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223 Cards in this Set

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Taking food into the system
Chewing, Mixing, Churning and segmentation of food
Mechanical Digestion
Enzymatic degradation of foodstuffs into simpler molecules
Chemical Digestion
Passage of Digested materials from the lumen of the GI tract into the blood or lymph
Elimination of digestible solids
Provide the primary source of fuel for ATP synthesis
Acts as an accessory fuel
Important structural material (keratin, collagen, etc) and functional materials (enzymes, etc)
Most function as co-enzymes; not used as structural components
Incorporation into some body structures; used in conjunction with enzymes
Solvent for chemical reactions in body
A protein metabolite found in skeletal muscle and excreted in urine
Not normally found in the urine
A detoxified ammonia compound
In relation to the extrinsic salivary glands.......
....they are primarily regulated by the parasympathetic division of ANS
During deglutination, the bolus passes into the stomach from the esophagus through the
gastroesophageal sphincter
Protective collections of lymphocytes and macrophages occur in
the peyers patches
Starch is chemically digested by enzymes produced in the
salivary glands and pancreas
Swallowing reflexes begin when the receptors are stimulated by food in this structure
Blood flows into the liver via the ___________ and ___________; while blood exits the liver via the __________.
Hepatic Portal vein, hepatic artery, hepatic vein
The major outcome that occurs through mechanical digestive activities is
an increase in the surface area of food by breaking it into smaller fragments.
The propulsive function that occurs int eh esophagus is called
The stimulus for the release of pancreatic enzymes is
the presence of chyme in the duodenum containing protein and fats
What is the mixing action that exposes materials to secretions and absorptive factors?
What is the function of the large intestine?
Absorption of water, ions, and some vitamins
This organ provides absorbative function; is shorter than the small intestine; contains a large number of bacteria
Large intestine
Characteristic of essential nutrients
Cannot by synthesized by the body
in glycolysis, glucose must be activate with the use of how many ATP molecules?
Most __________ function as co-enzymes in the body
The form of visual pigments is a function of
vitamin A
The stage of cell respiration in which carbon dioxide is removed from a carbon source is
Krebs Cycle
The most significant source of heat in the body is
cellular respiration
What releases energy stored in chemical bonds?
the process of cellular respiration
Fats have many more calories than carbohydrates because they ....
contain more potential acetyl groups to enter Krebs Cycle
The thermoregulatory center is located in the
Chromium is considered a
trace element
Insulin release would occur in:
the absorptive state
The hormone that controls essentially all events of the absorptive state is
How is Na+ reabsorbed?
Active transport using ATP
In response to increased levels of aldosterone, the kidneys produce
urine with a lower concentration of sodium ions
Nephron cells that respond to the concentration of filtrate are
macula densa cells
What produces a concentration gradient that will allow the nephron to concentrate filtrate?
countercurrent mechanism
The most important factor influencing glomerular filtration rate is
blood hydrostatic pressure
when the concentration of ADH increases....
less urine is produced
which structure is the muscular tube that delivers urine to the bladder
which substance of the following would have the lowest absorption rate? amino acids: sodium: urea: glucos
urine passes through what in what order to get to the external environment?
calyx; renal pelvis; ureter; urinary bladder; urethra
If the efferent arteriole constricts while the afferent arteriole remains unchanged, the glomerular filtration rate will:
Death of mitochondria in the ascending limb of the loop of Henle would result in
Increased Na+ and Cl- ions in the urine output
What is the main substance reabsorbed in the region of the descending limb of the loop of Henle?
Fertilization of the ovum usually occurs in the
fallopian (uterine) tube
Metabolic rate of oocyte increases, cortical reaction occurs and sperms are prohibited from entering the ovum and the ovum completes meiosis occur during
Oocyte activation
In human, when two sperm (polyspermy) occur in an ovum, the result is
non-developing egg
Most of the organs and organ systems are complete during which trimester?
