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91 Cards in this Set

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What are fatty acids synthesized from?
Acetyl CoA
What is "Fat" synthesized from?
Fatty acids and glycerol
Where is fat stored?
In adipose cells
What is made from surplus carbohydrate and proteins?
Acetyl CoA
What transports acetyl CoA from the mitochondria to the cytosol?
The citrate shuttle:

Citrate -> malate -> pyruvate shuttle
Where in the cell is Acetyl CoA synthesized?
In the mitochondrial matrix
What enzyme carries out fatty acid synthesis? where is this reaction carried out in the cell?
By fatty acid synthase in the cytosol
Where does the majority of fatty acid synthesis take place?
In the liver
Where is the citrate transporter located?
In the inner mitochondrial membrane
In the inner mitochondrial membrane
What is the citrate synthase enzyme's reaction? Where does it take place?
Acetyl CoA + OAA -> citrate, which takes place in the mitochondrial matrix
Acetyl CoA + OAA -> citrate, which takes place in the mitochondrial matrix
What happens to citrate once it crosses into the cytosol?
It is lysed by ATP-citrate lyase to form Acetyl Coa and OAA using ATP.
It is lysed by ATP-citrate lyase to form Acetyl Coa and OAA using ATP.
What happens to the OAA that is produced from the citrate shuttle?
It is reduced to malate using NADH by malate dehydrogenase.
It is reduced to malate using NADH by malate dehydrogenase.
What happens to malate in the citrate shuttle?
It is decarboxylated by malic enzyme using NADP+ to form pyruvate, NADPH and CO2
It is decarboxylated by malic enzyme using NADP+ to form pyruvate, NADPH and CO2
What happens to Pyruvate in the citrate shuttle?
It crosses the inner mitochondrial membrane where it forms OAA using ATP and CO2 by pyruvate carboxylase.
It crosses the inner mitochondrial membrane where it forms OAA using ATP and CO2 by pyruvate carboxylase.
What products of the citrate shuttle are used in fatty acid synthesis?
Acetyl CoA and NADPH
Acetyl CoA and NADPH
What is the first step in fatty acid synthesis?
Carboxylating the acetyl CoA to turn it into malonyl CoA
What is the reaction that forms malonyl CoA?
Acetyl CoA and Co2 are carboxylated to form malonyl CoA by acetyl CoA Carboxylase using ATP
What coenzyme is required by Acetyl CoA carboxylase?
What is the committed step in fatty acid biosynthesis?
Acetyl CoA carboxylase
What regulates acetyl CoA carboxylase?
1. adenylate energy charge
2. hormones
3. allosteric effectors
What is the adenylate energy charge?
The fraction of the adenine nucleotides in a cell that contains a high-energy phosphoanhydride bonds (~P).

*It is a quantitative description of the cell's ~P energy state.
How do you calculate the energy charge of a cell?
E.C. = ([ATP] + .5[ADP])/([ATP] + [ADP] + [AMP])
What is the energy charge of well-nourished aerobic cells?
~ 0.9, a high energy charge
What is the relationship b/e energy charge and acetyl CoA carboxylase activity?
The higher the energy charge the more active the acetyl CoA carboxylase will be.
What is Insulin's effect on acetyl CoA Carboxylase?
Insulin promotes dephosphorylation of acetyl CoA carboxylase via protein phosphatase 24.

*promotes formation of the active form of acetyl CoA carboxylase
What are glucagon/epinephrine's effects on acetyl CoA Carboxylase?
Promote phosphorylation of acetyl CoA carboxylase to its inactive form via cAMP-dependent protein kinase.
What effect does a low cell energy charge have on acetyl coa carboxylase?
Stimulates phosphorylation of acetyl coa carboxylase to its inactive form via AMP-activated protein kinase.
What is the inactive form of acetyl coa carboxylase?
It exists as a inactive dimer and as active filaments
What effect does citrate have on acetyl coa carboxylase?
Citrate facilitates the formation of active filaments, so it activates acetyl coa carboxylase formation by causing the inactive dimers to come together and form a polymer which is the active enzyme.
What effect do long-chain fatty acyl CoAs such as palmitoyl CoA have on acetyl CoA carboxylase?
causes the disassembly of the acetyl coa carboxylase polymer to its inactive dimer form.

