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34 Cards in this Set

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during the fetal period, all oogonia (46 chrom) stop mitotic division and differentiate into primary oocytes, they then start their first meiotic division but not complete it. instead they become arrested in prophase in their 1st meiotic division
at birth, the ovary only contains primary oocytes arrested in their 1st meiotic division. This is a long phase and most oocytes do not mature beyond this phase (oogonia do not exist after fetal life)
at puberty FSH stims the onset of the ovarian cycle, each month usually only one oocyte will be ovulated. since the ovulated oocyte is derived from the primary oocyte which has been in the ovary since before female birth, it is essentially as old as the female
the primary oocytes remain arrested in its first meiotic division until just prior to ovulation when it completes its first meiotic division, this produces a secondary oocyte which immediately beings its 2nd meiotic division and is arrest. This oocyte is ovulated
the secondary oocyte only completes its 2nd meiotic division only if it is fertilized and the spermatozoa stims it to complete meiosis
during oocyte meiotic division, half of the genitic material is lost as nonfunctional cells called polar bodies. one 46 chrom primary oocyte completes meiotic division and prodiuces another polar body which degenerates and the remaining 23 chromosomes immedialy combine with the 23 chrom of the spermatozoa
surface simple cuboidal epithelium (germinal epi) over a CT capsule, can be the stem cells for one type of ovarian cancer
cortex: ovarian follicles sourrounded by CT, round structures, they are collections of cells and consist of a central oocyte, and around hte oocye is a amorphous coat called the zona pellucida
medulla: CT and blood vessels through it
ovarian follicle
zona pellucida - translucent zone of glycoprotein that surrounds the cells
follicle cells - surround the oocyte, support cells
stroma cells - CT cells outside the follice cells, differentiate outside the follicle cells and form the and form theca cells
Follicle Stages
primordial follicle - only follicles present at birth until puberty
primary oocyte surrounded 1 layer of flat follicle cells
ovarian cycle
at puberty, FSH stim the onset of the ovarian cycle, each month about 1-20 follicles begin growing and maturing, onyl 1 follicle fully matures and ovulates (releasing the oocyte)
growing follicles
primary follicle - primary oocyte (cortical granules - contain proteases that are released during fertilization), zona pellucida, follicle cells (granulosa cells - 1 to several layers of cuboidal cells that have FSH receptors and convert estrogen precursors onto estrogen) stroma cells differentiate into theca cells
theca interna - secrete estrogen precursors
theca externa - flat CT cells
secondary follicle
follicle cells secrete liqour follicle (nutrient fluid) forming fluid- filled spaces which coalesce to form a single space called the antrum
Mature (Graafian) follicle
antrum increases in size and pushes oocyte to the side
cumulus oopherous - mound of follicle cells around oocyte
corona radiata - the single layer of follicle cells surrounding the zona, these cells will be released with the oocyte during fertilization
follicle cells aquire LH receptors in addition to FSH receptors
just prior to ovulation, the primary oocyte completes its first meiotic division, and immediately starts its 2nd and is arrested
prior to ovulation the pituitary secretes a surge of LH
1. primary oocyte completes its 1st meiotic division, beings its 2nd and is arrested in metaphase
2. oocyte, zona pellucida + corona radiate detatch from follicle wall and float in antrum
3. increased fluid in antrum causes follicle to bulge out of wall of ovary
4. pressure on ovary wall cuts off blood supply to overlying tissue causing ischemia, proteolyisis and degenartion of surface follicle and stroma cells occur
5. follicle ruptures and releases the oocyte with its surrounding zona pellucida and corona radiate
development of the corpus luteum
after ovulation, CT and blood vessels invade the ruptured follicle, blood carries LH which stims the development of the corpus luteum
the follicle cells enlarge and become granulose lutein cells which have both LH and FSH receptors, these cells secrete mainly progesterone but also low levels of estrogen
the theca interna cells become the theca lutein cells and secrete progesterone and androstenedione
corpus luteum of menstration - if fertilization does not occur the CL last 12 - 14 days then degenerates
corpus albicans - degenerated CL - CT cells invade and form corpus albicans which eventually regresses and disappears
CL of pregnancy - if fertilization does occur then the CL persists throughout pregnancy
luteal (from follicle)
germinal inclusion cysts - from surface germinal epithelium
polycystic ovary disease - may be due to high androgen(precursors to estrogen) secretion resulting in high estrogen synthesislack of ovulation, lack of CL, lack of progesterone, no uterine proliferative phase
epithelial tumors - arise from germinal epithelium, may be malignant or benign, ovarian cancer type
stromal tumors - arise from the follicle, thecal or CT cells
common sites for metastases from stomach, breast, and colon cancer
1. spermatozoa capacitation - the glycoprotein coat that was added in the epididymis now dissolves
2. acrosomal reaction: many sperm release their acrosomal enzymes which break down the corona radiate and zona pelluicida
3. oocye activation - prevents polyspermy
a. depolarization of the oocyte PM stim the release of of oocyte cortical granules
