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103 Cards in this Set

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pulmonary defense mechanisms
- turbulence caused by turbinates and speed changes caused by alteration of airway diameters (>90% of particles >10u)
- mucociliary apparatus (trap particles >2u to level of terminal bronchiole)
- phagocytes (especially pulmonary alveolar macrophages; few or none in healthy alveoli)
- antibody production (airway IgA, alveoli IgG)
impairment of filtration
damage to structure of nasal cavity
impairment of mucociliary apparatus
- destruction of cilia (M. hyo)
- changes in mucus viscosity (Nh3)
impairment of phagocytosis
- viral destruction of macrophages (PRRSv)
- hypoxia-induced reduction in macrophage oxidative phosphorylation
risk factors for respiratory disease
- introduction of new animal or semen
- physical environment in which pigs are housed
- numbers of pigs per group
- pig flow
- number of pathogens
- early weaning
reducing risks from introduction of new animals or semen
- put in place biosecurity protocols to minimise risk of disease entry (stock replacement strategy including appropriate use of quarantine)
- know the health status of both the client and supplier herds (what diseases exist on each)
risk factors for respiratory disease in the environment
- serves as transport medium, determines the agents survival time outside the host and the susceptibility of a new host to infection (eg NH3 effect on ciliary effect)
- pathogen survival increased at lower temperatures (higher temperatures dessicate) and at high (>80%) and low (<50%) humidity
- number of pigs per group/air space and crowding increases potential for transmission
risk factors for respiratory diseases based on pig flow
- pigs can be housed in "continuous flow" or "all-in/all-out"
- the number of pigs infected with and potentially shedding pathogens increases with age
- a significant risk factor for respiratory disease is the comingling of pigs of different ages within the same air space: when the pig is AI-AO, the population is more likely to be age segregated and thuis more uniform health status
advantages of AI/AO on pig performance
- higher average daily gain
- higher average daily feed intake
- higher feed to gain ratio
- shorter days to market
- half the % of lung lesions
formula for likelihood of disease
# of pathogens x virulence / resistance
influences on the number of pathogens
housing management:
- hygiene
- ventilation rate
- pig flow
influences on resisance
- hygiene
- ventilation rate
- temperature flexes
- draughts
- dampness

and respiratory system defense mechanisms
early weaning & respiratory disease
early weaning can break a disease chain but makes populations more vulnerable to disease if pathogens re-enter the herd (poor resistance)
management options for control/eradication of respiratory disease
- pig flow: quarantine, AI/AO, multi-site production (age segregated)
- vaccination
- medication
- weaning age (21d minimum in EU)
- depopulation (partial or total)
- customised combos
vaccination and respiration disease
- provides homologous protection (+/- heterologous protection)
- vaccinating sows to stabilise herd immunity and increase passive protection of piglets
- vaccinating sucklers/weaners
- vaccination of naive pigs prior to herd entry
- vaccinate pregnant gilts 5 and 2 weeks pre-farrow and boost sow 2 weeks pre-farrow
side effects of vaccination
- pathogenic potential of MLV vaccines
- vaccine combo may have adverse effects mixing M. hyo and PCV-2 may depress growth for 14d)
- induce inflammatory response: may be severe enough to induce abortion or sperm defects
recommended vaccinations for sow
- M. hyopneumoniae
- atrophic rhinitis
- PCV-2
recommended vaccinations for sucklers/weaners
- PCV-2
- M. hyo
- Erysipelas
medication options for control/eradication of respiratory disease
- in a disease outbreak, give appropriate medication, via the water supply if possible
- in-feed medication can be employed to control disease (eg. valnemulin [Econor] for control of M.hyo in grow-finish)
- injection of individual pigs is time consuming but may be necessary (ceftiofur [excede], tulathromycin [draxxin])
management changes to reduce bacteria to eliminate losses from PRRS
- stop cross-fostering to save sick, "fall-behinds" or runts
- if necessary cross foster only within first 24 hours
- do not move sows or piglets between rooms
- minimise piglet handling (stress)
- immediately euthanise very sick pigs unlikely to fully recover
- do not move fall-behind or lightweight pigs backwards to younger rooms or nurse sows
- stop all feedback of weak-born or aborted/stillborn fetuses
- nursery pigs must be moved strictly AI/AO
- nurseries may be loaded all - in by early weaning a few of the oldest, best-doing litters from the next oldest farrowing room