Penetration of the endometrium by the blastocyst is referred to as
The germ layer that develops into all the neural tissues indlucing brain and spinal cord is the
The extraembryonic membrane that forms the fetal portion of the placenta is the
This hormone is produced by the embryo soon after conception and later by the syncytial trophoblast of the placenta. It[s presence in the urine is used in pregnancy tests.
human chorionic gonadotropin
Having ones' water break refers tto the discharge of
amniotic fluid
the syncytial trophoblast separates the fetal circulation from maternal blood creating a barrier
at the placenta
The pituitary hormone involved in milk let-down is
If an individual carries a pair of alleles that are the same they are
If an individual carries a pari of alleles that are different, the allele that is expressed in the phenotype is the
dominant gene
If a gene isn an X-0chromosome is NOT polygenic, it is ____ in the male
Paired chromosomes of the same gene are called
Chromosomes that are not sex chromosomes are called
The various forms of any one gene are called
If an individual carries a pair of alleles that are the same, they are _____ for the trait.
In polygenic ingeritance, characteristics are determined, or controlled, by:
multiple alleles
Does the spermatozoon contain a golgi apparatus?
The process of creating haploid cells is called
What does ADH stimulate
water conservation in the kidneys
what does aldosterone do?
promote sodium retention in the kidney
amound of potassium secreted by the kidney is regulated by
calcium reabsorption in the kidney is from
PTH (Para-thyroid-hormone)
are large amounts of the chloride ion lost each day in urine?
the primary role of the carbonic acid bicarbonate buffer system is to
prevent pH changes caused by organic and fixed acids
Hypoventialtion would cause
respiratory acidosis
prolonged vomiting can result in
metabolic alkalosis
what hormone stimulates thirst?
ADH (anti-diuretic hormone)
exchange among subdivisions of ECF occurs primarily in the
Is normal urine cloudy?
The cells of the macula densa and the JCG form the
JG apparatus
the outer most layer of the kidney tissue is called
renal cortex
the internal cavity lined by fibrous capsule and locate in the area of the hilus is the
renal sinus
Renal artery interlobular artery, arcuate artery, interlobular artery and afferent arteriole glomerulus carry blood tot he
the substance that is monitored in the blood and urine to establish the GFR is
The effect of aldosterone is
to increase sodium reabsorption at the DCT and collectin duct
Where is the renal pyramid found?
Renal Medulla
Urine is carried out to the urinary bladder by
the ureters
The Bowman's capsule and the glomerulus make up the
renal corpuscle
The sequence of the fluid flow in the nephron is:
renal capsule; PCT; loop of Henle
Almost all the organic nutrients reabsorption occur at the
Renal Filtration occurrs at
Renal Bowman's capsule
Aldosterone regulates sodium pumps at the
The hormonal regulation of GFR is out by
Angiotensin II
The ureters and urinary bladder are lined by ____________ epithelium tissue
Which of the following is not a function of the countercurrent multiplication
Where is the renal pyramid found?
Renal Medulla
Urine is carried out to the urinary bladder by
the ureters
The Bowman's capsule and the glomerulus make up the
renal corpuscle
The sequence of the fluid flow in the nephron is:
renal capsule; PCT; loop of Henle
Almost all the organic nutrients reabsorption occur at the
Renal Filtration occurrs at
Renal Bowman's capsule
Aldosterone regulates sodium pumps at the
The hormonal regulation of GFR is out by
Angiotensin II
The ureters and urinary bladder are lined by ____________ epithelium tissue
Which of the following is not a function of the countercurrent multiplication mechanism
reabsorption of Ca++
What happens when the pituitary secretes more ADH
Urine volume decreases
Glucosuria is a symptom of diabetes because
the concentration of glucose int eh plasma excretes the TM of the nephrons.
The molecule that serves as the major source of readily available fuel for neurons and red blood cells is
Anabolism includes reactions in which
large molecules or structures are built from smaller ones.
