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45 Cards in this Set

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risk factors for cancer of the cervix

HPV, smoking, DES, weakened immune system, BCP, multiple sex partners

DES is no longer used

maintain pregnancy

babies at high risk of cancer of the cervix

signs and symptoms of cancer of the cervix

painless (early), pelvic pain during sex, abnormal bleeding, increased vaginal discharge

detection of cancer of the cervix

HIV test

pelvic exam

PAP (papanicolau) smear

treatment of cancer of the cervix




clinical trials

ovarian cancer is difficult to...


risk factors for ovarian cancer

genetic mutations (BRCA1/BRCA3), family history, previous cancer, age, no pregnancies, endometriosis, eastern euopean ashkenazi jews, lynch syndrome

signs and symptoms of ovarian cancer

abdominal pain, bloating, gas, indigestion, nausea, feeling of fullness, pelvic pressure, frequent urination, changes in bowel habits, weight loss or gain, malaise, low back pain, vaginal discharge , bleeding

treatment for ovarian cancer




screening/tests for ovarian cancer

CA 125- high levels in cancer its; 0-35 units/ml

pelvic exam



prevention of ovarian cancer

CA 125 testing (BRCA1/BRCA2 genetic mutation)

prophylactic oophorectomy (post childbearing)

-70% increased risk of breast/uterine cancer/CV and neurologic disease

if ovaries are removed before menopause

hormones are lost

pelvic inflammatory disease

generalized infection of the female reproductive system

causes of pelvic inflammatory disease

chlamydia, gonorrhea, unprotected sex, multiple sex partners, IUD, history of PID

signs and symptoms of pelvic inflammatory disease

sleigh of asymptomatic, fever, foul discharge, painful intercourse/urination, irregular menstrual bleeding, lower abdominal pain

systemic- bacteria in blood stream

complications of pelvic inflammatory disease

infertility, ectopic pregnancy, chronic pelvic pain, septicemia

ectopic pregnancy

fertilized egg attached to fallopian tube/abdominal wall

diagnosis/treatment of pelvic inflammatory disease


hospitalization (IV antibiotics)


pregnancy first trimester

most formative for children

morning sickness

pregnancy second trimester

best time for elective treatment

pregnancy third semester

pt may be uncomfortable duet to size

watch positioning

periodontal disease and pregnancy

risk-low birth weight babies

risk increases if 6-10 times if disease is severe/moderate

unknown if treating perio disease decreases affect of fetus

menopause causes

ovaries less functional

lowered prod of estrogen


surgical menopause


mid 30s to 40s

estrogen levels fluctuate

menstrual irregularities

similar symptoms to menopause

signs and symptoms of menopause

hot flashes, skin flushing, night sweats, insomnia, mood swings, irregular menstrual spotting, vaginal/urinary tract infections, decreased sex drive, 12 months without period

treatment of menopause

HRT, MHT, phytoestrogen (soy, flax seed, tofu), deep breathing, biofeedback, paxil, effexor, prozac

complications of menopause

osteoporosis, CBD (elevation of serum cholesterol levels

risk factors of breast cancer

age, gender (mostly female), family history, ethnicity, chest radiation, HRT (hormone replacement therapy), alcohol consumption, radiation, previous history, genetic factors BRCA1 BRCA2, dense breast tissue, certain benign breast conditions, BCP (slight risk, obesity

signs and symptoms of breast cancer

lump, mass, breast changes (symmetical, size/shape, dimpled/puckered, scaly, stippled, retraction of nipple, redness, itching), abnormal nipple, discharge, pain, advanced symptoms (bone pain, weight loss, itching swelling of arm, skin ulceration)

breast cancer mestastazie

bone, jaw, spine

types of breast cancer

ductal carcinoma in situ- confined to ductal system

infiltrating ductal carcinoma

infiltrating lobular carcinoma (10%) - harder to detect in mammograms

tests for breast cancer

breast self exam





baseline 35-40y

40-50 every other year

>50 every year

digital mammography

dense tissue


treatment for breast cancer

surgery: lumpectomy, total, mastectomy



SERM (selective estrogen receptor modulator) anti estrogen -if cancer is sensitive to estrogen

aromatase inhibitors- lower amount of estrogen in body

PARP inhibitors- block DNA repair in cancer cells

high dose chemo + stem cell transplant

total breast mastectomy

breast tissue removal

radical mastectomy

breast and muscle removal


removes only the area affected

less invasive

complications of breast cancer


surgical complications

psychological effects

prevention of breast cancer

diet, lifestyle, BSE, clinical breast exams, screening mammograms, medications, early detection, preventative mastectomy

breast reconstruction

filled tissue expander/implants

muscle repositioning

TRAM (trans-rectus abdominus muscle) flap breast reconstruction

breast implants

primary augmentation (cosmetic)

primary reconstruction (cancer)

types of implants



"gummy bear"

complications of breast implants

reoperations, breast pain, capsular (tissue) contraction, canoes in sensation, rupture of implant, migration of silicone gel

gel implants ruptures


MRI required every 3 years

premedication for implants

general rule: premed before dental trophy for 2 years post surgery