maternal protection and mucosal colonisation
level of protection declines at different rates for different diseases, on average:
- absolute protection ~8d
- clinical protection ~14d
- little protection ~20d
using lactation length to control respiratory disease
- sow supplies provide passive protection to piglets via colostrum and milk antibodies
- objective of early weaning is to remove the piglets from the primary source of infection (sow) while passive protection is still preventing pathogen colonisation
- once weaned, move the piglets off-site
using depopulation to eradicate respiratory disease
- a total depopulation followed by rigorous cleaning is very effective for disease eradication (but very expensive so last resort)
- a strategy proven effective against PRRS virus is depopulation of specific stages of production (partial depopulation: nursery, grower, finisher)
- if disease is known to be cycling in the nursery then only the nursery needs to be depopulated
- must result in movement of uninfected pigs into a non-infective environment
- for uninfected pigs essential that sows not be shedding pathogen. For this all the sows have the same immune base
- stabilizing the sow base requires that subpopulations of immunologically naive or actively infected shedding
- stabilise the sow base by bringing in 4-6 months supply of replacements and closing the herd (objective is to develop a sow population of equal immune status i.e. not shedding the virus)
- where a proven vaccine exists, vaccination of the entire breeding herd (including the boars) will help eliminate naive subpopulations
- when sow base is stable, perform a serological profile to establish when pigs are sero-converting
- use this to determine which stages to depopulate
- before reopening the herd, ensure appropriate isolation/acclimatisation is established to prevent reintroduction of the disease
respiratory diseases of suckling pigs
- bordetella
respiratory diseases of nursery pigs
- AR
respiratory diseases of growers/finishers
- M. hyo
respiratory diseases of adult pigs
maternal protection and mucosal colonisation
level of protection declines at different rates for different diseases, on average:
- absolute protection ~8d
- clinical protection ~14d
- little protection ~20d
using lactation length to control respiratory disease
- sow supplies provide passive protection to piglets via colostrum and milk antibodies
- objective of early weaning is to remove the piglets from the primary source of infection (sow) while passive protection is still preventing pathogen colonisation
- once weaned, move the piglets off-site
using depopulation to eradicate respiratory disease
- a total depopulation followed by rigorous cleaning is very effective for disease eradication (but very expensive so last resort)
- a strategy proven effective against PRRS virus is depopulation of specific stages of production (partial depopulation: nursery, grower, finisher)
- if disease is known to be cycling in the nursery then only the nursery needs to be depopulated
- must result in movement of uninfected pigs into a non-infective environment
- for uninfected pigs essential that sows not be shedding pathogen. For this all the sows have the same immune base
- stabilizing the sow base requires that subpopulations of immunologically naive or actively infected shedding
- stabilise the sow base by bringing in 4-6 months supply of replacements and closing the herd (objective is to develop a sow population of equal immune status i.e. not shedding the virus)
- where a proven vaccine exists, vaccination of the entire breeding herd (including the boars) will help eliminate naive subpopulations
- when sow base is stable, perform a serological profile to establish when pigs are sero-converting
- use this to determine which stages to depopulate
- before reopening the herd, ensure appropriate isolation/acclimatisation is established to prevent reintroduction of the disease
respiratory diseases of suckling pigs
- bordetella
respiratory diseases of nursery pigs
- AR
respiratory diseases of growers/finishers
- M. hyo
respiratory diseases of adult pigs
etiology: mycoplasmal pneumonia
mycoplasma hyopneumonia
chars mycoplasmal pneumonia
- contagious disease
- very common: her prevalence ~99%
- primary pathogen
- carrier sows transmit to piglets
- sow also provides antibody to piglet
- antibody begins to decline in the nursery at 4-10 wks of age
- slow insiduous development of disease
CS mycoplasmal pneumonia
- chronic dry/barking non-productive cough
- group infected over 3-14 wks
- fever is unusual
- slow, progressive size variation (same age so should be same size)
- dyspnea if secondary infection: usually with non-toxigenic P. multocida, but also M. hyorhinis, or H. parasuis) which causes enzootic pneumonia (will see productive cough, fever and weight loss)
