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65 Cards in this Set

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A form of inquiry, process in which you test your beliefs, change your view, open mind


Writing' speech, visual images used to affect how people think and act

8 basic elements of rhetoric

Persuade, audience, claims, issues, evidence, reasoning, assumptions, appeals

Evidnece + explanation

The support you give your claims so that other will accept them

A Modest Proposal argument

Uses satire to convince the government to help the poor in Ireland by suggesting that they eat babies

Importance of close reading

Helps gain insight which you then convey in writing

Critical reading

Careful analysis of the various aspects of a text

Plot in reference to short fiction

Centres on human beings who can be seen as in engaging in actions, being acted upon or both


Connection of words by repetition of the initial constinance sound

Crazy kids craving candy


Repwtition of vowel sounds to connect words


Absence of punctuation at the end of a line of poetry which directs us to continue to the next line without pause


The main character in literary work


The character who most notably opposes protagonist

Differences between primary and secondary sources

Primary - literary text you're focusing on

Secondary - additional research you consult

Policy of referencing/citing common knowledge

You do not need to cite if it is something that anybody could know or could easily find

Citation format English classes uses



Person who tells the story

"In media res"

Beginning the story in the middle of the plot

Thesis + it's purpose

A short statement that explains your interpretation and the purpose of your paper

Story Of An Hour argument about martiage

It was mostly companionship and stiffed woman's individuality

In media res in A Rose For Emily

It increases the suspense for it to be told in a non-linear fashion

Emily Grierson

Sort of a fallen monument, part of a gone-by era

Faith in Young Goodman Brown

1. His wife's name

2. Stands for everything that he holds as pure/innocent in life

Dialogue in Hills Like White Elephants

It minimizea the seriousnesa of topic abortion

Compare/contrast hunger artist and panther in The Hunger Artist

The artist is never contempt or satisfied, physically or emotionally, panther is because he only seeks physical comfort

"The fear of blushing" in The Things They Carried

Young men were terrified, but were ashames to let their feeling show

Treatment of woman in A Good Man Is Hard To Find

Women represent emotions and glue that holds the families together

Is Sammy a reliable narrator in A&P

Not really, because his actions were biost based om his feelings towards the girls

what is Walker saying about heritage in Everyday's Use

Physical items can represent it, but it's actually about what you carry in your heart

Desctibe Phoenix Jackson in A Worn Path

Physically - small, elderly, wrinkled, dressed in rafs, poor

Emotionally - selfless, loving, smart, caring, demonstrates unconditional love


The order of words that form phrases and sentences


Anything that affects your 5 senses


Metaphors - comparisons

Simile - also a comparison, but uses "like" or "as"

Sonnet + explain 2 types

Structured poems consisting of 14 lines.

Shakespearean - 3 quatrains + couplet

Italian - octave + sestet

Tone of Western Wind

One of love and longing

Imagery in Dover Beach

It excetuates the lovely surroundings to establisg their intimacy

You Fit Into Me

2 couplets that show love and savagery directly

Sestina + Bishop's poem

A poem made up from 6 stanzas that are 6 lines long and a trenza at the end.

The story is of a child and grandma who are grieving

Bishops - One Art

We are not destroyed by our loses, they are a part of life and with peace of mind we must accept this

In what form is One Art composed


Compare The Lamb and The Tyger

Lamb is innocent, compared to Jesus.

Tyger is powerful predator described as a machine

3 powerful symbols in London

chimney sweeps cries,soldier's blood, harlets

What structure We Real Cool does the reader focus on

"We", young men in the poem

the mother

Abortions that she has had

My Last Duchess

Dramatic monologue

Complaint in My Last Duchess

Young wife's joy with other things

A Red, Red Rose

Uses simile and repetition

She Walks In Beauty

The comparison of light and darkness

Major themes in Dickinson's poetry

Love, faith, death

Major theme in Wild Nights - Wild Nights

The passion imagined

"Last onset" in I Heard A Fly Buzz when I Died

The end of lige, beginning of eternal life

Because I could Not Stop For Death

Death is presentes as a gentlemen collar escortinf her to grave

3 statements Donne make about love's nature

It is harmelss, endleas and pure

Prevalent imagery in Crossing The Bar

Moving out to sea into the deep

Most common topic of sonnets

Romantic love

Most common meter of sonnets

Iambic pentameter

Unique about Shakespeares Sonnet 130

Describes his love as a human not a Goddess

Common theme in To The Virgins, To His Coy Mistress, To An Athlete Dying Young

Carpe diem

Theme in Theme For English B

We are all part of one another, like it or not

Allusion in Facing It

He is a prisoner of his memories

Compare My Papa's Waltz and Those Winter Sundays

Both are relationships with fathers. Waltz is a love filled memory, Sundays is a regret

Theme in The Negro Speaks Of Rivers

His lineage (the history of his people)

A Dream Deferred

Putting aside one's hopes will eventually destroy one

Wit overall theme

In life, kindness is most important

How does Vivian represent all mankind in Wit?

We are all so focused on being the best, but at the end of life, when we are stripped of everything ekse, all that matters is how we were treated and how we treat others