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12 Cards in this Set

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1. How did Augustus begin Pax Romana?
1. Permanent professional army
2.Restored Rome’s splendor (buildings)
3. Imported grain to feed the hungry population
4. Appointed a proconsul (like a governor) for each province
5. Reformed the tax system
6. His armies conquered new territories
2. What was the result for most people of the changes made by the “good emperors”?
Most people were farmers and artisans. A big gap existed between rich merchants, shopkeepers, and skilled workers – and poor farmers and city dwellers.
3. What kept the Roman Empire unified?
1. Roman law
2. Shared identity as Romans
3. Roman culture had been carried into every province Romans were generous in granting citizenship
4. What contributions to science, engineering, art and writing did the Romans make?
1.Buildings: Romans borrowed porches and columns, but added arches, vaults, and domes. Romans invented concrete.
2. Statues: Romans made them look more realistic and included wrinkles, warts, etc.
3. Ideas: to the Romans, ideas were important only if they could solve every day problems. Virgil and Ptolmey – (see P/P/V), Horace: wrote satires and odes; modern languages including Italian, French, Spanish, Portugese, Romanian, English
5. What was life like in the city?
6 story apartments, poorly built, frequent collapsed, fire constant danger and could destroy several city blocks
6. Describe life for wealthy Romans.
Large, comfortable homes, large rooms, fine furniture, beautiful gardens, atrium in center of home, some even had country estates (villas)
7. Describe Roman families.
Large family units included parents, young children, married children, their families, other relatives, and enslaved servants. Father head of household (paterfamilias) – complete control (punish severely and arrange marriages), boys man 14 – 16, girls adults when they marry
8. Describe life for Roman women.
Some rights, but not full citizens, paterfamilia controlled her, but sought her advice, her freedom depended on her husband’s wealth and standing. Wealthy women could own land, run businesses, sell property, and have free time to have fun. Women with less money had less freedom, worked in homes, helped husband with businesses, allowed to shop, visit friends, worship, go to baths. A few independently worked outside the home.
9. Describe school for Roman children.
Poor Romans – no school, wealthy Romans – tutor at home, boys: schools learned reading, writing, and rhetoric; girls – no school, studied reading and writing at home, learned household duties
10. What began the weakening of the Roman Empire?
1. Dishonest government officials result in poor leadership
2. Social problems
3. Declining economy with falling wages and tax revenues
11. What were some of the social problems?
1. Fewer Romans honored the old ideals of duty, courage, honesty
2. Government officials took bribes
3. Talented people refused to serve in government
4. Fewer people attended school
5. Large numbers of the empire’s people supported slavery
6. Famine and disease spread
12. What caused Rome to fall?
1. Eventually the empire gets divided into 2 parts by Theodosius
2. Increasing violence within the empire
3. Attacks by invaders
4. Fall of the last emperor in AD 476