lesions/pathogenesis mycoplasmal pneumonia
- paralysis and loss of tracheal and bronchial cilia
- loss of mucociliary clearance mechanism
- gravitation distribution of lesions: anterio-ventral, firm, tan plum-colored areas
Dx mycoplasmal pneumonia
- culture is difficult (3-30 days)
- histopath: peribronchial lymphoreticular hyperplasia
- fluorescent antibody, PCR or immunoperoxidase of lung section
- serology: CF and ELISA
mycoplasmal pneumonia Tx/control
- injectable: Lincomysin, Tylosin, Draxxin
- in feed: lincomycin in nursery, valnemulin
- age segregated all in/all out pig flow
- vaccine: inject pigs at 3 and 5 weeks (careful of PRRS seroconversion)
- eradication by medicated early weaning or total or partial depopulation (all animals except breeding stock which are medicated)
chars actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae (APP)
- G- rod
- prevalence 60-80% of herds (~40% of swine)
- 12 serovars (1, 5 and 7 most common in US, 1, 5, 9, 10 and 11 most pathogenic)
- carrier sow source of infection (Ab upto 14 weeks)
- low survival in environment
- sensitive to drying (transport with medium and swabs)
- no long distance transmission
CS actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae (APP)
- grower pigs
- fever
- severe dyspnea
- cyanosis of extremities
- sudden death
- 30-50% case mortality within 36 hours of onset of CS
- in sub-acute form pigs anorexic, dyspnea and coughing with variable mortality
APP lesions/pathogenesis
- dorso-caudal (diaphragmatic lobe) necro-hemorrhagic lesion
- via direct cntact and aerosol, bacteria clonise the tonsils and also enter the lung
- lesion is the result of toxin production (Apx I and III) evident by 3h in challenge model: macrophage death within 30-60 min, reduced neutrophil function
- lungs congested and edematous (3-12h)
- by 12-24 h, fibrinous exudate on pleural surface over pneumonic areas
- by 48h, hemorrhagic/necrotic lesions observed especially in caudal lobe
APP toxins
- Apx I and III highly toxic to leukocytes
- Apx moderately toxic alone, but effects are more severe if combined with other toxins
- effect of serotype can vary (in US serotype 2 produces only Apx II and has low virulence, in Europe produces II and III and is highly pathogenic)
- acute, fatal respiratory disease with fibrous pleurisy and firm lung infarcs, confirmed by serology and culture of the organism
- main differential is A. suis which is further differentiated on basis of toxin production (A. suis doesn't produce Apx III)
- serology: CF (highly specific, low sensitivity), ELISA (low spec, high sens, x-reacts with A. suis)
APP Tx/control
- injectable: ceftiofur (Excede), Penicillin, Tetracycline -> walk each pen, treat affected pigs or treat whole and adjacent pens if several affected
- in feed:pulmatil (Tilmicosin) 5d before expected outbreak
- in water: prevents new cases
- eradication: total depopulation or partial depopulation with vaccination/medication of sow herd and then weaning at <21 d
- vaccine
chars APP vaccine
- serotype specific: 1, 5, 7
- titer of 1:64 (CF) is protective
- takes 3-4 weeks to develop
- reduces mortality by 50% (no effect on ADG)
- oil adjuvant causes abscess
etiology actinobacillosis
Actinobacillus suis
pathogenesis actinobacillosis
- likely via direct contact and aerosol
- bacteria colonise the tonsils and become systemic
- systemic emboli adhere or are trapped in vessel walls (especially in lung), form micro-colonies surrounded by areas of toxin-induced haemorrhage and necrosis
CS actinobacillosis
- sudden death in 2d to 4wk old piglets in one of more litters
- in high health herds, wweaners and older pigs (including young adults), may have a persistent cough and signs of pneumonia as well as red blotches on the skin (not raised like Erysipelas)
pathology actinobacillosis
haemorrhagic-necrotising pneumonia that is more randomly distributed than that seen with APP
Dx actinobacillosis
- acute, fatal respiratory disease with firm lung infarcts
- due to its ability to mimic other pathogens and serological cross-reaction with APP, diagnosis requires culture of the organism
Tx and control A suis
- sensitive to most commonly used antibiotics (e.g penicillins, tetracyclines)
- older pigs in-feed medication is usually effective
- anectotally, autogenous vaccines have been successful in herds with repeated outbreaks
etiology atrophic rhinitis
combination of bordetella bronchiseptica and pasteurella multocida (type D and sometimes A)
chars bordetella bronchiseptica (atrophic rhinitis)
- fimbria for attachment
- primary but weak pathogen
- toxin causes local defective osteogenesis
- affects pigs <6 wks
chars pasteurella multocida (atrophic rhinitis)
- requires initial insult (i.e. inflammation) to colonise
