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299 Cards in this Set

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What is classical conditioning?
- Learning in which a natural response (salivation) is elicited by a conditioned, or learned, stimulus (bell) that previously was presented in conjunction with an unconditioned stimulus (food)
- Usually deals with INVOLUNTARY responses
What is operant conditioning?
- Learning in which a particular action is elicited because it produces a punishment or reward
- Usually deals with VOLUNTARY responses
What is the term for when a desired reward produces an action? Example?
Positive Reinforcement - eg, mouse presses button to get food
What is the term for when a target behavior (response) is followed by removal of an aversive stimulus? Example?
Negative Reinforcement - eg, mouse presses button to turn of continuous loud noise
What is the term for when repeated application of aversive stimulus extinguishes an unwanted behavior?
What is the term for the discontinuation of reinforcement (positive or negative) eventually leading to elimination of behavior? When can this occur?
- Can occur in operant or classical conditioning
What is "transference"?
Patient projects feelings about formative or other important persons onto physician (eg, psychiatrist is seen as a parent)
What is "countertransference"?
Doctor projects feelings about formative or other important persons onto patient (eg, patient reminds physician of younger sibling)
What are ego defenses?
Unconscious, mental processes used to resolve conflict and prevent undesirable feelings (eg, anxiety or depression)
What are the types of IMMATURE "ego defenses"?
- Acting out
- Dissociation
- Denial
- Displacement
- Fixation
- Identification
- Isolation (of affect)
- Projection
- Rationalization
- Reaction formation
- Regression
- Repression
- Splitting
What kind of ego defense is a "tantrum" an example of? Description?
Acting Out (immature ego defense):
- Expressing unacceptable feelings and thoughts through actions
What kind of ego defense is a "dissociative identity disorder (multiple personality disorder)" an example of? Description?
Dissociation (immature ego defense):
- Temporary, drastic change in personality, memory, consciousness, or motor behavior to avoid emotional stress
What kind of ego defense is a "common reaction to a newly diagnosed AIDS or cancer patient" an example of? Description?
Denial (immature ego defense):
- Avoiding the awareness of some painful reality
What kind of ego defense is a "mother yelling at her child because her husband yelled at her" an example of? Description?
Displacement (immature ego defense):
- Transferring avoided ideas and feelings to some neutral person or object (vs projection)
What kind of ego defense is a "man fixated on sports games" an example of? Description?
Fixation (immature ego defense):
- Partially remaining at a more childish level of development (vs regression)
What kind of ego defense is an "abused child identifying with an abuser" an example of? Description?
Identification (immature ego defense):
- Modeling behavior after another person who is more powerful (though not necessarily admired)
What kind of ego defense is "describing a murder in graphic detail with no emotional response" an example of? Description?
Isolation of Affect (immature ego defense):
- Separating feelings from ideas and events
What kind of ego defense is a "man who wants another woman" experiencing if he "thinks his wife is cheating on him"? Description?
Projection (immature ego defense):
- Attributing unacceptable internal impulse to an external source (vs displacement)
What kind of ego defense is "after getting fired, claiming that the job was not important anyway" an example of? Description?
Rationalization (immature ego defense):
- Proclaiming logical reasons for actions actually performed for other reasons
- Usually to avoid self-blame
What kind of ego defense is a "patient with libidinous thoughts who enters a monastery" an example of? Description?
Reaction Formation (immature ego defense):
- Replacing a warded off idea or feeling by an (unconsciously derived) emphasis on its opposite (vs sublimation)
What kind of ego defense is "seen in children under stress, such as illness, punishment, or birth of a new sibling (eg, bedwetting in a previously toilet-trained child when hospitalized)" an example of? Description?
Regression (immature ego defense):
- Turning back the maturational clock and going back to earlier modes of dealing with the world (vs fixation)
What kind of ego defense is "not remembering a conflictual or traumatic experience by pressing bad thoughts into the unconscious" an example of? Description?
Repression (immature ego defense):
- Involuntary withholding an idea or feeling from conscious awareness (vs suppression)
What kind of ego defense is a "patient saying that all the nurses are cold and insensitive but that the doctors are warm and friendly" an example of? Description?
