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78 Cards in this Set

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Employment at will doctrine
Can quit or be fired for any reason or no reason
**slowly disappearing
14th Ammend. Equal Protection Clause
no STATE shall deny anyone equal protection
State laws are passed based on..
polic powers--health, safety, morals, and welfare
To determine if a law violates the Equal Protection Clause,
1. Need state action (a public entity must be doing the discrimination)
2. Then determine what protected class is being discriminated against.
To determine if a group is being discriminated under the EPC...
Race- Strict Scrutiny
1. compelling govt interest
2. narrowly tailored means
Gender- heightened scrutiny
1. must serve important gov interest
Age/economics- Rational basis
1. gov needs reasonable reason
Brown v BOE
Seperate but equal is not equal. 1954. violates the Constitution
Affirmative Action
Designed to make up for past discrimination in education and employment and to create more diversity
Bakke Case (AA-1978)
Univ CA Davis med school planned to accept 16 out of 100 minorities. Bakke applied, had better credentials, not accepted. Unconstitutional b/c had to pass strict scrutiny test--quote not narrowly tailored.
Hopwood case (AA-1993)
University of Texas law school plan to up minority enrollment. School lost b/c diversity was not compelling
Michigan law school case(2004)
wanted more diverse student body, white female sued, school claimed critical mass and won b/c of no set number (they didn't use a quota)court found this compelling
Michigan undergrad case
Gave points to minorities and lost, not narrowly tailored
Plans that are most likely to be legal with AA...
1. temporary plans--more constitutional than permanent.
2. goals more constit than quotas
Title V11 of Civil Rights Act of 1964
prevent discrimination in the work place, public accomodations, etc...
Purpose of Title VII
prevent discrim based on race religion color sex of nat'l origin
To be covered by Titl VII in the work place,
must be 15 or more employees for 20 or more weeks
Definition of Disparate Treatment (VII)
obvious discrim on a protected category.
EX- walgreens placement of minority managers
EX- male trying to be exotic dancer
Elements of disparate treatment
a. belong to protected group
b. qualified
c. applied or were working there
d. were discriminated against
Defenses of disparate treatment
1. Bona Fide occupational qualification--at times, companies can discriminate based on religion, gender, or national origin if the ESSENCE of the job requires it, but never for race or color
EX. religious schools, chefs, strip clubs
2.not qualified, bad reference
3. criminal record
Definiation of Disproportionate Impact
neutral policies that discriminate
EX. height and weight
Quid Pro Quo harrassment (Under Sex harrassment VII)
this for that, job benefits conditioned on sex
company automatically liable
Hostile Environ Harrassment
(Under sex harrassment VII)
1. can be touching, comments, jokes, posters, asking, etc..
2. Elements
a. unwelcome
b. based on sex
c. create abusive environ
-subj(must bother victim)
-obj(offend reasonable person)
d. done by a coworker must show company knew or should have known and failed to stop
e. if by a supervisor, comp is liable unless it can establish an affirmative offense
Affirmative offense
1. reasonably tried to prevent
2. employee failed to report
Factors of hostile environ harrassment
frequency, severity, humility, if caused pysch harm
How to avoid harrassment
1. have a policy
2. train employees
3. zero tolerance
4. easy to complain
5. investigage
6. take appropriate action
Elements of Age Discrimination in Emp Act
1. over 40
2. qualified
3. discrim against
4. b/c of age
Americans with disabilities act
Comp cannot discriminate against a disabled person who can do the job w/ or w/o a reasonable accomodation.
**if its too expensive this is an exception
Agency Relationship
one person acts on behalf of another subject to person's control
express authority
what you are TOLD to do
Implied Authority
Unstated- an extension of your express authority.
1. do whatever is normally done in your job
2. authority to act in an emergency
Apparent Authority
exists when a principal acts in such a way to have a third party reasonably believe the agent has authority
Duties of Agent to Principle
1. Performance-act with due care
2. Notification-must infrom princ about whats going on with the business
3. Loyalty- cant compete against principle
4. Obediance
5. Acctg- inform p of financial condition
Principle's duties to Agent
1. Compensation- agreed on or reasonable
2. Reimbursement and indemnification- reimburse for out of pocket work related expenses
3. Cooperation- make it possible for you to do your job
4. Safe working conditions
Disclosed principle
generally does his/her job and drops out with no liability
Partially disclosed principle
3rd party (home seller) knows agency but not principle
Agent liable
Undisclosed principle
3rd party is totally unaware of agency relationships
Agent liable
Agents always reliable for their own____
Respondeant superior(vicarious liability)
P is liable for the torts of agents committed w/in the scope of agents employment. P liable ir he has the right to control even if he doens't exercise it
Kaplan lost
P liable
EX out of way for construction
P not liable
Fiocco v Carver, co won
Intentional Acts
p liable (but its rare) only if acts committed in scope of employment
Independant contractor
P not liable
(doing work for you you cannot control)
Equal Pay act of 1963
woman are entitled to the same pay as men for similar work.
