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77 Cards in this Set

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a marriage in which both spouses pursue careers

dual career marriage

dual career marriage in which wife's career takes precedence.

HER/his career

dual career marriage in which husbands career takes precedence

HIS/her career

dual career marriage in which both careers are treated as equal

HIS/HER career marriage

dual career marriage in which spouses share a career and work together

THEIR career

the use of time to engage in freely chosen activities perceived as enjoyable and satisfying


mothers who stop paid employment to spend time with young children

mommy track

strategy used to separate the roles of work and home so that the individual does not think about dwell on the problems of one when he or she is at the physical place of the other.

role compartmentalization

not having the time or energy to meet the demands or responsibilities in the roles of wife, parent, and worker.

role overload

the anxiety that results from being able to fulfill only a limited number of role obligation.

role strain

the housework and childcare that employed women engage when they return home in the evening from their jobs.

second shift

the expenditure of emotional energy by a spouse or parent in dealing with various emotional issues in family living

third shift

non consensual sex between adults (of same or other sex) who know each other

acquaintance rape

any interaction or lack of interaction between children and their parents/caregivers that results in non accidental harm to the childrens physical or psychological well being.

child abuse

child sexual abuse in which the perpetrator is someone outside the family who is not related to the child.


murder of one's child by a parent


refers to adult children or grandchildren burdened with the care of their elderly parent or grandparent leaving the elder at the entrance or a hospital with no identification.

granny dumping

murder of a spouse

intimate partner homicide

an all inclusive term that refers to crimes committed against current or former spouses, boyfriends, or girlfriends

intimate partner violence

behavior designed to control the partner

intimate terrorism

child sexual abuse referring to exploitative sexual contact or attempted sexual contact between relatives before the victim is 18.


murder of a parent by an offspring.


beliefs that deny victim injury or cast blame on the woman for her own rape.

rape myths

murder of a sibling


behavior of one sibling toward another sibling that is intended to induce social harm or psychic pain in the sibling.

sibling relationship aggression

conflict escalates over an issue and one or both partners lose control

situational couple violence

organization that provides support for family members and friends of alcohol abusers


therapeutic focus on behaviors the respective spouses want increased or decreased, initiated, or terminated.

behavioral couple therapy

term used to describe waning of sexual excitement and the effect of novelty and variety on increasing sexual arousal

coolidge effect

a crucial situation that requires change in ones normal pattern of behavior


the successful coping with adversity by family members that enables them to flourish with warmth, support, and cohesion.

family resilience

therapy which focuses on the cognition's or assumptions of the spouses which impact the way spouses feel and interpret each other's behavior.

integrative behavioral couple therapy

health care for the individual who has a life threatening illness which focuses on relief of pain/suffering and support for the individual

palliative care

a family's strength and ability to respond in a crisis in a positive way


reaction of the body to substantial or unusual demands (physical, environmental, or interpersonal).


a family in which the members live in two households as when parents live in separate households following a divorce.

binuclear family

a family created when two individuals marry and at least one of them brings a child or children from a previous marriage into the unit (step family).

blended family

the legal ending of a valid marriage contract


meeting with a neutral professional who negotiates child custody, division of property, child support, alimony directly with the divorcing spouses.

divorce mediation

a judge hears arguments from lawyers representing the respective spouses and decides issues of custody, child support, division of property, etc.


divorce whereby neither party is identified as the guilty party.

no fault divorce

estrangement of a child from a parent due to one parent turning the child against the other

parental alienation

behaviors on the part of both partners focused on hurting the other parent and that are counter productive for the well being of the children

shared parenting dysfunction

family in which spouses in a new marriage bring children from previous relationships into a new home


details for medical care personel identifying the conditions under which life support measures should be used for ones partner

advanced directive

term which may be defined chronologically, physiologically, psychologically, sociologically, and culturally

the systematic persecution and degradation of of people because they are old


from the greek, meaning "good death", or dying without suffering, either passively or or actively ending the life of a patient.


adult children providing care of elderly parents

family caregiving

a state welfare program for low income inidividuals


a federal health insurance program for people over 65


refers to ones physical functioning, independence, economic resources, social relationships, and spirituality.

quality of life

generation of adults who are sandwiched between caring for their elderly parents and their own children

sandwich generation

the examination of the social dimensions of death, dying and bereavement.



power and control

what are the effects of child abuse?

-inability to love and trust

-communication problems


-increased risk of alcohol and substance abuse

children and the elderly are more _____ to be abused.


what is the most common type of abuse?


if a person experiences abuse in one relationship the person is more likely to experience it again?


women are more likely to be abused by people they know or a stranger?

person they know

sibling relationship aggression is not limited to __________ abuse


what are the coping mechanisms for stress?

-scaling back

-changing values and perspective


-friends and relatives


-religion and spirituality



what is the ABCX stress model?

-A the stressor event

-B management strategies and coping skills

-C perception and definition of the situation

- X adaption to the event

what is most effective way to limit alcohol use on college campuses?

web based education

what are factors that affect divorce?

-age and education

-religious devotion

-previous marriage

what percentage of males and females remarry?

-m: 3/4

-f: 2/3

-probability 40-50%

what are the conditions of a successful divorce?

-negotiation- spouses discuss issues

-arbitration- third party involved

-marriage education workshops

-covenant marriage

-cooperative vs. competitive

-protect relationship vs. damage

-focus on future vs. focus on past

-meditation vs. litigation

-collaborative practice


a stimulus loses it's value with repeated exposure, also called habituation.

how can divorce be prevented?

-marriage education workshops

-covenant marriage

Macro factors contributing to divorce?

-increased economic independence of woman

-changing family functions and structure

-more divorce models

-no fault divorce

micro factors affecting divorce?

-falling out of love


-value changes


no fault divorce?

-neither party is identified as the guilty party or the cause of divorce

what was the first state to allow physician assisted suicide?


characteristics of the sandwich generation?

-middle aged married women who works outside the home

what are the characteristics of successful aging?

-absence of physical problems/disability

-effective coping strategies

-resources, attitude, and continuity

To what extent do Americans take their laptop on vacation?


what was the article, "No Impact Man" about?

-experiment by a man who wanted to lessen the carbon footprint. (himself and family)

-no excess or new things, no electricity, no tv, etc.

-wife from more affluent background- spent differently

-wife wanted to receive a fur coat as a gift and husband opposed, have a disagreement, husband gives wife a brochure on the topic and wife agrees that she will not receive the coat

- at first husband acts smug about getting his way, but then realizes that he needs to look at himself as well and change some behaviors

- conflict theory used: negotiation and resolution, real world

- did not have a lot in common, but both had a big heart

- both had different backgrounds, but were able to come to agreement (conflict theory) because they had big hearts and were able to resolve their conflict.