Splitting (immature ego defense):
- Believing that people are either all good or all bad at different times due to intolerance of ambiguity
- Commonly seen in borderline personality disorder
What are the types of MATURE "ego defenses"?
- Altruism
- Humor
- Sublimation
- Suppression

Mature adults wear a SASH: Sublimation, Altruism, Suppression, Humor
What kind of ego defense is a "mafia boss making large donations to charity" an example of? Description?
Altruism (mature ego defense):
- Alleviating guilty feelings by unsolicited generosity toward others
What kind of ego defense is a "nervous medical student making jokes about the boards" an example of? Description?
Humor (mature ego defense):
- Appreciating the amusing nature of an anxiety-provoking or adverse situation
What kind of ego defense is a "teenager's aggression toward his father that is redirected to perform well in sports" an example of? Description?
Sublimation (mature ego defense):
- Replacing an unacceptable wish with a course of action that is similar to the wish but does not conflict with one's value system (vs reaction formation)
What kind of ego defense is "choosing to not worry about the big game until it is time to play" an example of? Description?
Suppression (mature ego defense):
- Intentional withholding of an idea or feeling from conscious awareness (vs repression)
What are the ego defenses that are related (__ vs __)?
- Displacement vs Projection
- Fixation vs Regression
- Reaction Formation vs Sublimation
- Repression vs Suppression
What is the similarity / difference between displacement and projection?
- Displacement: transferring avoided ideas and feelings to some neutral person or object (eg, mother yells at her child because her husband yelled at her)
- Projection: attributing an unacceptable internal impulse to an external source (eg, a man who wants another woman thinks his wife is cheating on him)
What is the similarity / difference between fixation and regression?
- Fixation: partially remaining at a more childish level of development (eg, men fixating on sports games)
- Regression: turning back the maturational clock and going back to earlier modes of dealing with the world (eg, seen in children under stress such as illness, punishment, or birth of a new sibling - that starts to bedwet)
What is the similarity / difference between reaction formation and sublimation?
- Reaction Formation: replacing a warded off idea or feeling by an (unnecessarily derived) emphasis on its opposite (eg, patient with libidinous thoughts enters a monastery)
- Sublimation: replacing an unacceptable wish with a course of action that is similar to the wish but does not conflict with one's value system (eg, teenager's aggression toward father is redirected to perform will in sports)
What is the similarity / difference between Repression and Suppression?
- Repression: involuntary withholding an idea or feeling from conscious awareness (eg, not remembering a conflictual or traumatic experience, pressing bad thoughts into the unconscious)
- Suppression: intentional withholding of an idea or feeling from conscious awareness (eg, choosing not to worry about the big game until it is time to play)
What are the long term effects of deprivation of affection on an infant?
The 4 W's: Weak, Wordless, Wanting (socially), Wary
- ↓ Muscle tone
- Poor language skills
- Poor socialization skills
- Lack of basic trust
- Anaclitic depression (infant withdrawn/unresponsive)
- Weight loss
- Physical illness
Infant deprivation of affection for how long can lead to irreversible changes?
>6 months
What can severe deprivation of an infant lead to?
Infant death
What are some examples of evidence of physical abuse of a child?
- Healed fractures on x-ray (eg, spiral fractures)
- Burns (eg, cigarette, scalding)
- Subdural hematomas
- Pattern marks/bruising (eg, belts, electrical cords)
- Rib fractures
- Retinal hemorrhage or detachment
Who is the most common physical abuser of a child?
Usually biological mother
How common is physical abuse of a child? How old of child?
- ~3000 deaths / year in US
- 80% less than 3 years old
What are some examples of evidence of sexual abuse of a child?
- Genital, anal, or oral trauma
- STDs
- UTIs
Who is the most common sexual abuser of a child?
Known to victim, usually a male
When is sexual abuse of a child more common?
Peak incidence in 9-12 year olds
What is the most common form of child maltreatment?
Child neglect (failure to provide a child with adequate food, shelter, supervision, education, and/or affection)
What are some examples of child neglect? Evidence?
- Failure to provide a child with adequate food, shelter, supervision, education, and/or affection
- Evidence: poor hygiene, malnutrition, withdrawal, impaired social / emotional development, failure to thrive
What do you need to do if you think a child is being abused or neglected?
