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61 Cards in this Set

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Mixed opioid agaonist-antagonist compound
systemic analgesic that provides analgesia w/out causing maternal or neonatal resp. depression
Abolition of pain perception by interrupting nerve impulses going to the brain. Loss of sensation (partial or complete) and sometimes loss of consciousness occurs
Alleviation of pain sensation or raising of the pain threshold w/out loss of consciousness
Analgesic potentiator such as a tranquilizer
Epidural analgesia/anesthesia (block)
Relief from pain of uterine contractions and birth by injecting a local anesthetic and/or opioid into the peridural space.
Autologous epidural blood path
Method used to repair a tear or hole in the dura mater around the spinal cord as a result of spinal anesthesia; the goal is to prevent or treat postdural puncture headaches (PDPH)
Local infiltration anesthesia
provides rapid perineal anesthesia for performing and repairing an episiotomy
spinal anesthesia (block)
single injection, subarchnoid anesthesia useful for pain control during birth but not for labor
Opioid antagonist
drug that reverses the effects of opioids, including neonatal narcosis (CNS depression of the newborn)
Paracervical (uterosacral) block
anesthesia method used to relieve pain from uterine contractions and cervical dilation. It is associated with fetal bradycardia.
Pudendal nerve block
anesthetic that relieves pain in the lower vagina, vulva, and perineum, making it useful for episiotomy birth, and use of low forceps.
Systemic analgesic
Medication such as a opioid analgesic that is admin IM or IV for pain relief during labor
Medication such as barbiturate that can be used to relieve anxiety & induce sleep in prodromal or early latent labor
Abrupt increase in FHR of 15 beats/min lasting 15 sec. or more with return to baseline within 2 minutes of onset
Early decel
decrease in & return to baseline FHR in response to fetal head compression
Expected irregular fluctuations in baseline FHR of 2 or more cycles per minute because of the sym & parasympathetic nervous system
Late decel
gradual decrease in & return to baseline FHR in response to uteroplacental insufficiency; lowest point occurs after the peak of the contraction
variable decel
abrupt decrease in FHR below baseline; occurs during or between contractions as a result of cord compression
prolonged decel
decrease in FHR of 15 beats/min or more below baseline lasting more than 2min but less than 10min
baseline FHR
assessed between contractions. 10 minutes; excludes periodic or episodic changes, periods of marked variability, & segments of the baseline that difer more than 25 beats/min
Undetected variability
absence of the expected irregular fluctuations in the baseline FHR
periodic changes
changes from baseline patterns in FHR that occur w/ uterine contractions
episodic changes
changes from baseline patterns in FHR that are not associated w/ uterine contraction
ritgen maneuver
technique used to control birth of fetal head and protect perineal musculature
incision into perineum to enlarge the vaginal outlet
classification of meds that stimulates the uterus to contract
ferguson reflex
pressure of presenting part against pelvic floor stretch receptors resulting in womens perception of an urge to bear down
shultz mechanism
expulsion of placenta w/ fetal side emerging first
intact amniotic membrane surrounds the newborn's head at birth
valsalva maneuver
prolonged breath holding while bearing down (closed glottis pushing)
ring of fire
burning sensation of acute pain as vagina stretches and crowing occurs
when widest part of the head (biparietal diameter) distends the vulva just prior to birth
duncan mechanism
expulsion of placenta with maternal surface emergin first
artificial rupture of membranes (AROM, ARM)
nuchal cord
cord encircles the fetal neck
prolapse of umbilical cord
protrusion of umbilical cord in advance of the presenting part
nitrazine test
method used to dermine whether membranes have ruptured by assessing pH of the fluid; paper turns blue with alkaline amniotic fluid
leopold's maneuvers
paplating fetus through abdomen
drugs used to suppress uterine activity
an antenatal gluccocorticoid used to accelerate fetal lung maturity when there is risk for preterm birth
Ritodrine (Yutopar)
a beta-adrenergic receptor stimulant often administered IV; the only drug approved by the FDA for the purpose of suppressing uterine contraction
Terbutaline (Brethine)
a betamimetic often administered subcu using a syring or pump
magnesium sulfate
a CNS depressant used during preterm labor for it's ability to relax smooth muscles; admin IV
Nifedipine (Procardia)
calcium channel blocker that relaxes smooth muscles (contracting uterus); admin sublingually intially then orally
nonsteroidal antiinflammartory medication that relaxes smooth muscles as a result of prostaglandin inhibition; admin rectally intially & then orally
laminaria tent
natural cervical dilator made from seaweed
classification of hormones that can be used to ripen the cervix and/or stimulate uterine contractions
misoprostol (cytotec)
cervical ripening agent used in the form of a tablet that can be admin orally but more common intravag.
(Cervidil) dinoprostone
cervical reopening agent in the form of a vaginal insert that is placed in the posterior formix of the vagina
(prepidil) dinoprostone
cervical repening agent in the form of a gel that is inserted into ther cervical canal just below the internal os.
(pitocin) oxytocin
pituitary hormone used to stimulate uterine contractions in the augmentations or induction of labor
baby turns head towards stimulus, opens mouth, takes hold, and sucks
touch or depress tip of tongue- tongue is forced outward
tap over forehead, bridge of nose, or maxilla when eyes are open- blinks for first four or five taps
tonic neck
when infant in supine position turn its head quickly to one side as infant is falling asleep or is asleep - arm & leg extend on side of head turn, while opposite limbs flex
baby on flat surface, strike surface - symmetric abduc & extension of arms occur, fingers fan out, thumb & forfinger for a "C"
stepping (walking)
hold infant vertically, one foot touch table surface - infant alternates flexion & extension of feet
baby's arms abduct w/ flexion of elbows; hands stay clenched
trunk incurvation
infant prone, run finger down side of back 4-5cm lateral to spine; body flexes and pelvis swings toward stimulated side
apply pressure to feet w/ fingers; when lower limbs are semiflexed - legs extend
testes retract when infant is chilled