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20 Cards in this Set

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The city where the apostles Peter and Paul died; one of the main churches in early Christianity.
Objects, actions, and blessings of the Church that remind us of God's presence and strengthen our faith in God.
sacraments of initiation
Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist.
Something precious offered to God out of love and worship; something difficult given or done for another's good.
Sea of Galilee
A lake located in the holy land where the apostles fished and several miracles took place.
Second Vatican Council
A meeting of all the bishops from around the world which was held in Rovme from 1962 to 1965.
Sermon on the Mount
Several teachings of Jesus, grouped together in Matthew 5, which describe the actions and attitudes of true disciples in response to the love of God.
Sunday obligation
The expectation that Catholics are to participate in the Eucharist every Sunday (or Saturday)
An invitation or desire to do something we know we are not supposed to do.
The small city, located within the city of Rome, which is the headquarters of the Catholic Church and the home of the Pope.
The weekly day of the rest and worship celebrated on Saturday by the Jews, replaced with Sunday by the Christians.
sacraments of healing
Penance ad Anointing of the Sick.
sacraments of service
Holy Orders and Matrimony.
The main area in the church building where the altar is placed.
seal of confession
The absolute confidentiality required of a priest regarding sins revealed in confession.
A school which trains people to be priests or other ministers.
One who helps another live according to the responsibilities of Christian life.
The special locked cabinet, often made of gold, where the Blessed Sacrament is kept in a Catholic Church.
Bread baked without yeast so that it does not rise. Used by Jewish people for Passover and by Catholics for Eucharist.
venial sin
Sin that weakens but does not destroy our covenant with God or our relationship with others.