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24 Cards in this Set

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British North America
the original thirteen colonies in America founded by joint-stock companies or as royal or proprietary colonies
government by the people; a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system.
Rule of law
the concept that law reigns supreme and even the king is bound to follow the law
Magna Carta
"Great Charter" dating back to 1215 and forming the basis of English constitutional law
English Bill of Rights
1689 document limiting the power of the British sovereign and defining the rights of the people
Virginia House of Burgesses
Representative government in the colony of Virginia
Mayflower Compact
Agreement created by the Pilgrims to form a government for their colony
Declaration of Independence
1776 document in which Americans gave their reasons for independence from Britain
Proclamation of 1763
Banned American colonists from settlement west of the Appalachians
Articles of Confederation
Original government of the United States; was very weak and government power was very limited
the official approval of the Constitution by the states
supported the Constitution and and a strong federal government
Opposed a strong central (federal) government
Federalist Papers
A series of essays written defending the Constitution (written by Hamilton, Adams and Jay)
Limited government
A system when effective means are in place to contain the power of the government
Separation of powers
Protection of rights of the states while also providing some power exclusively to the federal government
Checks and balances
a system that prevents any one branch of government from dominating the others
Bill of Rights
the first ten amendments to the Constitution, in which personal liberties are guaranteed
"Necessary and proper" clause
the "elastic" clause which gives Congress the power to carry out its enumerated powers
the political party of Thomas Jefferson
Whiskey Rebellion
revolt by farmers on the western frontier; suppression of the revolt consolidated federal power
Alien and Sedition Acts
Allowed the government to deport foreigners it found "dangerous" and to suppress criticism of the government; seen by many as an abuse of government power
Marbury v. Madison
Landmark case in which the authority of the Supreme Court to decide constitutional matters was established
Judicial review
The authority of the Supreme Court to decide what is constitutional