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32 Cards in this Set

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curve of forgetting, distributed practice, nonsense syllables
Hermann Ebbinghaus
constructive processing, misinformation effect
Elizabeth Loftus
Removed hippocampi for seizures resulted in anterograde amnesia
Tone+Row of letters = capacity of iconic memory is everything that can be seen at once
George Sperling
engram never found but discovered that many brain areas are involved in memory
Karl Lashley
7+-2 creater
George Miller
Information processing model creater
Atkinson and Shiffron
Russian Physiologist, digestion system of dogs, UCS and CS must be paired closely in time.
Ivan Pavlov
Behaviorist, Baby Albert, Loud noise(UCS) White animals (CS), Conditioned emotional response (CER)
John Watson
Biological predispositions, evolutionary perspective, taste aversions
John Garcia
Contemporary view, cognitive processes, no time restraint on pairing of UCS and CS.
Robert Rascorla
Cats and Puzzle boxes, outlined laws of learning voluntary responses, law of effect, reinforcements
Edward Thorndike
Behaviorist, measurable and observable behavior, gave operant conditioning its name.
B.F. Skinner
Gestalt psychologist, rats in maze, cognitive map, latent learning, learning can happen without reinforcements
Edward Toleman
Gestalt Psychologist, Monkey(Sultan) with stick reaching banana, Insight(perception of relationships)
Wolfgang Kohler
positive psychology, learned helplessness in classical conditioning, dogs conditioned to shock did not jump away when possible but instead became helpless
Martin Seligman
Bobo doll experiment, operational learning
Albert Bandura
Humanistic Theory, Hierarchy of Needs
Abraham Maslow
Psychological Needs Theory of Motivation, Achievement. Affiliation. Power.
David Mclelland
Cognitive Development Stages: Sensorimotor, Preoperational, Concrete Operational, Formal Operational
Jean Piaget
Monkeys in Attachment. Discovered that newborns need contact comfort for secure attachment. The mother is not just a food source.
Harry Harlow
Strange Situation. Placed baby and mother in a room together and had a stranger come in following the mother leaving. Described what happened between mother and child, when the stranger entered, when the mother left, and when she came back. Discovered 3 types of attachment with the 4th being added later: Secure, Avoidant, Ambivalent, Disorganized/Disoriented.
Mary Ainsworth
Psychosocial stages of life. Disenchanted Freudian.
Eric Erikson
Stages of Moral Development: Preconventional, Conventional, Postconventional. Only 20% of adults make it to last stage.
Lawrence Kohlberg
Psychodynamic Perspective, Sex and Agression, Free Association, Catharsis, Psychoanalysis, Dynamic Theory (Iceberg), Structures of Personality, Defense Mechanisms, Psychosexual stages
Sigmund Freud
Neo-Freudian, Collective Unconscious, Electra complex
Carl Jung
Neo-Freudian, Inferiority Complex, Compensation
Alfred Adler
Neo-Freudian, Womb envy, Nuerotic personalities: maladaptive ways of dealing wirh a relationship.
Karen Horney
Humanistic, cliniciam, how do we function normally? Pushed humanistic theory to become a rhrid force in psychology. Client centered therapy, genuine, accepting, empathetic, real vs ideal self, conditional vs unconditional positive regard, incongruence vs congruence.
Carl Rogers
Counted 18000 traits in a dictionary. Believed they were hard wired to be apart of you. They crested a constellation of who you are. Trait Perspective in personality.
Gordan Allport
Traitbperspectivenin psychology. 2 factors, stable/neurotic..extrovert/introvert Source traits and superficial underlying traits.
Hans Eyseneck
The Big 5: Oppeness, Concientiousness, Extraversion, Agreebleness, Emotional Stability
McRae and Costs