- produces potent dermonecrotoxin
- toxin causes destruction of osteoblasts and upregulates osteoclasts resulting in destruction of nasal turbinates
pathogenesis atrophic rhinitis
- source in herd is infected sow: infects piglets soon after birth
- antibody not protective against infection but may provide anti-toxin
- other animals can also be source
- spread in nursey
CS atrophic rhinitis
- sneezing in young pigs
- conjunctivitis
- purulent/serous nasal discharge
- epistaxis
- bilateral shortening of snout
- bending of snout
Dx atrophic rhinitis
- CS
- nasal swab: Calgiswab
- PCR for organism
- evaluate severity in the herd at slaughter: section at 2nd upper premolar, measure space, symmetry, septal deviation and consider season
control of atrophic rhinitis
- vaccination (pre-farrow and/or 7 and 21d of age)
- medication of litters
- water medication in nursery
- in-feed sulfa in nursery
- all in-all out pig flow
- for acute pre-weaning disease, parenteral or oral TMP-sulfa, ampicillin, tetracyclines, ceftiofur
- prophylaxis by medication at 3, 10 and 21 days
- water/feed medication from weaning
- vaccination of sows (P. multocida toxoid and killed B. bronchiseptica) to boost piglet passive immunity. can vaccinate piglets at 7 and 21d
- eradication by total depopulation
- if <20% sows infected, testing/tx of sows on entry to clean farrowing house and culling if not resolved (small farm)
vaccination for atrophic rhinitis
- toxoid for sows and piglets
- variable success
- abscess former
atrophic rhinitis antibiotics
- LA 200
- inject piglets at 0, 7 and 21d
- usually in conjunction with vaccine
etiology bordetellosis
B. bronchiseptica
pathogenesis of bordetellosis
- colonisation and destruction of cilia in nasal cavity
- may colonise lung causing bronchopenumonia
CS bordetellosis
- sneezing in pigs >1 wk of age (may be paroxysmal with epistaxis) and mucopurulent nasal discharge progressing to a cough when lung involved
- may see mild (reversible) turbinate atrophy (regressive atrophic rhinitis)
pathology bordetellosis
catarrhal rhinitis, conjunctivitis and possible bronchopneumonia (particularly cranial and middle lobes)
Dx bordetellosis
CS confirmed by culture of nasal swab
Tx and control of bordetellosis
- severely affected pigs, use parenteral followed by oral administration of TMP-sulfa, tetracyclines
- for disease control, use in-feed medication of above or sulfa-tylosin mix (Tylasul, Elanco)
- vaccinate sows pre-farrowing and pigs at 7 and 28 days
- eradication required medicated early weaning (<10d)
chars Salmonella choleraesuis
- Salmonella enterica, serovar choleraesuis
- resides in macrophages = protected from immune system, protected from antibiotics
- stress-related
CS salmonella choleraesuis
- any age but most frequently 3-4 mo old pigs
- fever, shallow moist cough, huddling, rough hair coat, cyanosis of extremities, sudden death
S. choleraesuis lesions
- interlobular edema and hemorrhage in lung
- splenomegaly
- hepatomegaly
- DDx S. typhimurium which is largely enteric
treatment S. choleraesuis
individual parenteral antibiotics (eg. tetracycline, ceftiofur, ampicillin, enrofloxacin) for acutely ill animals, then population treatment in-water (eg tetracycline or ampicillin) for 5d
control S. choleraesuis
hygiene and all-in all-out pig flow, feed medication and vaccination (live vaccine SC 54), reduce stress
chars swine influenza
- influenza type A virus (orthomyxovirus, RNA)
- 2 structural proteins: hemagglutin (15): drives immune response, neuraminidase (9)
- four main subtypes in swine: H1N1, H1N2, H3N2, H1N7
- fairly stable comparable to human
swine influenza transmission
- primarily pig-to-pig
- also humans and waterfowl
- virus shed for 30 days
CS swine influenza
- classic diz: fall-winter, all pigs affected, extreme prostration, open-mouth labored respiration, sneezing, barking cough, red eyes, conjunctival discharge, but rarely fatal
- sows may abort
- enzootic form: constant circulation, usually one of several pathogens, nursery or finisher
swine influenza pathogenesis
- virus replicates in bronchial epithelium within 2h and by 24h most cells are infected, as are alveolar septae and ducts
- small bronchi become blocked by neutrophil-rich exudate, and alveolar necrosis/bronchial epithelial hyperplasia
- widespread interstitial pneumonia with enlarged "patchy" hemorrhagic lymph nodes (bronchial, mediastinal)
Dx swine influenza
- classic diz = CS
- enzootic form = virus isolation, histopathology, paired serology, antigen detection IHC
Tx swine influenza
- clean, dry, draft-free
- minimise stress
- antibiotics for 2ndary infection
control swine influenza
- strain specific vaccine
- ventilation to reduce re-circulation of air and thus virus exposure
chars porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS)