Does vasoconstriction increase heat?
The process of breaking triglyceride down into glycerol and fatty acids is known as
lipogenisis occurs when
there is a shortage of fatty acids
glycogen is formed in the liver during the
absorptive state
vitamins are organic compounds
they function as coenzymes to assist catalysis
the body progresses from absorptive to the postabosorptive all organs switch from
the brian
is vasoconstriction a hair loss mechanism?
the most improtant hormonal factor in determining BMR is
what nutrient yields a high amount of energy per gram when metabolized
does glycolysis occur in the mitochondria
what vitamin is essential to blood clotting
trace minerals of cobalt area constituent of
vitamin b12
vitamin A, D, and b12 are stored in the
Vasodilation of the skin at room temperature
lowers body temperature
a critical lipid that is used a building block of cells and hormones instead of energy source are
Krebs cycle, electron transport chain, and oxydation phosphorlyphperation occur in the
The _____ i s released to the blood and removed from the body by the urine
Lipids are not water soluble transport cholesterol to perhipheral tissues and regulate cholesterol syntheses
LDL (Low Density Lipoproteins)
The essential mineral for production of T3 and T4 are
Menopause is caused by
no primordial follicles left to respond to follicle-stimulating hormone
Three main duties of the reproductive system
produce gametes
transport gametes
nourish all gametes
Projections of the tunica albuginea, known as septae, divide the testis into:
What is the spermatic cord?
a bundle of tissue containing the ductus deferens, blood vessels, nerves and lymphatics.
what do the sertoli (sustentacular) cells do?
maintain blood-testis barrier, support spermiogenisis, secrete inhibin, secrete androgen-binding protein.
Do the sertoli cells secrete testosterone?
Regarding spermatogenisis, the cells that are formed at the end of meiosis are called:
In the core of each villus, there is a lymph capillary called what?
the wave of smooth muscle contraction that moves foodstuffs through the alimentary canal is called?
Chemical digestion that begins in the mouth uses what and works on what?
amylase, carbohydrates
What foodstuffs have a digestion that begins in the stomach?
the sheets of peritoneal membrane that extend to the digestive organs
The inner cell mass of the blastocyst will form
the embryo
The process of cell division that occurs after fertilization is called
At what age in fetal development is the heart beat first present
4 weeks or month
By day of embryonic development a new layer forms creating the three germ layers this process is called
The most important factor affecting the glomerus filtration rate is
the glomerular filtration pressure
When implantation first occurs nutrients formed by the trophoblast can easily reach the inner cell mass with simple
Embryologic in early fetal development occurs in what trimester
first trimester
Chromosomes that are not sex chromosomes are called
The period of gestation characterized by rapid absolute fetal growth is the what ____ trimester.
Third trimester
Sperm production occurs in the
seminiferous tubules
Sperm develops from stem cells called
Projections of the tunica albuginea known as septae divide the testis into
The spermatic cord contains
Artery veins, vas deferens, lymphatics blood vessels, nerves
Nerves that go through the spermatic cord is called
genital femoral
Interstitial cells of Leydig produce
Another cell along the interstitial cell
Sustentacular cells or Sertoli cells
What process occurs during Amphimixis
Fusion of the male and female pronuclei
Where does the fertilization of the ovum occur
Fallopian tubes
The principle cation in intercellular fluid is
Hypoventilation would cause _____ acidosis
The most significant source of heat in the body is
cellular metabolism
Starch is chemically digested by enzymes produced in the
pancreas and salvia
Nephron cells that respond to the concentration of filtrate are
JG cells/ Juxtaglomerular cells
Micuration is a _____ reflex
Prolonged vomiting can result in
Metabolic alkalosis
The primary role of the carbonic acid bicarbonate buffer system is to
Maintaining a stable pH counteracting the production of hydrogen ions from organic fixed acids
One of the effect of ADH is
Water retention
Accumulation of excess fluid in the tissue is called