1. merit system
2. valid seniority system
3. piecemeal system
Prevent workplace injuries and deaths.
Must create safe work environ
Employess can refuse to work if they are put in danger
Keep records!
Before workers compensation
1.Before worker's comp, an injured worker had to sue employer for negligence.
2.Employee could raise commonlaw defenses of:
a. assumption of risk
b. contrib negligence-if partly your fault, no recov
c. fellow servant rule-caused by a coworker, no recov
Rationale for Workers comp
1. costs get spread around
2. worker isn't suffering if doing their job
Elements of proof in workers comp
1. injury an accident
2. arose from scope of emp
When worker's comp doesn't apply (or need to prove it is work related)
heart attack, bad back, stress and mental health
**horseplay, can be covered
**weather related covered if you are at a greater risk then the public
Exclusive remedy under workers comp
can only file a workers comp claim, and you can't sue it for negligence
**can sue manufacturer of a machine that hurt you
Benefits under WC
med paid for, rehad paid for, missed work, death and funeral paid, and lump sum based on injury
Social Security and medicare
old age insurance
SS money pays medicare, disability, survivor benefits
Private pension planbs
not required, but regulated
Unemployment insurance
intended to help someone who was let go and looking for work
1. involuntarily terminated
2. must be able and available to work
3. seeking employment
**can't get if fired for misconduct
Family & Med Leave Act
allows employees to take up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave per year for personal reasons
Definition of deceptive advertising
misleads a REASONABLE person
Bait and swith deceptive ad-
advertising a product at a low price to get people in, then not having it or saying its junk to get people to buy something more expensive
Price claims (decept ad)
1. Comparison to former price- must have been in existence for a reasonable amt of time
2. list and suggested retail- must have actually been the price
3. Special deals- must be lower price and the event must be real
4. two for one, etc-reg price must have existed for a reasonable amt of time
5. price elsewhere- must be the prevailing price in the area
FTC actions against deceptive ads
1. cease and desist
2. counteradvertising- correct the deceptive ad
Packaging requirments according to Fair Pack and Label act
1. what product is
2. quantity and number serving
3. manufacturer and packager
4. nutritional info
**enforced by Dept of H&H Services
Credit protection under the Truth and Lending Act
disclosure act that requires sellers and lenders to disclose credit terms to borrowers so they know what they are getting and can shop around
Credit card rules
1. $50 limit if lost, zero after comp informed
2. if unsolicited card is stolen and used, no liability
Fair Credit Reporting Act
1. sets out the situations in wichi it is appropriate for credit agencies to issue a report
2. if a consumer is denied credit or charged a higher premium or rate b/c of credit issues, they are entitled to be notified and can get the report
Fair Debt collection Practices Act
It applies to:
1. debt collection agencies, lawyers, that get a % of what they claim
2. does not apply to regular creditors
Tangible property
can be touched
stock certificate, copyright
Real Property
land and anything permanently attached.
1. landowner has some rights to the air and earth on property
2. plant life and vegetation- considered part of the real prop until they are cut down... then personal
personal property that becomes attached to real prop so as to be considered real prop
1. unless contract says otherwise, fixtures stay with real prop
2. fixture if would cause damage if removed
3. fixture if normally considered part of real property (door)
Lost property
Prop that the owner accidentally parts possession with
-owner has better rights than the finder
Mislaid property
Prop that the owner intentionally places somewhere and forgets.
-owner of premises has better rights than finder
Abandoned prop
owner intentionally parts possession with
-finder has best rights
rightful possession of prop by a person who is not the owner
Elements of bailment
1. delivery of
2. personal property(by bailor to bailee)
3. bailee doesn't become owner
4. bailee has duty to return
Deeds under transfer of real property
document that provides evidence of title. (when you buy a house)
when you die, title to any real property that you own will transfer to the person or entity you have designated in your will
Adverse possession
occurs when a person uses your property w/out your permission. law reguires you to put an end to this or you may risk the loss of your property
Elements for adverse possession
1. possession must be open and obvious
2. against interest of true owner
3. continuos for a set amt of time
Eminent domain
under the 5th ammend, the govt can take private property for a public purpose as long as it pays owner fair compensation
**to build a runway
**Sup Ct ruled that is is constit for a city/town to take private prop to put up a private business as a means of improving econ conditions or tax base of the city