*so it is a negative feedback loop
What is fatty acid synthase?
A multi-subunit complex on which fatty acid synthesis is carried out. It contains two sulphhydril groups.
What is attached to the ACP-pantetheinyl sulfhydril group?
A malonyl group
What is attached to the cysteinyl sulfhydril group?
An acetyl group
What are the two components of fatty acid synthase?
A cysteinyl SH and a ACP-pantetheinyl SH
What happens to the acetyl and malonyl groups after they are attached to their SH groups?
They condense to form a acetoacetyl group that is attached to the ACP-pantetheinyl sulfhydryl.
What drives the fatty acid synthase reactions to keep going in the forward direction?
The fact that CO2 is produced in the final step of the reaction which is then exhaled, the removal of the product drives the reaction via le chatelier's principle.
How many cycles does the Fatty acid synthase reaction go through to generate palmitate?
7 total cycles
What is the sequence of reactions that occurs during reduction of the ketone sequence after the synthesis of acetoacetyl-enzyme?
Two NADPH linked reductions w/ a dehydration in between.
Where does beta-oxidation occur?
In the mitochondria
Where does fatty acid synthesis occur?
in the cytosol
What is the importance of the compartmentalization of fatty acid synthesis and beta-oxidation?
That both processes can proceed in their forward direction w/o substrate cycling.
How can fatty acids be modified?
By chain lengthening and by introducing double bonds (desaturation)
Where do fatty acid elongation reactions take place?
In the ER
How is FA elongation carried out in the ER?
By condensation of palmitoyl CoA w/ malonyl CoA
What is the function of unsaturated fatty acids?
Important for regulating the fluidity of TAGs and membrane phospholipids as well as forming cholesterol esters and waxy skin secretions.
What is the furthest down the FA chain that double bonds can be introduced?
Carbon 9
What is used to synthesize eicosanoids?
polyunsaturated fatty acids
What are the essential fatty acids?
Linoleic acid or alpha-linolenic acid
What does Steaoryl CoA desaturase do? where is it located?
Located in the ER it introduces a C9 double bond forming oleic acid
What are triacylglycoerols (TGs/fat) made from?
Phosphatidic acid
What is phosphatidic acid made from?
Actyl CoA and glycerol phosphate or dihydroxyacetone phosphate
where else do you find dihydroxyacetone phosphate besides TG synthesis?
What are the sources of glycerol phosphate for fat synthesis?
Glucose and glycerol
Where is glycerol-P-dehydrogenase located?
In adipose tissue and in the liver
Where is glycerol kinase located?
In the liver
What does glycerol kinase do?
Converts glycerol to glycerol-3-phosphate using ATP
What does glycerol-P-dehydrogenase do?
Converts dihydroxyacetone phosphate to glycerol-3-phosphate using NADH
What is phosphatidic acid synthesized from?
Glycerol phosphate and acyl CoA OR from dihydroxyacetone phosphate
What is triacylglycerol synthesized from?
What is the process of phosphatidate synthesis from triacylglycerol?
Phosphatidic acid is converted to diacylglycerol using water and the enzyme phosphatase

