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88 Cards in this Set

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True or false. Follicular cysts in the ovaries commonly develop as a normal part of the menstrual cycle.
What are indications for a hysterosalpingogram?
evaluate functional or structural defects of uterus and uterine tubes, evaluate fertility, can be therapeutic
Females are born with about 1 million "eggs". They do not produce additional eggs or ova during their lifetime. At the time of puberty girls generally have about _________ remaining.
Ther term used to describe an unfertilized ova going through neoplastic changes is:
dermoid cyst (teratoma)
Benign breast tumors are most commonly found in:
Upper outer quadrant
Breast tissue goes through changes as women age. This change takes breast from dense fibroglandular to adipose tissues. This process is called:
A cancer of abnormal growth of epithelial cells, associated with human papillary virus, in female reproductive system which is often is identified in a pap smear is:
cervical carcinoma
Which neoplastic condition is characterized as being a benign, solid mass influenced by estrogen?
Malignant breast tumors are most commonly found in:
upper outer quadrant
Which of the following terms describes a duplication of uterus?
uterus didelphys
That diagnostic procedure used to measure distance between ishial spines (pelvic outlet) and compare information with measurements taken of fetal head is:
The absence of menstrual cycle is called:
Radiologists studying mammograms will often look for clusters of calcifications because calcifications will occur in _____% of malignant lesions.
When an embryo develops within the uterine tube it is called:
ectopic pregnancy
True or false. Patient dose in mammography has been significantly reduced (cut in half) with the use of digital imaging.
Stein-Leventhal syndrome is often associated with:
Polycystic ovaries
True or false. Malignant breast tumors are dense and stellate?
Normal uterine tissue located outside the uterus is called:
What can predispose a woman to cervical cancer?
HPV, STDs and multiple sex partners
Fertilization of the ova takes place in:
Uterine tubes
What types of bacteria can cause PID?
Gonococcus, staphylococcus or streptococcus
Termination of a hystersalpingogram is dependent on:
spillage of contrast into the abdomen
That imaging modality which best differentiates between cystic or solid lesions is:
Mastitis is an infection of the breast most commonly associated with what type of bacteria:
This type of malignant ovarian tumor "seeds" cancer cells along peritoneal surfaces and so spreads throughout the abdomen.
Which factors aids in the reduction of patient exposure during mammography?
Digital and the use of compression devices
When a lack of uterine support is present, a device is insterted into the vagina to provide support. Name the device.
What does gravid mean?
In a normal woman the fundus of the uterus lies anterior to the crevis and away from the rectum. This is ___________.
If the uterus is more vertical than normal it is said to be __________.
If the juterus is completely bent back and lies against the rectosigmoid colon, it is said to be ____________.
If the uterus is tilted vertically forward and lies on top of the bladder it is said to be ____________.
Inflammation of the breast is called:
_____________ result fro faulty reabsorption of the fluid from incompletely developed follicles.
Follicular ovarian cysts
__________ occur when resorption of any blood leaked into the cavity after ovulation leaves behind a small cyst.
Corpus luteum ovarian cysts
Enlarged ovaries containing multiple small cysts are called:
Polycystic ovaries
The most lethal gynecologic malignancy is:
____________ is a malignant tumor of the ovary, accounting for more than 60% of all ovarian cancers.
Another name for cervical carcinoma is:
__________ is a common malignancy caused by an abnormal growth pattern of epithelial cells around the neck of the uterus.
Cervical carcinoma
___________ are benign solid masses of the uterus that develop from an overgrowth of the uterine smooth muscle tissue.
After menopause, leiomyomas are replaced largely by scar tissue, leading to the misnomer:
Uterine fibroids
The most common malignancy of the uterus is:
Adenocarcinoma of the endometrium (endometrial carcinoma)
Benign breast tumors that are usually unilateral and consist of solid, well defined mass that does not invade surrounding tissue is:
______ is formed by an overgrowth of fibrous and glandular tissue.
An overgrowth of fibrous tissue or cystic hyperplasia results in:
fibrocystic breasts
____________ is when there is too much amniotic fluid present.
_____________ is when there is not enough amniotic fluid present.
___________ is when an embryo develops outside the uterine cavity.
Ectopic pregnancy
What is it called when the implantation of the placenta leaves all or part of the cervical os covered?
Placenta previa
When a placenta prematurely separates from the uterus it is called:
placental abruption
___________ is a condition in which the placenta extends into the myometrium, causing an unduly firm attachment that bleeds at delivery because it does not separate normally.
Placental percreta
What is a hydatidiform mole?
Abnormal conception in which there is usually no fetus. The uterus fills with cystically dilated chorionic villi that resemble a bunch of grapes.
What are contraindications for a hysterosalpingogram?
PID, pregnancy, during menstrual cycle
What is a sonohystogram?
Ultrasound imaging, saline is injected, terminates when saline enters abdomen
During the menstrual cycle the ________ enlarges.
What is bicornuate uterus?
Paired uterine horns
What is unicornuate uterus?
Single uterine tube
What is uterine didelphys?
Duplicate reproductive organs
What is PID?
Pelvic inflammatory disease caused by bacterial infection. The uterine tubes often infected, usually bilaterally. May lead to sterility from scarring. Antibiotics used to treat.
Mastitis is a bacterial infection usually caused by ____________ bacteria.
Staphylococcus aureus
Follicular and corpus luteum cysts are examples of :
Ovarian cysts
What type of cysts are common and a normal part of menstrual cycle?
Follicular and corpus luteum cysts
What is the treatment for endometriosis?
Mild cases are treated with hormones. Can be treated surgically.
What is Stein-Leventhal syndrome?
An endocrine abnormality inhibiting maturation and release of ova.
What pathology is associated with Stein-Leventhal syndrome?
Polycystic ovaries
What is the treatment for polycystic ovaries?
Drugs to induce ovulation
Polycystic ovaries may lead to:
Amenorrhea and sterility
What is the treatment for teratomas?
Surgical removal
Unfertalized ova that go through neoplastic change form:
Dermoid cysts (cystic teratoma)
What type of malignancy accounts for more than 75% of all ovarian cancers?
What are risk factors for cystadenocarcinoma?
High fat diet, late child bearing, delayed menopause, family history
What is the treatment for cystadenocarcinoma?
Surgery, chemo, and radiation therapy
Metastasis to abdominal structures is common in which ovarian pathology?
What is the prognosis for cystadenomacarcinoma?
Poor because of vague or absent symptoms
Solid tissue invading the outside of the ovary presents in which pathology?
Ovarian papillary cystadenocarcinoma
This malignancy is caused by abnormal growth of epithelial cells.
Cervical carcinoma
This pathology is tied to hormonal changes in aging women.
Endometrial cancer
What is the treatment for endometrial cancer?
Surgery, chemo and radiation
This pathology is caused by overgrowth of uterine smooth muscle tissue.
What sized focal spot is used in mammo?
What type of female reproductive pathology is influenced by estrogen?
What type of breast tumor is estrogen dependent?
What are risk factors for fibrocystic breasts?
Hormone levels, family, high fat diet, high salt intake, high caffeine intake
Why do hydatidiform moles form?
Absence of female chromosome (Y only)
What is the primary female reproductive organ?
What does the corpus luteum do?
Houses the ova as it is maturing, prior to ovulation
XX are chromosomes indicating a __________ whereas XY indicates a __________.
Female, male