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99 Cards in this Set

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The most common gynecological tumor is the
Different names for fibroids include:
myomas, leiongyomas, leiomyomata
Fibroids are more prevelant in _____ women.
African american
Usually fibroids occur in _____ women.
What % of women have fibroids?
20& of women with fibroids are under the age of ____.
Fibroids consists of ____ ____ lobulations of _____ tissue.
Whorled spherical, myometrial
True or False. Fibroids distorts the uterine contour.
Fibroids arise from ____ muscle of the ____ wall.
Smooth, uterine
What is a fibroid encapsulated with?
Pseudo capsule
True or False. Fibroids are usually asymptomatic.
What are some signs of fibroids?
Low blood pressure, constipation, pelvic pressure, and pain
Fibroids may contribute to _____.
How do fibroids cause infertility?
They distort the fallopian tubes or endo cavity
During pregnancy, an increase in ____ can cause tumors to grow and ____.
Estrogen, bleed
When pregnancy causes tumors to bleed, what is it called?
degenerating fibroids
What are the 4 classifications of fibroids?
Subserosal, intramural, submucosal, and pedunculated
Where do subserosal fibroids project from?
The peritoneal surface of the uterus
Subserosal fibroids may become _____ and appear as a ______.
pedunculated, extrauterine mass
What does pedunculated mean?
When something develops a "stalk"
Subserosal fibroids may ____ and cause ____.
enlarge, pressure
What is the most common type of fibroid?
Intramural fibroid
The intramural fibroid is confined to the _____.
Intramural fibroids cause _____ & _____.
Pressure & infertility
The least common type of fibroid is a ____ fibroid.
Submucosal fibroids are typically _____.
The ____ fibroids are most likely to produce symptoms.
What does the submucosal fibroid displace?
The basalis layer of the endometrium
The submucosal fibroid may be removed______
The endometrial cavity is eroded by _____ fibroids.
What 3 things can submucosal fibroids cause?
Irregular bleeding, anemia, and infertility.
____ are more echogenic than fibroids.
With polyps, you may see a ____ rising from the endo.
When something is pedunculated, a ____ ____ may be seen arising from the superior _____.
Fibrous stalk, fundus
True or False. Sometimes the fibrous stalk cannot be visualized on US.
When looking for a pedunculated fibroid you should always look in the ____ ____, superior to the ____.
False pelvis, fundus
Fibroids that are very rare are ____ fibroids.
Only a small % of fibroids are found in the ____.
What 2 things can cervical fibroids cause?
Obstruction of cervical OS, and interrupted fetal delivery
Broad ligament fibroids are extremely ____.
What can broad ligament fibroids mimic?
Adnexal masses
Another name for broad ligament fibroids is...
Extrauterine mass
Fibroids have ____ echogenicity.
True or False. Fibroids can be homogeneous or heterogeneous.
Most fibroids are ____.
The appearance of fibroids is usually...
Solid, well borders, and complex (degenerating)
What is the appearance of a bulky fibroid uterus?
Uterine enlargement w/ heterogenous myometrial echo pattern
What does the internal echo appearance of a fibroid depend on?
The amount of fibrous calcium in the mass
The internal appearance of a fibroid may contain _____ & _____.
Necrosis & cystic degeneration
Two things that may be present in fibroids that are more common in older women include:
Calcification & hemorrhage
_____ makes fibroids appear more lucent and ____ than the myometrium.
Hyalinization, hypoechoic
The most common cause of uterine calcifications are ____.
What is the least common cause of uterine calcifications?
Arcuate artery calcifications
Arcuate artery calicification in the uterine periphery may indicate 3 underlying diseases. What are they?
Diabetes, hypertension, and chronic renal failure
A translucent product of some forms of tissue degeneration is ____.
The transformation of a substance to a glasslike/transparent state is considered to be _____.
True or False. Fibroids range in size from microscopic to massive.
Large fibroids can displace _____ and alter the ____ contour.
Adnexal structures, bladder
Fibroids commonly increase the size of the ____, especially with ____ secretion.
Uterus, estrogen
What is the most accurate form of ultrasound for imaging fibroids?
When measuring the uterus with fibroids, what measurements do you take?
Longest Cx-fundus, largest AP diameter, and widest TRV diameter
What does it mean when a fibroid is characterized as being discrete?
It is characterized by distinct unconnected lesions
True or False. Fibroid uterus size is typically compared with pregnancy size.
Imaging the uterus in transvagianl is sonographically useful in...
detecting small fibroids
When measuring discrete fibroids, always scan the _____ to see the effect it has.
What would you do to find a definitive diagnosis for a submucosal mass with abnormal bleeding?
Complete an endometrial biopsy and/or sonohysterography
If there is rapid fibroid growth, especially in PM women, it should raise the question of ______.
Fibroids are responsible for ____% of all infertility problems.
Fibroids near the uterine cornua may obstruct the _____ and impair _____.
Fallopian tubes, fertilization
What 3 things do submucosal and intramural fibroids cause?
Recurrent miscarriages, impeded sperm flow, and inadequate implantation
_____ fibroids may block the _____ and impede sperm flow.
Submucosal, fallopian tubes
Placenta implantation over a fibroid may cause ____ ____ ____.
Poor placental perfusion
What can poor placenta perfusion lead to?
IUGR (intrauterine growth restriction)
How do submucosal fibroids prevent adequate implantation?
The impair blood supply of the endo, and disturb the structure of it
Most submucosal fibroids lead to _____ complications.
Estrogen stimulated tumors are ____.
Fibroids are _____ responsive.
What are fibroids affected by?
BCP, pregnancy, tamoxifentherapy, menopause, HRT
What breast cancer drug can cause growth of fibroids?
True or False. Fibroids rarely develop in PM women.
Fibroids _____ in size with decreasing estrogen levels but do not ____.
Decrease, disappear
Fibroids ____ in size with pregnancy.
Rapid enlargement of fibroids under the influence of ____, occur during pregnancy.
1st trimester fibroids are associated with...
a greater chance of pregnancy loss (especially multiple fibroids)
Large fibroids may not receive adequate ____ & may ____.
Blood supply, degenerate
Degenerating fibroids are very ____.
Some degenerating fibroids can cause ____ ____.
Premature labor
The sonographic appearance of a degenerating fibroid includes _____, and anechoic areas of ____ & _____.
internal echoes, necrosis & cystic degeneration
Doppler evaluation of a fibroid contain ____ vessels with ___ velocity flow.
Thin, low
True or False. Vessels are NOT seen in a degenerating fibroid.
Large pelvic masses may cause ____, so the ____ should be evaluated.
urinary obstruction, kidneys
To check for hydronephrosis you should scan the ____, after _____.
Kidneys, voiding
What are the different grades of hydronephrosis?
Grade I (mild), Grade II (moderate), and Grade III (severe)
____ is more sensitive than ultrasound for evaluation of fibroids.
What is the surgical removal of fibroids called?
Three ways for completing a myomectomy are...
abdominally, laparoscopic, and hysteroscopic
Two treatments for fibroids include...
Uterine artery embolization & hysterectomy
Cutting off the blood supply to the fibroid is called:
Uterine artery embolization
What does a uterine artery embolization involve?
Catheter inserted into uterine artery with injecting agent into arterial branches to block blood flow to fibroids