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21 Cards in this Set

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what is the innervation to all these muscles?
CN VII - the facial nerve
origin and insertion of all the facial muscles?
o. fascia and/or bone
i. skin

(connected to the occipitalis by epicranial apponeurosis called the galae aponeurotica)
a. raises the brow and wrinkles the forehead as in surprise. It produces transverse wrinkles in the forehead when frowning.
(connected to the occipitalis by epicranial apponeurosis called the galae aponeurotica)
(connected to the frontalis by epicranial apponeurosis called the galae aponeurotica)
a. wrinkles the skin over the occipital bone
Orbicularis oculi
a. sphincter of the eye - closes the lid, compresses the lacrimal gland
Corrugator supercilii
a. draws the eyebrows downward and medially as in frowning and suffering.
Draws the medial angle of the eyebrow downward producing transverse wrinkles over the bridge of the nose.
1. Compressor nares (transverse portion)
2. Dilator nares (alar portion)
1. Compresses the anterior nasal aperture/nostril

2. Widens the anterior nasal aperture/nostril
Depressor septi
assists the dilator nares in widening the nasal aperture during deep inspiration
Levator labii superioris
raises the upper lip carrying it slightly forward (evert)
Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi
medial portion of the LLS muscle.
o. near the procerus
i. into the alar portion of the nostril
a. dilates the nostril
Zygomaticus minor
elevates the upper lip and also produces the nasolabial furrow (sorrow or contempt)
Zygomaticus major
draws the angle of the mouth upward and laterally during smiling
Levator anguli oris, aka Caninus
raises the angle of the mouth as in sneering and is instrumental in producing the nasolabial furrow which deepens in contempt or disdain
compresses the cheeks helping to hold food in the proper place in the mouth when eating, compresses the cheek when blowing out air
Retracts the angle of the mouth producing a sardonic (cynical/scornful) expression.
Orbicularis oris
direct closure of lips, applies the lips to the alveolar arch, brings the lips together and protrudes them (purses the lips) as in whistling and sucking
Depressor anguli oris, aka triangularis
depresses the corner of the mouth as in sadness
Depressor labii inferioris
draws the lower lip down and lateral as in chewing. Also contributes to an expression of irony.
Raises and protrudes the lower lip, wrinkles the skin of the chin as in pouting, or expressing doubt or disdain (despise)
(Only muscle of ant neck innervated by Facial n. - CN VII)
retracts and depresses the corner of the mouth. tenses the skin of the ant neck.