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179 Cards in this Set

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Under Radical Reconstruction southern states were going to be divided into how many military districts
To formally charge a public official with misconduct in the office.
Durring Reconstruction what act was passed which forbid the President from firing office holders without the consent of the Senate?
Tenure of Office Act
What was set up to distribute clothing, food, and education for the blacks?
Freedman's Bureau
What is the name given to white southerners who cooperated with the newly formed state governments?
What ammendment gave black males the right to vote?
What ammendment abolished slavery?
What ammendment provided citizenship?
In the decades following Reconstruction, whites voting Democratic became known as...
The Solid South
What was the Tenure of Office Act?
Was passed during the Reconstruction; forbid the President from firing office holders without the consent of the Senate.
What was the Freedmen's Bureau?
A distribution set up to give clothing, food, and education to the blacks.
What did the Black Codes do?
Restricted the freedom of African Americans in the South.
Who are two famous Republicans?
Thaddeus Stevens and Charles Sumner
What Supreme Court case upheld separate but equal facilities?
Plessy v.s. Furgeson
Under what terms was the Republican control of the Presidency not challenged in return for an end to military presence in the South?
Compromise of 1877
What was the Compromise of 1877?
Gave terms that allowed the Republican control of the Presidency unchallanged in return for an end to military presence in the South.
What did Radical Reconstruction fail to provide ex-slaves with?
What was the name of the courthouse that was the site of the surrender of the south after Civil War?
Appomattox Courthouse
Why did the Radical Republicans object to Lincoln's reconstruction plan?
They thought it was too easy.
Who adopted Lincoln's plans for Reconstruction?
Andrew Johnson
What was the outcome of Andrew Johnson's impeachment?
He remained in office by 1 vote.
Who were Carpetbaggers?
Former Northern Union soldiers who stayed in the south or returned to the south following the Civil War.
Where was the battle in Pennsylvania that proved to be the turning point in the Civil War?
Congress passed the Recontruction Act of 1867 after all but one of the former Confederate states rejected what ammendment?
What was the only stated to ratify the 14th amendment?
What laws were passed after the Civil War that segregated schools and public facilities?
Jim Crow Laws
What were Jim Crow Laws?
Laws passed after the Civil War that segregate schools and public facilities.
What was the plan of the federal government to rebuild and reestablish the state?
What is Reconstruction?
The plan of the federal government to rebuild and reestablish the state.
Who assasinated President Lincoln while he was attending a play?
John Wilks Booth
Who is the famous Sioux Indian chief who was killed on a reservation igniting Wounded Knee?
Sitting Bull
Who was Sitting Bull?
Was the famous Sioux indian chief who was killed on a reservation igniting Wounded Knee.
Where was George Custer defeated?
Little Bighorn
Who was the Indian chief who tried to lead his tribe to Canada?
Chief Joseph
When did indian resistance to whites increase?
When gold prospectors invaded Indian territory.
What was the Chizom trail?
The trial that cowboys used to drive cattle to a railroad line for sale.
Where did cattle drives originate?
What were 3 hardships settlers faced while living on the Great Plains?
Lack of trees, weather, and indians
What was dry farming?
One approach to farming the Great Plains; when farmers planted seeds in the ground where moisture could get to them.
What is placer mining?
Method of extraction mineral ore by hand using simple tools like picks, shovels, and pans.
What two developments led to the downfall of the famous cattle drivers?
Barbed wire and railroad
What is quartz mining?
A method of extracting minerals involving digging beneath the surface/
What qualifications did a person have to meet in order to be considered for the Homestead Act?
Head of family, U.S. citizen, 21 years old, and live on the land for at least 5 years.
Where did the last Indian tragedy occur?
Wounded Knee
Where was a rich deposit of silver in Nevada?
Comstock Lode
What two railroads that made up the transcontinental railroad?
Union Pacific and the Central Pacific
What is a Horizontal Integration company?
One that expands in one area of production by buying out competitors.
What is Laissez-Faire?
The theory that government should interfere as llittle as possible in the nation's economy?
Who discovered a way to transmit voices over wire?
Alexander Gram Bell
Where was the site of the first oil well?
Titusville, Pennsylvania
What did the Wright Brothers do?
Made the first manned power flight in history on the sand dunes of Kitty Hawk.
What did Thomas Edision do?
Invented the electric light bulb
What did John Rockefeller do?
Built the Standard Oil Company into a giant American industry.
Andrew Carnegie
Built U.S. steel into a giant American industry
Promontory Summit
The site in Utah where two railroads met
What was the site in Utah where two railroads met?