- primary pathogen (RNA arterivirus)
- lysis of alveolar macrophages with loss of phagocytic and antigen presenting capability
- infected porcine lungs have "rubbery feel"
prevalence and transmission of PRRS
- 60-80% of herds, many strains of virus
- pig-to-pig transmission but also aerosol across a region
- constant recycling within a farm
- usually in weaned pigs, will observe tachypnea and a "thumping" respiration
- may see eyelid oedeme and conjunctivitis
- virus isolation from sick pigs: viremia for 4-7 wks post-infection, isolate from tonsils and/or lungs
- histopath, IHC
- targeted serology
serology for PRRS
- maternal immunity usually persists 6-8 weeks, but occasionally as long as 16 weeks
- vaccine titer not distinguishable from field virus titer
- rising titer indicates recent infection
PRRS pneumonia in the nursery (enzootic herd)
1st scenario: sows stable, low titers and not actively shedding virus. Wean naive, negative piglets that become infected in the nursery
- Scenario 2: sow herd not stable due to frequent susceptible additions (up to 80% positive) -> sows actively shedding virus to piglets
- differentiate serologically
- PRRS pneumonia in enzootic herd
- 1st scenario: sows stable with low level of titers 5-20%, not actively shedding virus and weans naive, negative piglets that are infected in the nursery -> depopulate nursery and leave empty for 2 weeks
- 2nd scenario: sow herd not stable due to frequent susceptible additions (upto 80% +), actively shedding virus to piglets -> close sow herd to new additions for 6 months
PRRS control
- limied cross fostering: none after 24 hours
- do not move pigs between rooms: strict all-in/all-out
- multi-site production
- remove very sick pigs from the system: limit risk of "typhoid Mary"
PRRS sow vaccination
- killed vaccine; safe but relatively ineffective
- modified live virus vaccine: possible reversion to virulence; lack of similarity to field strain; infectious, contagious, pathogenic -> 3rd trimester abortion, weak pigs; confuses interpretation of serology
PRRS pig vaccination
- original label use
- can be very effective in controlling clinical disease and mortality
serum therapy (PRRS)
- consider only if other methods have failed
- injection of serum from viremic pigs: variation of autogenous vaccine - inject sows and 4-6mo of replacements, close herd)
- risks = infection of wild type virus will cause clinical problems
- benefits = decreases number of breeding groups with abortions and in utero infections
- ultimately stops PRRS-affected production sooner
etiology: porcine circovirus 2
- a "new" porcine circovirus disease (PCV 2) that has been associated with several disease states
- new designation is PCVAD
CS porcine circovirus 2
- usually in weaned pigs (5-6 wks), may observe icterus or dyspnea and will observe wasting
- PRRS and PCVAD lung will look the same = "rubbery feel"
- jaundice
- nephritis
- purple skin discoloration over body
pathology porcine circovirus 2
- moderate to severe interstitial pneumonia
- enlarged lymph nodes
- many other "suggestive" lesions
Dx porcine circovirus 2
- CS
- confirmed by serology and demonstration of cytoplasmic inclusion bodies in lymphoid tissue (eg. Peyer's patches)
Tx and control of PCVAD
- ensure all piglets receive colostrum: dose manually with 10 ml any pig <1kg or any born >2.5 hours after start of farrowing
- minimise stress
- follow PRRS protocol re: x-fostering, mixing, etc.
- vaccine available but in short supply
etiology inclusion body rhinitis
porcine cytomegalovirus
CS inclusion body rhinitis
- sneezing in pigs <3 wks of age
- nasal discharge
- epiphora
- may lead to otitis media if chronic
pathology: inclusion body rhinitis
rhinitis and conjunctivitis
Dx inclusion body rhinitis
- turbinates plugged with mucus/debris
- basophilic intranuclear inclusion bodies in nasal mucosa
- if herd is naive any age can be affected and 25% mortality in affected litters may be seen
chars roundworm migration
- naive pigs with access to new soil
- larval migration damages liver and lungs: petechial hemorrhage in lung, "milk spots" in liver (resolve in 4 wks)
- adults shed 2 to 9x10^5
- Tx: pyrantel, fenbendazole, dichlorvos, ivermectin
life cycle of Ascaris suum
cycle takes 5 to 6 weeks
- excretion of eggs with faeces
- in the faeces, embryonated eggs pass from non-infective, non-embryonated to infective, embryonated and become very resistant
- swallowing of eggs
- L3 travels to digestive mucosa and moves to the liver via the circulation of the veins
- L3 migrates to the periphery of the liver causing white spot lesions
- L3 changes into L4 in the alveolus
- L4 goes through the bronchi and the trachea and is swallowed at the level of the pharynx
- L4 changes to L5 in the small intestine
Dx Ascaris suum
petechial hemorrhages evident all over lung