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57 Cards in this Set

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Spinal nerves are considered to be mixed nerves, which means that?

Contain both sensory and motor neurons.

Light passes through the following structures in which order? (Eye)

Cornea, aqueous humor, lens, vitreous humor.

Neuroglia that are positioned between neurons and capillaries and play a role in the blood-brain barrier are called _______?


What is not found in the central nervous system (CNS)?

Auxiliary nerve (This specific nerve is in the PNS).

Three components of the adult sternum are the ______, ______, and ______.

Manubrim, body, and xyphoid process.

The larynx provides:

An open airway, functions in voice production, and routes air and food into proper channels.

A neuron that contains several dendrites and one axon is referred to as:


Melatonin is secreted by the:

Pineal gland (in the brain).

Which is a agranular cell?


The brain stem consists of the _____, ______, and ______.

Mid brain, medulla, and pons.

Which of the following is not found on the right lobes of the lung?

Cardiac notch.

Epicardium is:

Part of the serous pericardium.

Which of the following provides the greatest surface area for gas exchange?


Which of the following is involved in blood clot formation?


Melatonin is secreted by the ______ gland.

Pineal gland.

The endometrium is the:

Connective tissue surrounding an individual axon.

Disorders of balance may follow trauma to which nerve?


The branches of spinal nerves that form networks called "plexuses" are the ______.

Ventral rami.

The major nerve plexus to the upper limbs is the _______.

Brachial plexus.

The chromosomal number in a normal human sperm is ___. (#)


Place the following in correct sequence from simplest to most complex.

1) Atoms 2) Cells 3) Tissues 4) Organ 5) Organ Systems.

Place the following components of the reflex arc in correct order:

Receptor, sensory neuron, integration center, motor neuron, effector.

The portion of the neuron that sends impulses to target cells is called the _______.


In a strict sense, the posterior pituitary gland is not an endocrine gland because it:

Does not synthesize hormones.

Place the following in correct sequence from the formation of a drop of urine to it'd elimination of the body.

Nephron, collecting duct, minor calyx, major calyx, ureter, urethra.

The sphincter between the stomach and the duodenum is the __________.

Pyloric sphincter.

The distal portion of the small intestine is known as the ______.


This organ is a 'food chute' and has no digestive or absorptive functions.


Which abdominal structure is located in the right hypochondriac region?


From the esophagus to the anal canal, the walls of the digestive tract are made of the same four basic layers ______, _______, _______, and _______.

Submucosa, muscularis, externis, and serosa.

Which of the following is not classified as a lymphoid organ?


This type of sweat gland begins to function at puberty and plays a little role in temperature regulation:

Apocrine gland.

What is the purpose of the serous membranes?

They reduce friction so that viscera move freely.

In the thick skin of the palm, the layer of the epidermis directly under the stratum corneum is the stratum ______.


Spermatogenesis takes place in the:

Walls of the seminiferous tubules.

The portion of the uterus that assumes an active role during labor is the ______.


All of the following glands contribute to the volume of semen except :

Spongy urethral.

The portion of the female reproductive system that is homologous to the penis of the male is the ______.


The glands of the female reproductive system homologous to the male's prostate gland are the:

Paraurethral glands (Skene's glands).

Which of the following contain the receptors for hearing?


A frontal (coronal) section through the human body can:

Pass through both ears.

The chest is (1) _______ to the abdomen.

The brain is (2) _______ to the skull.

The umbilical region is (3) ________ to the lumbar region.

(1) Superior

(2) Deep

(3) Anterior

Which joint is correctly matched with the type of joint indicated?

Knee - synovial.

In humans, B lymphocytes originate in:

The bone marrow.

An elaborate network of membranes in skeletal muscle cells that functions in calcium storage is the:

Sacroplastic reticulum.

The _______ body cavity contains the brain.


An example of a long bone is:

A tibia.

Of the following sections, the one which correctly identifies the sequence of the vertebra from superior to inferior is:

Cervical, thoracic, lumar, sacrum, cocyx.

The small channels through the bony matrix that connect lacunae are called:



A) Bronchi B) Bronchiole C) Aveoli D) Alveol.


A) B) C) Glomerulus D) Pertibular Capillaries E)


A) Larynx B) Trachea C) Xyphoid Process D) Diaphragm.


1) 2) Perimysium 3) Endomysium 4) Fascicle


1) Sacromere 2) I Bond 3) A Bond (Whole thing is Z Disc)


A) Common Iliac Artery B) Renal C) D) Brachial E)


A) Biceps Brachii B) Trapezius C) Deltoid D) Latissimus Dorsi.


A) Biceps Brachii B) Pectoralis Major C) Transversus Abdominus D) Gastrocnemius