Promontory summit
What is a company that controls all the processes of its industry from a raw material to finished product referred to as?
Vertical Intigration
Vertical Intigration
A company that controls all the processes of its industry from a raw material to finished product
An orgaization owned by many people but treated by law as though it were a single person
The court order demanded an end to what strike?
The people the government supported in the major strikes of the late 1800's
A person who belives that there should be no government
The Great Rail Road Strike
Resulted from a 10% wage cut
Who got hurt from the Haymart Riot incident in 1886?
The Knights of Labor's reputation
What were ways to discourage the competition?
Pools and trusts
Who adapted easily to life in America?
Where did "new"immigrants to America come from?
Eastern and Southern Europe
Where did the "old"immigrants to America come from?
Northern and Western Europe
Chinese Exclusion Act
Was passed in 1882; prevented the Chinese from immigrating for 10 years
Settlement House
An institution located in a poor neighborhood that provided numerous community services such as medical care, child care and classes in English
What characterized the Guilded Age?
Political corruption, poverty and crive, differences in weath
The acquisition of money in dishonest ways, as in bribing a politician
the lowest deck for passengers paying the lowest fee
where middle class people in the late 19th century tended to live
What two religions were represented by most of the new immigrants after 1880?
Catholic and Jewish
were first built in the 19th century to house the poor as cheaply as possible
Where immigrants adjusted well in America
Mass transit systems enabled what to spread out?
Why were new immigrants seen as a threat by some Americans?
Worked for lower wages
Tammany Hall
the famouse New York Democratic Political Machine
Brooker T. Washington founded what?
the Tuskegee Institute
William Boss Tweed
was a corrupt party boss in a political machine in New York City
Ellis Island
was the processing center for the vast majority of immigrants
Angel Island
was th location of barracks in California to accommodate Asian immigrants
a term that referred to Republicans who decided to support the Democratic candidate in the election of 1884 rather than their party's nomination
Pendlton Act
under it people would gain government jobs according to their performance on examinations
What did Jane Addams found?
Hull House
What were two Republican factions during the Gilded Age?
Stallwarts and Half-breeds
Spoils System
offering government jobs to voters and campaign workers in return for their help in winning elections
Who killed President Garfield?
Charles Guiteau
refers to poor Black farmers who migrated to Kansas in 1879
When did presidential candidates win the popular vote but still lose the election?
1886 and 1888
Who adopted a lot of Populist's ideas?
What where the three demands of the Populist Party?
Secret ballots, direct election of senators, government ownership of industries
Which group voted against the Democrats in the election of 1896 because it feared the expansion of the money supply woud lead to high prices?
Industrial Workers in the east
money increasing in value
money decreasing in value
William Jennings Brian
In the Presidential election of 1896, this Democratic candidate supported low tariffs, government regulation of businesses, and income tax; he was a a loser, the Lion in the Wizard of Oz
Williams Mckinley
In the Presidential election of 1896 this Republican candidate supported high tariffs, the gold standard, and other policies favoring business; winner, the Wizard in the Wizard of Oz
Boxer Rebellion
a revolt in China against foreigners
George Dewey
Became an instant hero when he destroyed the Spanish fleet at manila Bay
Open Door Policy
the privilege of trading with China should be open to all nations
When did the U.S. grant Philippines their independence?
Alfred Mahon's book the Influence Of Sea Power Upon History suggested that what was the secret of the world?
large navy
What was the U.S. Navy referred to as?
The Great White Fleet
What did Matthew Perry do?
Opened up trade with Japan
Where did the first battle of the Spaish-American war occur?
The Philippines
Panama belonged to Colombia before?
the Panama Canal
After the Spanish-American War, the U.S. would free and annex?
Free Cuba and Annex the Philippines, Purto Rico, and Guam
Platt Amendment
Gave the U.S. the right to intervene in Cuba
The U.S. Naval ship that was blown up in a Cuban Harbor. Later evidence revealed that it was caued by an accident.
Who sent military forces to Panama in 1903 to help the Panamanians revolt against Colombia?
Teddy Roosevelt
Delome Letter
A letter that claimed that President McKinley was weak
Spanish American War
triggered an interest in building an intercoastal canal
The Panama Canal
connects the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean
the U.S. battle ship sent to Panama to prevent Colombian troops from crushing the Panamanian Rebellion
Where was the location of a naval battle during the Spanish American War and later became the site for the rebellion against U.S. domination?
Who sold Alaska to the U.S.?
What group of people failed to make significant gains during the Progressive Period?
African Americans
What conflict in terms of lives and money was far greater than the Spanish American War?
