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34 Cards in this Set

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Who developed Family Systems Theory?
Virginia Satir
Jay Haley
Cloe Madanes
Salvador Minuchin
Background of theory: ( Four major approaches)
-structural strategies
-family systems theory of Murray Brown
- existential/humanistic approach of Satir
- strategic ( pg 406)
What are some important ideas to the family system?
1. Family is a system of interrelated people. ( Best way to see people is to understand them in relation to their family. Similar to microcosm system of group therapy.)
What is an "IP"?
Identified patient. ( pg 407)
(Similar to solution focused therapy)
-When a child is acting out - all attention is thrown on the child and redirected away from the issues between the parents.
The one labeled as "the one with the problem" is usually labeled the IP - in Family systems the problem and the person are not one in the same. Problems are not WITHIN individuals.
Designating one event as the cause to a chain of events is silly. Why is this? ( pg 407)
Circular causality. ---- View of interaction. It is difficult to say what caused what.Therapist are more interested in the process ( or how things happen in a family, than the content ( the what) of the happening.)
What are the 3 types of systems?
Open and closed.
Open systems- parts are interactive and information flows in or out of systems easily.
Closed systems - dont allow information in or out - leads to rigidity, and inability to change and adjust with the environment.
3. homeostasis - systems tend to self regulate and therefore resist change.
Describe human validation process model. ( pg 408)
this was the name that Satir gave to her system.
-satire's approach is experiential and humanistic, with attention to emotional and physical experience.
What is the cornerstone of Satire's approach?
self esteem and self worth.
How did Satir define self esteem?
defined as the degree to which the individual values himself regardless of the opinion of others.
How is Satir's approach similar to Roger's unconditional positive regard?
She wrote "we are a member of the human race and as such, we are miracles"
What is a self mandala?
Humans have 8 aspects: the body, thoughts, feelings, senses, relationships, context, nutrition, and soul. None of these parts function independently. ( pg 411)
What is congruent communication?
communication in which verbal and nonverbal messages match.
What is incongruent communication?
verbal and non-verbal messages dont match.
What is meta communication?
This is used to confirm is a message is congruent or non congruent.
MC is communication that takes place between two individuals.
What are the four problematic patterns of communication?
(pg 411)- Humans have a tendency to do these when they face problems.
1- placating, blaming, computing, and distracting.
(these are all attempts to cover up vulnerability)
Placating is what?
"the yes person" - one who always tries to get others to approve of him. He ingratiates and apologizes.
What is blaming?
bossy dictator.
- is tense and tight
- blaming others
What is computing?
Computers analyze everything and show very little feeling about anything. (unreasonable) - sensible and rational, but distant and cool to others. ( Physically- stiff and cold)
What is distracting?
buzzbrain. He makes no sense. never addresses a point directly.
Define a "healthy" person according to this theory.
Leveling- person communicates coherently, body, words, and vocal tone all fit together.
Person is congruent in communication.
Has high levels of self esteem. Communication is free and honest.
Describe more of a healthy person
Congruent. Honest with self and others. takes risks and is creative.
can change and accommodate to various situations.
rules are flexible.
What is the nature of assessment? ( pg 415)
power of observation
paying attention to metacommunication in family.
paying attention to interactions amongst family members.
What is the role of client and counselor?
Client can change at anytime.
Humanistic approach.
Therapist must be aware of themselves.
Therapist must be non-judgmental.
Warm and accepting.
What are the goals in Family Systems Therapy?
release blocked family potentials. engage healing powers of the client.
Process of therapy?
1. families who come to therapy are in pain.
2. chaos - family members venture into risky territory.
3. integration - family develops new ways of being.
What are the therapeutic techniques?
Family Sculpting
Family Stress Ballet
Communication Analysis
Therapist Communication
Family Thermometer
Parts Party
What is structural therapy?
Salvador Minuchin
* pays attention to family structure.
*organizes ways in which the family interacts.
* subsystems
*boundaries (pg 424)
What are some things you can say about boundaries? ( pg424)
disengaged - boundaries are too rigid.

enmeshed - boundaries are very unclear.
Theory of person and development?
more focus on person WITHIN family, instead of just the person.

*stresses of transition
*balance between individuality and belonging.
Health and dysfunction?
dysfunction - when old patterns of relating dont work anymore.
Becomes apparent in times of transition.
nature of therapy ( structural therapy)?
no formal assessment method is used.
structural therapy roles of client and counselor?
active and present focused. (here and now technique)

counselor - expert & leader
Structural Therapy goals?
change the structure of the family.
Structural Therapy techniques?
Achieving intensity
boundary making
teaching complementary