b. corticle reaction - cortical granule proteases induce conformational changes in the oocyte PM and the zona pellucida and prevent additional sperm from penetrating
4. sperm stim oocyte to complete the 2nd miotic division and it becomes the female pronuclei
5. male and female chrom unite = zygote, first cell of the new embryo
Uterine tube = fallopian tube = oviduct
regions - infundibulum with fimbriae, ampulla, isthmus and intramural
mucosa - simple columnar epi: ciliated cells + secretory cells
smooth muscle layer and serosa
uterine tube pathology
salpingitis and pelvic inflammatory disease
ectopic pregnancy - any plavce of implantation that is not in the uterus
Uterus (fundus and body)
1. endometrium - inner mucosal layer
2. myometrium - smooth muscle and CT, changes during pregnancy
3. perimetrium - CT (adventitia and serosa)
simple columnar cells: ciliated cells + secretory cells
lamina propria - contains the CT layer
it has 2 layers:
functionalis - surface layer (epithelium and most of the lamina propria) which sheds during mestration, varies in thickness depending on the stage of hte uterine cycle
2. basalis - bottom of the lamina propria which is retained and provides cells (stem) for regeneration of the endometrium after menstration, has the base of coiled arteries and glands
uterine phases
proliferative (estrogenic) - conincides with follicular development and estrogen secretion, functionalis is rebuilt (uterine glands proliferate, spiral arteries and CT regenerate), think of as growing phase (follicles are growing the ovaries and the endometrium is growing inthe uterus)
secretory (luteal) - after ovulations, coincides with CL and progesterone secretion (progesterone stim this phase, the endometrium reaches max thickness at this stage), uterine gland secretes nutrient fluid and becomes dilates and coiled, spiral arteries reach the surface of the endometrium, preparing for implantation (if occurs lasts for 9 months)
Menstrual (no fertilization occurs) - CL regresses, drop in progesterone and estrogen, which stim contraction of the blood vessels, spiral arteries intermittently constrict cutting off blood flow from the functionalis, uterine glands degenerate, tissue ischemia and necrosis; rupture of blood vessels and desquamation of functionalis
endometrial hyperplasia
simple cystic or complex, usually due to hormonal problems
ectopic endometrium in abdominopelivic cavity, most commmon site is uterine tube, on the fallopian tubes, or appendix
ectopic endometrium in myometrium
endometrial carcinoma
derived from uterine glands, stem cells are usually the gland cells
benign smooth muscle tumors (leiomyomas) progressively become more fibrous
barrel shaped distal end of the uterus that protrudes into the vagina
internal os (opening into the uterus body) + cervical canal - mucosa (simple columnar ciliated cells + secretory cells), lamina propria (cervical glands secrete mucous, cyclical changes in mucous secretion)
External os (opening into the vagina) - junctional transition zone (lining epithelium changes from simple columnar to nonkeritinized stratifed squamous), blocks the spermatozoa once the uterus is implanted, its the portion that communicates with the vagina,
cervical ectopia
occurs under the influence of hormones during the menstrual cycle or pregnancy, metaplasia of simple columnar to stratified squamous
junctional zone
unstable and suspectable to dysplasia and neoplasia influenced by external factors (infection, smoking incrteases risk)
human papilloma virus (HPV)
high risk serotypes associated with high grade dysplasia and invasive squamous cell carcinoma of cervix, vagina, and vulva, low risk serotypes cause low grade dysplasia and condyloma acuminatum (genital warts), nabothian cysts are bengin
Papinacolaou (PAP) smear
CNI: low grade squamous cell epithelial lesion (SIL), large cell nuclei
CNII: high grade SIL, higher nucleus to cytoplasm ratio
CNIII: high grade SIL, cells very small, total lack of surface specialization
mucosa: stratified squamous (nonkeritinzized)
estrogen stim mitosis
epithelial cells accumulate glycogen - influence pH of the vagina
smooth muscle and adventitia
external genitalia
mons pubis
labia majora - outer skin folds
labia minora (inner mucosa folds) and clitoris - covered with hairless skin
clitoris - core of erectile tissue,prepuc
vestibule - space medial to the labia minora
greater and lesser vestibular glands - located in the lamina propria of the vagina at the vestibule, secrete mucous
mammary glands
compound tubuloacinar glands (secretory cells, secrete proteins, sugars, lipids)
CT septa divide gland into lobes
Ducts - simple cuboidal to columnar epithelium
myoepithelial cells - contractile glands, squeeze out milk
terminal ducts to lactiferous ducts (1 per lobe) to mamilly papilla (nipple)
dilated end = lactifierous sinus
secretion from mammary glands
pregnancy- hormone stimulus causes glandular cells and terminal ducts to proliferate
after delivery - neurohormonal control of secretion
prolactin - milk secretion, stimulate glandular cells to synthesize and secrete milk
oxytocin - myoepithelial cell contraction and milk ejectoin, squeeze milk so it is ejected through ducts
non-neoplastic mammary
fibrocytic changes - cystic dilation of ducts, glandular metaplasia, fibrosis of stroma
ductal hyperplasia - benign, may lead to cancer
fibroadenoma - most common benign tumor
neoplastic mammary
lobar carcinoma
ductal adenocarcinoma - epithalial cells have estrogen receptors and 50-80% of breast tumors have estrogen receptors, BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes encode for tumor suppressors, mutations in genes inc risk of breast and ovarian cancer