Water transports between intracellular fluid and extracellular fluid occurs by
osmosis Calcium reabsorption by the kidney is promoted by the hormone- PTH (parathyroid hormone)
Which hormone stimulates the thirst mechanism
A person with emphysema will exhibit signs of _______acidosis/alkalosis
Respiratory acidosis
A spermatozoon contains all of the following parts of the cell except:
Golgi apparatus (it does contain nucleus, mitochondria, flagellum)
The process of creating haploid cells is called:
The sequence of the travel of spermatozoa is
testis, Epididymis, Ductus deferens, seminal vesicles, prostate gland
The interstitial cells (of Leydig) of the seminiferous tubule produce
Sperm production occurs at the:
seminiferous tubules
The target of the pituitary hormone follicle stimulation hormone (FSH) in males is the
seminiferous tubules
The uterus is located
posterior to the urinary bladder and anterior to the colon
The muscular wall of uterus is called the
The inferior portion of the uterus that projects into the vagina is the
The ligaments that arise on the lateral margins of the uterus and extend through the inguinal canal are the
round ligaments
A corpus luteum is formed by
the follicle after ovulation
Chronologically, the luteal phase of ovarian cycle corresponds to ____ of the uterine cycle
secretory phase
The surge of luteinizing hormone level occurs right before
Answer ovulation
During the menses phase of the uterine cycle
the functional layer is sloughed off
In the core of each villus, there is a lymph capillary called?
The wave like smooth muscle contraction that move foodstuffs through the alimentary canal is called?
The chemical digestion starting with the mouth is?
The chemical digestion starting at the stomach is?
The sheets of peritoneal membrane that extends to the digestive organs.
The segment of small intestine that connects to the cecum?
The primary dentition consists of the deciduous teeth.
There are 20 deciduous teeth that fall out before the age of 12
What are the stomach epithelium cells that secrete gastric acid and intrinsic factor?
parietal cells
Gastrin is a digestive hormone that is responsible for the stimulation of acid secretions in the?
Proteins and peptide fragments
The bile from gallbladder
Drains through pancreas to duodenum
The stomach parietal cells secrete intrinsic factor, which is essential in the absorption of
Vitamin B12
Hepatocytes do not
do not secrete digestive enzymes
Which of the following is not an anatomic characteristic of the colon?
pilcae circulars
The function of the goblet cells in the intestinal wall is?
Produce mucus that protects the intestinal wall.
The fluid secreted into the small intestine that contains emulsify that fat is
Struction of tooth includes
A thin periodontal ligament that holds the tooth in the alveolus
A baby with an abnormal pyloric valve has a history of projectile vomiting after each feeding because of the frequent loss of gastric juices the blood test will likely indicate
Alkalosis (pH value too high)
The longest portion of the alimentary canal is
Fat is broken down to fatty acids and monoglysarides and formed ______ to be transported to the systemic circulation via the lymph.
Which of the following has all the parts in proper sequence
cecum, ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon see pg 83
The amount of water in the human body constitutes about
50% of body weight.
The most abundant cation in the ICF is
Potassium (k+)
The most abundant anion in the ECF is
Chloride (Cl-)
Water transport between ICF and ECF is done by
One of the effects of ADH is
A reduce water loss in urine
One of the effects of NP is to
Increase sodium excretion in the kidneys.
Accumulation of excess fluid in the tissue is called
Excessive consumption of water will cause
Dangerously diluted electrolyte in body fluid
The function of chemical buffer system is to
Stabilize the pH value of the sodium
A normal response to acidosis is to
Increase pulmonary ventilation
ICF is found
in cells of the body
The components of ECF include
Interstitial fluid, Plasma, Lymph, CSF,
When water is lost but electrolyte are retained in the ECF
The osmolarity of the ECF falls
When large amount of pure water are consumed
Osmolarities of two compartments are slightly lowered
Consuming a meal high in salt will
result in a temporally increase in blood volume