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40 Cards in this Set

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5 elements of a good story

credible, interesting, unified in plot, handles emotional material with restraint, both simple and complex

dramatic structure: chronological

exposition, complication, climax, denouement

when a film starts in the middle of the action

in medias res

characterization through clothes, hair, the actor playing the part, etc.

characterization through appearance

characterization through what they say and how they say it

characterization through dialogue

when a character's personality is portrayed through their actions; the smallest actions provide the most effective characterization

characterization through external action

when we see or hear things the character imagines, remembers, or thinks about

characterization through internal action

conversations between side characters about the main character; reactions to the main character when they walk in a room, etc.

characterization through reactions of others

when there's a character whose background, attitudes, ideas, etc. is opposite of the main character

characterization through contrast

exaggerating or distorting a character's dominant features or personality traits


the repetition of a single action, phrase, or idea by a character so that it becomes a trademark of that character


when a character's name portrays something about their personality or has a certain connotation

characterization through nametyping

minor characters whose actions are predictable or typical of their profession

stock characters

characters who fit into preconceived patterns of behavior typical of a group of people


characters deeply affected by the action of the plot; undergo some significant change from beginning to end

dynamic or developing characters

characters who remain essentially the same throughout the film

static characters

two dimensional, predictable characters who lack the complexity and uniqueness of psychological depth

flat characters

unique, complex characters with psychological depth

three dimensional or round characters

a story in which every object, person, and event has a deeper, abstract meaning; there's a clear, separate story on a purely figurative level


something that stands for something else


pre-charged, ready made symbol that people already recognize as standing for something else, ex. Cross, American Flag, dove

universal and natural symbols

ways of creating symbolic meaning

repetition, value placed on an object by a character, context, special visual, aural, or musical emphasis

a metaphor that has to do with what's going on; emerge directly from the scene at hand

intrinsic metaphor

metaphors that have nothing to do with the scene itself, but are inserted artificially by the filmmaker

extrinsic metaphor

when the audience knows something the characters dont

dramatic irony

a sudden backfiring of events so that the outcome is exactly the opposite of what the character intended

situational irony

when characters embody deep contradictions or do the opposite of their expected behavior

irony of character

when an event takes place in a setting that's the opposite of where we would usually expect it to take place

irony of setting

a juxtaposition of opposite attitudes or feelings; happy music playing during a horrible event, or a serious portrayal of ridiculous events

irony of tone

suggests that life is a game that can't be won no matter how hard you try

cosmic irony

three most common aspect ratios

1.33, 1.85, 2.55

time period in which the story takes place

temporal factors

four setting factors

temporal, geographic, social structures and economic factors, moral attitudes and modes of behavior

setting as a significant controlling force in characterization

setting as a determiner of character

setting gives you an understanding of the character

setting as a reflection of character

creating a reality that makes the viewer believe the setting and feel like they're there; gives authenticity

setting for verisimilitude

enhances a film's theme and meaning through settings with a high visual impact

setting for sheer visual impact

setting creates a specific mood

setting to create emotional atmosphere

when setting takes on strong symbolic overtones and represents the location and ideas that go with it

setting as symbol

when the small world in the film is representative of humankind and the world as a whole

setting as microcosm