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79 Cards in this Set

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What is another analgesic that is associated with tylenol and anacin?
What does acetaminophen do?
Analgesic and antipyretic
Acetaminophen can lower inflammation. T/F
What occurs in Acetaminophen that interferes with inflammation?
Peroxides are enhanced, so they get in the way which causes inflammation to occur.
What are the side effects of acetaminophen?
There are no gastric distress or anti coagulant properties
What may acetaminophen enhance?
Anti-coagulant properties
Who should stay away from acetaminophen?
Older people and those who suffer from blood clots or strokes
What is the most dangerous part of acetaminophen?
liver and kidney damage. you should not drink 2+ drinks per day with tylenol
There are over thousands of
vitamin and herbal preparations
What is one type of herbal prep used that has many antioxidants?
Gingko Biloba
Where did Gingko Biloba come from? And what does it increase?
Asia, Europe, US

When did Gingko Biloba come into use?
3000 BC used instrumentally by the chinese
How much percent is Gingko associated with antioxidants
What does gingko prevent?
Prevents platelet clotting, free radicals (dead cells, virus, bacteria)
Who can benefit from gingko the most?
elderly patients and alzheimer's disease during the early stages, learning and memory are slightly improved
Ginseng originated from
Asia, US
Ginseng can reduce what and do what?
reduce stress effects: antioxidants and anticarcinogenic
What types of effects does ginseng have?
it is a stimulant like drug, elevated bp, nervousness, insomia
Who can be in danger with this drug?
Post-menopausal women, causing uterine bleeding from the + bp
What herbal prep is like choline and how?

Only so much can be processed by body to ach which makes you smell like fish (alz loses choline)
Who do we get prescription drugs from? OTC drugs?

OTC and prescription drugs are not ________ but only instrumental

Prescribed can be changed to recreational
What natural diet can be dangerous?
Dietary supplements -- homeopathic
What acts as a CNS depressant? It is also called a sedative hypnotic?
What effects are closely related to alcohol?
What are tranquilizers appropriate name?
What are anti-anxiety drugs like valium that cause peacefulness and tranquility?
What is the mechanism of action (Barbs -sedatives)
-absorbed through stomach so its quicker
-high fat solubility
-increased duration of channel opening: inhibited double time if take Barb
-+chloride inhibitory with all of sides there
What two drugs are cynergistic?
Alcohol and valium which can suppress respiration
Which is weaker, barbs or benzos?
Where are gaba receptors?
PFC, cerebellum, brain stem, hippocampus, amygdala and MCL pathway (same as alcohol)
What has gaba receptors?
Barbituates are made out of what?
Urea and malonic acid = barbituric acid
Barbitric acid has an effect. T/F
No, it does not have an effect by itself.
What are some generic names for barbituates?
Phenobarbital, amobarbital, pentobarbital and secobarbital
What was Marylin Monroe taking when she died?
What was used for anesthesia for animals?

-some people have bad side effects when they wake up
Odorless, tasteless and induce what is a common feature of barbiturates?
What types of effects do low doses or acute effects have from barbs?
Mild relaxation and can lead to coma/death
What happens to the brain with low doses of barbs?
People like it and the cerebral cortex is disinhibited causing relaxation and euphoria.
What do you get with moderate doses of barbituates? What brain section does it affect?
Affects brain stem

REticular formation (NE) = less w/+ (instead of stimulating brain cells)

sedation drowsiness

sleep--interrupts REM sleep (restorative)
What occurs with high levels of barbiturates?
CNS depression

drug ineraction
Brain stem inhibition
ld 50 to 10-2x ED 50: very close- ah!
What are some chronic effects of barbiturates?
Daytime: groggy, increased anxiety
Cycle of dependence is what?
Refers to chronic effects of barbs and this is when you create a tolerance so you take more and more
What is very dangerous about barbs, more dangerous than alcohol?

tremors, nausea, vomiting, confusion, fever, increased HR
What are some current medical uses for barbiturates?
extreme insomnia

epileptic seizures (+gaba so +inhibition = no seizures)
What are benzos used for?
Anxiety treatment (tranquilizers)
What type of reaction goes along with benzos
stress reaction -- HPA axis
What are four disorders associated with stress and benzo treatment?
Panic DO
Panic disorder is what and affects what brain areas?
Intense terror, fight or flight
-HPC, Frontal cortex and ACC
What is OCD and where does it affect the brain?
Repetitive, distressing thughts
-frontal cortex and amygdala
PTSD is associated with what brain area?
-recurrent memories, high stress
-frontal cortex and HPC
what is an irrational fear of object or situation which affects the frontal cortex and the amygdala with a fight/flight reaction
How does valium work?
Shuts down amygdala and so slows/shuts down this process for all these disorders
In the feedback stress system what occurs?
-anxiety affects HPC and amygdala
-Cort and NE are released
-Goes back to each stage and shuts system down (after the stress is dealt with)
When was the age of anxiety? What was popular during this time?
1950's: wonder drugs to heal everything
-minor tranq: anxiety drugs
-major tranq: anti psychotics
What does the age of anxiety have to do with women?
Women stay home and super stressed with all the responsibilities so lots of people were on valium
Miracle drug was actually what?
Meprobamate which produces relaxation
What alleviates mental symptoms alcoholism, and sleep problems?
What does the miracle drug do to ACh activity and what is the dependence factors?
Reduces ACh in periphery
-2x dose : dependence: always after
Benzos have an anxiety drug with a sedative effect with the nickname of?
wonder drug
What is the medical use of the wonder drug?
Chlordiazepoxid (librium) and valium which is 5x stronger and works faster
How can the wonder drugs be administered?
oral for anxiety and stress
IV for alcohol withdrawl, seizures and preanesthetic
How soluble are benzos?
less soluble
What type of acute effects are with the slowly absorbed benzos?
gradual relaxation and pleasant feelings
Respiratory centers in the medulla are not affected by benzos, so it is rare that a person will die from an overdose. T/F
What is one way of administering valium and what are the factors involved with that?
oral administration
-LD50 to 2000 mg
-margin of safety is 1000 times weaker
-interactions: synergistic
How quickly is valium eliminated
slow rate: build up
-bigger effects (plus with alcohol)
-special problems for the elderly: slower body
What are some chronic effects of benzos?
-anxiety relieving effects: no tolerance
-sedative effects: tolerance
When does withdrawal occur for benzos?
3-6 days after discontinuation with high anxiety, irrability, insomnia, restlessness, agitation (what the pill usually helps
What else do benzos affect? which types of receptors?
Nicotinic ACh receptors: muscles

Peripheral benzo receptors: immune system is reduced
What do nicotinic receptors affect?
What reduces the immune system?
peripheral benzo receptors
What is one date rape drug?
GHB (gamma hydroxy butyric acid
What does the GHB do
shuts down system
Where is GHB synthesized from?
What receptors do GHB act on?
gaba b receptors, GHB receptors (DA)

produced in small amounts in body
what are some instrumental uses of GHB?
insomnia, depression, narcolepsy, alcoholism, body building
What are the acute effects of GHB?
euphoria, out of body, lowered inhibitions

high doses: unconscious because the LD and ED aren't far apart = happens all of a sudden