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37 Cards in this Set

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What are the formalities for a prenuptial agreement?
1. Writing
2. Signed
3. Real property must be properly acknowledged
4. Enforceable without consideration
What NC statutes make a sexual relationship illicit?
a. Adultery
b. Fornication
What type of disclosure is required in prenuptial agreements?
Voluntary full disclosure.
What is a breach of the promise to marry considered, and what does it entail?
1. Heart-balm action
2. Non-breaching party has cause of action and the groom gets the ring back.
What are the procedural requirements necessary to get married?
1. License
2. Ceremony
What are the requirements for a valid ceremony?
1. Consent between the parties
2. Conduct in the presence of each other
3. Proper officiant
What are the substantive requirements necessary to get married?
1. Capacity
2. Age
3. Kinship - no nearer than 1st cousins
4. Gender - opposite sex
Are valid marriages entered into in another state valid/recognized in NC? Exceptions?
Yes. Except same-sex and bigamous marriages.
What are the other two heart-balm actions?
1. Alienation of affections
2. Criminal conversation
What are the elements for alienation of affections?
1. love and affection
2. destroyed
3. wrongful act of 3d party were the cause of the destruction.
What are the elements for criminal conversation?
1. Marriage
2. Sexual intercourse by 3d party with a spouse of the marriage.
During a marriage, what contract subject matter (content) is ok between spouses? What is not ok?
Equitable distributions

Alimony agreements are not ok.
What is the spousal privilege?
1. confidential communication
2. during the marriage, shared because of
3. the trust in the marital relationship
How can a marriage be ended?
When is a marriage voidable?
impotence, fraud, pregnancy (false representation of)
When is a marriage void ab initio?
Bigamous marriage, same-sex marriage.
What are the two bases for obtaining a divorce?
1 year separation
What must be proven in order to obtain a divorce for insanity?
1. incurable insanity of a spouse
2. 2 physicians (1 psych) from state medical schools
3. separation of 3 years
4. alimony til death
What are the elements for a no fault divorce?
1. one party must be in NC for at least 6 months
2. Valid marriage
3. physical separation for 12 months
What are the requirements in order to obtain postseparation support (temporary alimony)?
1. dependent supporting spouse
2. equitable considering all of the factors.
What are the requirements for permanent alimony to be granted?
1. dependent and supporting spouse
2. equitable considering all factors
What is the standard for modification of alimony?
Substantial change of circumstances.
What is marital property?
Property acquired after the marriage, before separation, by labor of the marriage.
What is separate property?
Acquired before the marriage or by gift from a 3d party to one of the spouses after separation.
How is divisible property handled by the judge?
Just can divide 4 kinds of post-separation property interests that arise after separation before date of distribution:
1. passive increases or decreases in the value of marital and divisible property
2. property received after date of separation as a result of pre-separation labor
3. passive income from marital property
4. increases and decreases in marital debt
What is the rule regarding partly marital/partly separate property and what does it do?
Source of funds rule - to the extent a spouse can trace the source of an item of property to separate funds, to that extent the property is separate property.
How are retirement benefits divided?
years of marriage that coincide with employment divided by years of employment.
What are the requirements for an enforceable separation agreement?
1. writing
2. signed
3. acknowledged
What is incorporation?
making a separation agreement a party of a court order
What is integration?
providing that the provisions of the agreement for alimony and property division are reciprocal consideration for each other.
How does incorporation change the standard for modification and enforcement of a child's custody/support provisions?
Changes from "best interests" to substantial change in circumstances.
What is reconciliation and how is it proved?
Voluntary renewal of the husband/wife relationship. Proved by a totality of the circumstances, not isolated acts of sexual intercourse.
What is the Petersen presumption?
A parent has a right to custody over a non-parent 3d party unless judge finds neglect or parent is unfit or parent has exhibited other conduct inconsistent with the parent's protected status.
What is required for a modification of custody decrees?
Substantial change of circumstances affecting the child.
What are the 3 most important bases for initial custody jurisdiction under the UCCJEA?
1. home state - where child resided for last 6 months.
2. significant connection jurisdiction - child and a parent have significant connection to the state.
3. emergency - child is in state and threatened with harm
When can another state modify a prior state's custody order?
Only if the original state no longer has jurisdiction.
What does the UIFSA (Uniform Interstate Family Support Act) do?
1. establishes a local child support order
2. which can be enforced in a foreign jurisdiction