U.S. verses the Filipinos
the right of citizens to place a measure or issue before the voters or the legislature for approval
What two reporters exaggerated news reporting at the turn of the century?
Hurst nad Politzer
the actions used by one nation to exercise political or economic control over a smaller or weaker nation
What amendment allowed Senators to be chosen by popular vote?
the procedure by which a public official may be voted out of office before the next election
the practice of letting voters accept or reject measures proposed by the legislature
Primary System
Election that narrows the field of candidates before an election for office
Payne Aldrich Tariff
Taft gave the impression that he sold the Square Deal down the river by backing speaker Joe Canon, by supporting Ballinger against Pinchot and signing the tariff
Teddy Roosevelt
became President when William McKinley was assasinated
Who assasinated President McKinley?
Leon Czolgosz
Where was city commission first used?
Galveston, Texas
The Square Deal is associated with what President?
After the assasination of President McKinley, the next three Presidnets were...
Roosevelt, Taft, Willson
Who was the leader of the Rough Riders?
Leond Wood
In what era were investigative journalists known as Muckrakers?
Progressive Era
What company tragedy led to the passage of strict building codes dealing with fire hazards?
Triangle Shirtwaist Company
The Jungle
Upton Sinclair's book; Roosevelt appointed a commission to study the meat packing plants
Tried to win the Republican nominations in 1912 because he believed that Taft had failed to live up to the Progressive ideals. This caused a split in their party.
Teddy Roosevelt
Showed that the governement could help solve labor management disputes during the coal strike of 1902
Teddy Roosevelt
What was Teddy Roosevelt's nickname in the 1912 election?
Bull Moose
What is the amendment that banned the manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages?
What is the amendment that provided for women's sufferage?
What amendment provided and income tax?
What amendment repealed the 18th amendment?
Where did the opening conflict of WWI take place?
Austria-Hungary and Serbia
In what document did Germany promise to give Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona to Mexico?
The Zimmermen Telegramm
What are the four underlying factors of WWI?
Imperialsism, Nationalism, Militaryianism, and Secret alliances
When was WWI armistice signed?
November 11, 1918; the eleventh month on the eleventh day at the eleventh hour
Who made up the tripe entante?
Britain, France, and Russia
German submarines
Who are the BIG FOUR countries who attended the peace conference in WWI?
U.S., France, Great Britain, and Italy
Sussex Pledge
A promise by the germans not to sink anymore merchant ships without warning. It was created to keep the U.S. from joining with the Allies
What country underwent a revolution durring WWI?
Whose assassination in Sarajevo ignited WWI?
Archduke Franz Ferdinand
Great Migration
African Americans moved from southern states to northern states
Red Scare
The fear that Communist and anarchists would take over the government after WWI.
What did the U.S declare during the state of WWI?
What was the result of the Senate's opposition to the Leauge of Nations?
Treaty of Verssailles
Who made up the Triple Alliance?
Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy
What was the oganization U.S. never joined, that was established after WWI that was designed to prevent any further wars?
League of Nations
What were Wilson's proposals for peace after WWI referred to as?
The 14 points
Who headed the Food Administration during WWI?
Herbert Hoover
What is a temporary pause agreed to by both sides in a war or battle called?
Who assassinated Archducke Ferdinand?
Gavrilo Princip
Black Hand
A terrorist group responsible for the assasination of both the Archduke and his wife Sophia
What British vessel was sunk by a German U-boat and one-hundred and twenty-eight Americans were killed?
Who was sent to command 6000 troops to Mexico?
John J. Pershing; he later became leader of the American Expeditionary Force in WWI
Who was the bandit John J. Pershing was sent to capture?
Pancho Villa
Schlieffen Plan
A German plan to knock out the French army first and then concentrate on Russia
What act enforced Prohibition?
The Volstead Act
Charles Lindbergh flew across what Ocean to Paris?
Atlantic Ocean
What two immigrants were convicted of murder because they were anarchists during the Red Scare following WWI?
Sacco and Vanzetti
Who was the school teacher who was put on trial for teaching evolution?
John Scopes
What was the American soldiers nickname during WWI?
Teapot Dome Scandal
Involved the leasing of lands containing U.S. Navy oil reserves by the Secretary of Interior Alberta Falls
What did W.E.B. DuBois found?
NAACP; National Association for the Advancement of colored people
Assembly Line
the system of manufacturing adopted by Henry Ford which divided operations into simple tasks
Who appointed friends/ the Ohio Gang to government position?
Warren G. Harding
What was Babe Ruth's nickname?
Sultan of Swat