Then triacylglycerol is synthesized from diacylglycerol using SCoA and the enzyme acyltransferase
Why store fat and not glycogen?
Glycogen takes more space and is more polar, so you can store way more TAG than glycogen.
What do membrane lipid complexes contain?
1. phosphatidates
2. ether lipids
3. sphingolipids
4. cholesterol
What does phosphatidate synthesis begin with?
Diacylglycerol and phosphatidate
How are phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine synthesized?
By transferring activated bases to DAG.
What provides the activated bases in phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine synthesis?
CDP derivatives
How is phosphatidylserine synthesized?
By exchanging serine for ethanolamine on PE
How are cardiolipid and phosphatidylinositol synthesized?
1. DAG is activated to CDP-diacylglycerol
2. Phosphatidylglycerol displaces CMP to yield cardiolipin.
3. Inositol displaces CMP to yield phosphatidylinositol
Do sphingolipids contain a glycerol moiety? what is their moiety?
Nope, their alcohol moiety is sphingosine
What is the reactive nucleotide in making phosphatidylcholine?
Cytidine (CTP); which makes the reactive amine which reacts w/ DAG to make phosphatidylcholine (lecithin)
What is the reactive nucleotide in making glycogen?
How are CDP-ethanolamine and CDP-choline synthesized?
By taking ethanolamine or choline => reacting them w/ ATP using ethanolamine kinase or choline kinase, then taking the phosphoethanolamine/phosphocholine and reacting them w/ the reactive nucleotide CTP to yield CDP-ethanolamine or CDP-choline
How do you make phosphatidylethanolamine or phosphatidylcholine (PC, or lecithin)?
By taking CDP-choline or CDP-ethanolamine and reacting them w/ DAG, CMP is a byproduct.
How do you make phosphatidylserine?
By reacting phosphatidylethanolamine w/ serine, this yields phosphatidylserine and gives off ethanolamine as a byproduct.
How do you make diacylgylcerol? (DAG)
1. By taking a long chain fatty acid, reactive it w/ CoA using acyl CoA synthase to give long chain fatty acyl CoA.
2. Then taking long-chain fatty acyl CoA and react it w/ glycerol using glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase to give a monoglycerol.
3. The monoglycerol is reacted w/ another long-chain fatty acyl CoA using acyl glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase to yield a DAG w/ a phosphate
4. The DAG w/ phosphate is dephosphorylated using phosphatidic acid phosphatase to DAG.
What are the "cephalins"?
1. phosphatidylethanolamine
2. phosphatidylserine
What is the difference b/e cardiolipin/phosphatidylinositol synthesis and phosphatidylcholine/phosphatidylethanolamine/phosphatidylserine synthesis?
In cardiolipin and phosphatidylinositol instead of activating the group (i.e. choline) they activate glycerol instead.
How are cardiolipin and phosphatidylinositol synthesized?
1. DAG is activated as CDP-diacylglycerol
2. Phosphatidylglycerol displaces CMP to yield cardiolipin.
3. inositol displaces CMP to yield phosphatidylinositol
What is the importance of phosphatidylinositol?
It can be phosphorylated to form the phosphoinositides like PIP, PIP2 and PIP3
How are ether lipids synthesized?
1. An acyl group is esterified to C1 of dihydroxyacetone phosphate
2. the acyl group is displaced by fatty alcohols to produce an ether linkage at C1
3. the keto-group at C2 is reduced by NADPH
4. A fatty acid ester is formed at C2 using Acyl CoA
5. Dephosphorylation at C3 and addition of choline follow.
What is the starting substrate of phosphatidalcholine synthesis?
Dihydroxyacetone phosphate
What is the clinical importance of phosphatidalcholine?
The fatty acyl group at C2 can be replaced w/ an acetyl group to yield platelet-activating factor (PAF).
When is PAF synthesized and released?
When polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs) are stimulated.
What processes does PAF mediate?
1. platelet aggregation
2. hypersensitivity
3. acute inflammatory responses
4. allergic responses
5. anaphylactic shock
What does sphingolipid synthesis start with?
Palmitoyl CoA and serine
What is produced if you add a NH2 to C2 of sphinganine?
A dihydroceramide
What is produced by reacting palmitoyl CoA and serine?
What does desaturation of dihydroceramide yield?
What does addition of phosphorylcholine to C1 of ceramide yield?
What does addition of a sugar at C1 of ceramide yield?
If you added galactose you get galactosylcerebroside; if you added glucose you get glucosylcerebroside
What does adding an oligosaccharide containing N-acetylneuraminic acid to C1 of ceramide produce?