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24 Cards in this Set

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Please give a specific example of negative feedback
Homeostatic Regulation of blood pressure.
What role does the octet rule play in the chemical reactions among the atoms commonly found in living organisms?
Because under the right conditions two or more atoms can interact in ways that produce a chemically stable arrangement of eight valence electrons for each atom.
What are Enzymes and why are they important?
Catalytic protein molecules. They are highly specific, very efficient, and subject to a variety of cellular controls.
Name a membrane based component and describe its role
Carbohydrates are a source of chemical energy for generating atp in metabolic reactions.
What is the importance of Osmosis?
Because without the water being able to go in and out of cells our cells would die.
Give an example of homeostasis
The body's ability to maintain proper hydration levels.
Name the four types of tissues and give an example of each.
Epithelial - Thyroid Gland/ Simple Squamos
Connective - Adipose tissue
Muscular - Smooth Muscle
Nervous - Nuerons
State two functions of the skin, briefly describing how each works
Thermoregulation - regulation of body temperature
Protection - Keratin protects underlying tissue from microbes, abrasions, heat and chemicals.
Distinguish the axial skeleton from the appendicular.
Axial is 80 bones of mid region
Appendicular is 126 and consists of the limbs and girdles
What is the sliding filament model of skeletal muscle contraction?
It shows that the skeletal muscles shorten during contraction because the thick and thin filaments slide past each other.
Define a motor unit
A motor neuron together with the muscle fibers it stimulates.
Describe the difference in your biceps when you use muscle to lift a 4 pound weight vs a 2 pound.
There is more muscle contraction because the muscles are working a little harder to pick up the heavier weight.
Give at least one feature that distinguishes among the three major types of muscle fiber: skeletal, cardiac, smooth
Skeletal - Attached to tendons
Cardiac - Form wall of the heart
Smooth - located in hollow organs
what is the difference between erythrocytes and leucocytes.
erythrocytes - mature red blood cell
Leucocytes - White blood cells
Why is it unwise to transfuse a person with type A blood with blood from a person with type B?
Because it can cause binding of Anti-B antibodies and the donors B antigens Causing agglutination and hemolysis of the red blood cells
Why is the left ventricle more muscular than the right?
Because the left pumps blood towards the entire body and the right pumps only towards the lungs
Identify the three pacemakers of the heart and the relative rates.
Body Temp, Age, Gender
Where can you find the Metarteriole? and what is its function?
Towards the capillary junction and it monitors the blood flow into the capillary.
What is the source of the lymph and what roles does the lymphatic system play in homeostasis?
Blood plasma and it helps defend the body from disease causing agents.
Why does a continuously contracted muscle fatigue more quickly than one that alternately contracts and relaxes/
Because of the lack of oxygen and nutrients.
Other than the heart what part of the circulatory system has a major role in regulating arterial blood pressure?
Arterioles help regulate blood pressure because this is where the greatest pressure drop occurs
What is the difference between anatomical residual volume and functional residual volume?
in males anatomical is 1200 ml and functional is double that
Why do people who suffer heart attacks complain about breathing?
Emotional distress can often lead to difficulty breathing
Why is carbon dioxide so dangerous?
It depletes bloods ability to carry oxygen, which then suffocates the victim.