attributed to which cellular component?
the golgi apparatus packages materials into __ for transport or export
vesicles from the ER most likely are on their way to the
golgi body
maintains the three-dimensional structure of animal calls
the __ acts as a barrier betw the inside and outside of the cell
lipid bilayer
scientists demonstated the fluidity of proteins in the plasna membrane by
fusing the membranes of two diff species
all of these
which of the following are NOT found in any prokaryotic cell?
membrane bound organelles
a hypothetical "microbullet" shot through a phospholipid bilayer would pass the components in which order?
in an attemt to visualize the fluid mosaic model of a membrane, we could describe the __ as floating in a sea of __
in a typical cell the substance found in the highest percentage is:
what is a characteristic of all life on earth?
all the above
a cell without nucleoli is probably not producing:
if lysosomes bursts inside a cell, the immediate result is likely to be:
the cell will be digested from within
which organelle below is capable of producing its own protein?
lysosomes contain ___ enzymes
vessicles (little sacs) derived from the ER male their way to the __, an organelle that functions in packaging, storage, and distribution.
the double membrane systems around the cell's organalles are really two membranes, each of which may be referred to as a
unit membrane
which is the organelle with cristate?
the principle structural carbohydrate in plants is:
the cell theory states:
all living thins consist of cells
which of the following consists of a nonliving substace?
cell wall
the only part of a green plant that is actually green is the:
grana of chloroplasts
which of the follwong structures is not associated with chloroplasts?
the stacks of coin-shaped double membranes found in choloroplasts are:
salt is spread in clay tennis courts to kill the weeds. based on your study of bio, how would you explain the process throuhg which the weeds are killed?
water duffised out of the plant cells thereby weakening or killing them by plasmoysis
cell turgor pressure is increased when the cell is transferred to an external medium having:
a higher concentration of water than the cell
the shrinking of cytoplasm within a cell because of loss of water by osmosis is called:
what are flagella?
long whip-like projections
the part of the cell that regulates movement of substances into and out of the cell is the
cell membrane
which of the following will diffuse across a lipid bilayer?
carbon dioxide