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11 Cards in this Set

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Temporalis. Origin is temporal bone, insertion is the coracoid process of the mandible.

This muscle elevates the mandible

Aponeurosis. Layer of flat fibrous tissue or tendon

Epicranius Occipitalis. Origin is the occipital bone and the insertion is the skin and muscles around the eye

raises the eyebrows when surprised

Epicranius Frontalis. Origin is the frontal bone and the insertion is the skin and muscles around the eye

raises the eyebrows like when you are surprised

Orbicularis Oculi. Origins are the maxillary and frontal bones. The insertion is the skin around the eye

This muscle closes the eye when blinking

Zygomaticus. Origin is the zygomatic bone, the insertion is the orbicularis oris

This muscle raises the corner of the mouth (smiling)

Buccinator. Origins are the outer surfaces of the maxilla and mandible. The insertion is the orbicularis oris

This muscle compresses cheeks inward as when blowing air

Orbicularis Oris. Origins are the muscles near the mouth and insertion is the skin of central lip

This muscle closes lips, protrudes lips (as in kissing)

Masseter. Origin is the lower border of the zygomatic arch. The insertion is the lateral surface of the mandible

This muscle elevates the mandible

Sternocleidomastoid. Origins are the anterior surface of the sternum and upper surface of the clavicle. Insertion is the mastoid process of the temporal bone

This muscle pulls the head to one side, flexes the neck, and elevates the sternum

Platysma. Origin is the fascia in upper chest. The insertion is the lower border of the mandible.

This muscle draws the angle of the mouth downward as when pouting