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51 Cards in this Set

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Eastern Schism
1054, The Papacy excommunicates the Byzantine Empire because it did not help the Pope against the Normans.
Henry IV of Germany
Ruled 1056-1106, combated Pope over lay investiture.
Concordant of Worms
1122, Church gets to invest bishops but Emperor gets to oversee the election.
William the Duke of Aquitaine founded the cluny.
Group of bishops and abbots held the council for the Peace of God.
Emperor Alexis I Comnenus
Ruled 1081-1118, Asks West for help from the Turks, asks the Pope.
Seljuk Turks conquered Jerusalem, Byzantine Emperor suffers major defeat by Seljuk Turks.
Speech at Clermont.
Crusaders took back Jerusalem.
King Louis VII of France
Ruled 1137-1180, married Eleanor of Aquitaine, established liege lordship.
Thomas Becket
Lived 1118-1170, Henry II wanted to gain power over papacy, so he made Becket archbishop. Becket did not obey Henry II, so his nobles killed the archbishop.
Ibn Rushd
1126-1198, Strict logician, who applied logic to science.
Moses ben Maimon
1135-1204, wrote "A Guide for the Perplexed," contained Jewish religious and Aristotelian logic.
St. Bernard of Clairvaux
1090-1153, Leader of movement against scholasticism.
St. Anslem of Bec/Canterbury
1033-1109, Wanted to learn under greatest teacher but ended up replacing him.
Peter Abelard
1079-1142, Sets up own school, says sin consists of intent.
John of Salisbury
1115-1180, Is sent to Paris, becomes bishop.
1100-1163, Woman, doomed romance with Abelard, brightest mind of her time, became abbess.
Hildegard of Bingen
1098-1179, Founded her own convent, could not seek education or attract students.
Ad Abolendam
1184, described penalties for heresy and instructed bishops to ask secular leaders to battle heretics.
A crusader state conquered by the Muslims in 1144.
Battle of Hattin
1187, Saladin destroyed the crusader states.
Emperor Isaac II Angelus
Ruled 1185-1195 & 1203-1204, made a treaty with the Saladin to help destroy the Third Crusade.
Emperor Alexius IV Angelus
Ruled 1203-1204, wanted Fourth Crusade to help him take the title of Byzantium.
Muslims conquered Edessa.
Fourth Crusade attacked Constantinople.
Byzantine took back Constantinople.
Battle of Bouvines
1214, Philip Augustus won against John's allies from the Holy Roman Empire.
Emperor Frederick II
Ruled 1220-1250, was raised by Innocent III who sided with Frederick's rival to prevent the Holy Roman Empire from gaining Italy.
Las Navas de Tolosa
1212, Major crusading force defeated the Almoheds.
King Louis IX of France
Ruled 1226-1270, distinguished authority of the crown from church and nobles. Made King's agents accountable for doing a good job.
Edward I of England, "Longshanks"
Ruled 1272-1307, saw parliament as a way to increase the King's power.
Fourth Lateran Council
1215, Pope Innocent III, formalized major church doctrine, changed rules of consenguinity, legislation about jews.
Albigensian Crusade
1208, Pope Innocent III, preaching mission against heretics.
St. Dominic
1170-1221, Encountered Church's effort to combat cathars, created new religious order to combat heresy.
St. Francis of Assisi
Popular speaker, sincere, wanted to live like Jesus (imitation of Christ)
King Edward III of England
Ruled 1327-1377, closest blood relative of Capetian king, but is denied right to French throne.
Last Capetian king dies.
King Philip IV of France, the Fair
Ruled 1285-1314, became major rival of Pope, ended up capturing him.
Pope Boniface VIII
Ruled 1294-1303, died from stress after conflict with King Philip IV of France.
Council of Constance
1415, elects a new Pope and removes the previous three.
1358, happened in France, happened as a result of tax.
English Peasant's Revolt
1381, English taxed peasants to fund the war.
King Richard II of England
Ruled 1377-1399, was being advised by bad ministers at the age of 14.
Ciompi Rebellion
1378, Florence, city-state was ruled by burghers for a while.
Outbreak of forced conversions and pogroms
Spanish Inquisition
Sultan Mehmed II, the Conqueror
Ruled 1451-1481, conquered Constantinople.
Fall of Eastern Roman Empire.
Gutenberg prints the Gutenberg Bible
Martin Luther nailed his 95 thesis to the door of the Cathedral.