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35 Cards in this Set

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Where the muscle attaches to the LEAST moveable anatomical part
Where the muscle attaches to the MOST moveable anatomical part
Two clavicle muscles
1) Sterno
2) Trap
Largest clavicle muscle
Muscle that separates the neck into an anterior and posterior triangle
Muscle used for landmark for oral exams
Sterno (used as a result of its size - very large)
Muscle that is responsible for tilting and lifting one's head
Muscle located in the posterior triangle of the neck
Muscle used to shrug your shoulders
Sterno origin
Medial clavicle
Sterno insertion
Mastoid Process
Trap Insertion
Occipital bone
Trap Origin
3 major regions of trap
-Upper (origin at occipital)
-Lower (insertion at clavicle)
Facial Muscles Overview
-originate at bone
-insert at the skin
-allow for facial expressions
Epicranial (two major regions)
-covers the forehead and the skull
-two major regions (front belly and occipital belly)
Front belly - (epicranial) [org and insert]
Origin: skull tendon
Insertion: eyebrows and nose
Occipital Belly (epicranial) [org and inset]
Origin: occipital bone
Insertion: eppicranial aponeurosis
Muscle around the eye (blinking and squinting)
Orbicularis Oculi
Orbicularis Oculi Origin
orbital rim, frontal and maxillary bones
Orbicularis Oculi Insertion
Lateral region of eye

"oc" always means eye
Wrinkles in forehead, bridge of nose
Corrugator Supercilii
Orbicularis Oris - action
the kissing muscle
Orbicularis Oris
Origin: encircles mouth
Insertion: Angle of mouth
"or" = kissing
Buccinator - action
aids in chewing, pulls angle of mouth laterally
"bucks chew a lot"
Risorius - action
stretching lips
"rice causes stretching - therefore ris = stretching"
Levator Labii Superioris - action
raising upper lip
-"when you are super mad, you raise your labii superioris"
Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi - action
raising upper lip and dilating nasal
"super mad, you raise your labii superioris and dilate your nasi"
Zygomaticus major - action
"MAJOR happy - flex your zygomaticus MAJOR"
Zygomaticus Minor - action
-smile and raise your upper lip
"A minor detail is to raise upper lip when smiling"
Levator anguli Oris - action
-raises upper lip when smiling
"ELEVATE upper lip via the LEVator anguli oris"
Depressor Anguli Oris - action
-lowers upper lip when smiling
"DEPRESSES upper lip via the DEPressor anguli oris"
Depressor Labii Inferioris - action
Depresses the lower lip exposing the mandibular incisor teeth. -pout
Mentalis- action
raising chin and protruding lower lip
"MENTAL people raise chin and protrude their lip via MENTalis
Platysma - action
raise the skin of the upper neck

"platypus have raised skin of upper neck"