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63 Cards in this Set

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Ossicles vibrate onto what?
Oval window membrane
Oval membrane vibrates onto what?
Cochlear fluid
What does the fluid in the cochlea send information to?
Auditory receptors in cochlea
Auditory receptors in cochlea go send information to what?
Brain stem neurons
Brain stem neurons synapse onto what (hearing)?
Thalamus MGN (medial geniculate nucleus)
Thalamus MGN projects to where?
Auditory Cortex
What is the point of the ossicles?
To amplify air pressure so that the fluid in the cochlea can pick up on the vibration
What muscle goes to the Stapes (stirrup)?
Stapedius muscle
What muscle goes to the malleus (hammer)?
Tensor Tympani muscle
What is the attenuation relex?
When their is a loud sound, ossicles become very rigid and don't amplify sound as much. Keeps auditory hair cells safe
3 fluid-filled canals of the cochlea?
Scala Vestibuli, Scala Media, Scala Tympani
Which canals does perilymph fill?
Scala vestibuli and Scala tympani
What canal does endolymph fill?
Scala media
Concentration of the Perilymph?
Low K^+, High Na^+
Concentration of Endolymph?
High K^+, Low Na^+
What is unique about Scala Vestibuli and Scala Tympani?
Connected by helicotrema
What is the endolymph maintained by?
Stria Vascularis Cells
Where are lowest frequencies perceived in the cochlea?
As far back as possible
What is the width like for the Basilar membrane?
Narrow near the base, wide at the apex
What is stiffness like for the basilar membrane?
Increases in stiffness the closer to the base it gets
What causes fluid movement within the cochlea?
Movement of the stapes
Two types of hair cells?
Outer and inner hair cells
What does every hair cell have for detecting vibrations?
100 hair-like sterocilia
What does auditory hair cells lack that vestibular hair cells had?
Row arrangement of inner hair cells?
One row
Row arrangement of Outer hair cells?
3 rows
Rods of corti do what?
Span two membranes (reticular lamina and basilar membrane) and support the two
Where are hair cells located in relation to the reticular lamina and basilar membrane?
Literally sandwiched in between them
Where do stereocilia extend to for inner hair cells?
Extend till right before the tectorial membrane
Where do sterocilia extend to for outer hair cells?
Extend until the tips are just inside tectorial membrane
Where is inner hair cells found?
Between Corti Rod and Modiolus
Where are outer hair cells found?
Other side of Corti rod from inner hair cells
Upward defelction (of basilar membrane) results in what kind of bend in the hair cells?
outward bend
downward defelction (of basilar membrane) results in what kind of bend in the hair cells?
inward bend
What is unique for auditory hair cells in relation to sound waves?
Hair cells will hyperpolarize and depolarize because of the wave form of sound and the movement it causes cochlear fluid
How many outer hair cells does one spiral ganglion cell receive input from?
How many spiral ganglion cells receive input from one inner hair cell?
Many (about 10)
How many spiral ganglion cells per ear?
Ultimate point of outer hair cells?
To help with amplification of sound waves so the inner hair cells can better receive the signal
First part in auditory signal transduction?
Stretch-activated gated channels open based on fluid movement in cochlea
What does straight up and down cilia mean in relation to transduction for hearing?
Channels are partially open so there is a leak of Calcium into the cell
Ca^2+ influx in auditory hair cell does what for cell?
Causes depolarization
What does depolarization do for auditory hair cells?
Activates Calcium gated-calcium channels
The newly influxed Ca^2+ from depolarization in auditory hair cell does what?
Fuses vesicles to membrane to release neurotransmitter
Bend Cilia towards kinocilia does what (hearing)?
opens stretch-activated channels more to allow in more Ca^2+ and eventually cause depolarization
Bend cilia away from kinocilia does what (hearing)?
Closes stretch-activated channels and doesn't allow Ca^2+ into cell and causes hyperpolarization
What is sound?
Variations in air pressure that can be heard
What is one cycle of air?
distance between patches of air
What is frequency?
Number of cycles in one second (Hz)
What is high pitch/frequency on a graph?
Small period
What is high loudness/intensity on a graph?
Larger amplitude
Human audible range?
20-20,000 Hz
What does ultrasound mean?
Higher than 20,000 Hz
What does infrasound mean?
Lower than 20 Hz
How is sound pressure measured?
What is 0 decibels at?
Human auditory level
Pain decibel and hair cell death level?
130 and 180 dB
3 divisions in the ear?
Outer, middle and inner ear
What makes up the Ossicles (3)?
Hammer, anvil and stirrup
Order of Ossciles from outer ear to inner ear?
Hammer, anvil and stirrup
Sound wave first hits what part of the ear?
Tympanic membrane
Where does the tympanic membrane vibrations go?
To the ossicles