Must be reported to local child protective services
What are the childhood and early onset disorders?
- Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
- Conduct Disorder
- Oppositional Defiant Disorder
- Tourette Syndrome
- Separation Anxiety Disorder
What childhood disorder appears before age 12 with hyperactivity, impulsivity, and/or inattention in multiple settings (school, home, places of worship, etc)?
Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
What are the problems associated with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder?
- Limited attention span
- Poor impulse control
- Hyperactivity
- Normal intelligence, but commonly coexists with difficulties in school
Does Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder persist into adulthood?
Continues in as many as 50% of individuals
What brain changes are associated with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder?
↓ Frontal lobe volume / metabolism
How do you treat Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder?
- Methylphenidate
- Amphetamines
- Atomexetine
- Behavioral interventions (reinforcement, reward)
What childhood disorder presents with repetitive and pervasive behaviors violating the basic rights of others (eg, physical aggression, destruction of property, theft)?
Conduct Disorder
What are the behaviors of a child with Conduct Disorder?
Repetitive and pervasive behaviors violating the basic rights of others (eg, physical aggression, destruction of property, theft)
What do many children with Conduct Disorder go onto develop in adulthood?
Many will meet criteria for diagnosis of Antisocial Personality Disorder
What childhood disorder is associated with an enduring pattern of hostile, defiant behavior toward authority figures in the absence of serious violations of social norms?
Oppositional Defiant Disorder
What are the behaviors of a child with Oppositional Defiant Disorder?
Enduring pattern of hostile, defiant behavior toward authority figures in the absence of serious violations of social norms
What childhood disorder is associated with sudden, rapid, recurrent, non-rhythmic, sterotyped motor and vocal tics that persist for >1 year?
Tourette Syndrome
How do you diagnose Tourette Syndrome? How common is it?
- Sudden, rapid, recurrent, non-rhythmic, sterotyped motor and vocal tics that persist for >1 year
- Lifetime prevalence: 0.1-1.0%
- Coprolalia (involuntary obscene speech) seen in 10-20% of patients
What is Tourette Syndrome associated with?
How do you treat Tourette Syndrome?
- Anti-psychotics
- Behavioral therapy
What childhood disorder is associated with an overwhelming fear of separation from home or loss of attachment figure, which may lead to factitious physical complaints to avoid going to or stay at school? When does it typically occur?
Separation Anxiety Disorder (usually from 7-9 years)
What are the characteristics of Separation Anxiety Disorder?
- Overwhelming fear of separation from home or loss of attachment figure
- May lead to factitious physical complaints to avoid going to or stay at school
- Commonly from ages 7-9 years
How do you treat a child with Separation Anxiety Disorder?
- Relaxation techniques / behavioral interventions
What are the types of pervasive developmental disorders?
- Autism spectrum disorder
- Rett disorder
What are the characteristics of pervasive developmental disorders?
Difficulties with language and failure to acquire or early loss of social skills
Which developmental disorder is characterized by poor social interactions, communication deficits, repetitive / ritualized behaviors, and restricted interests?
Autism Spectrum Disorder
What are the characteristics of Autism Spectrum Disorder? When does it present?
- Poor social interactions
- Communication deficits
- Repetitive / ritualized behaviors
- Restricted interests
- May or may not be associated with intellectual disability
- Rarely accompanied by unusual abilities (savants)

- Must present in early childhood, more commonly in boys
What X-linked disorder is seen almost exclusively in girls with symptoms of regression: loss of development, loss of verbal abilities, intellectual disability, ataxia, and stereotyped hand-wringing?
Rett Disorder
What are the characteristics of Rett Disorder? In whom does it more commonly occur?
- X-linked disorder
- Seen almost exclusively in girls, around ages 1-4
- Symptoms of regression: loss of development, loss of verbal abilities, intellectual disability, ataxia, and stereotyped hand-wringing
How is Rett disorder obtained? How does it affect boys vs girls?
X-linked disorder
- Usually seen in females
- Most affected males die in utero or shortly after birth
What neurotransmitter changes are associated with Alzheimer Disease?
↓ ACh
What neurotransmitter changes are associated with Anxiety?
↑ Norepinephrine
↓ 5-HT
What neurotransmitter changes are associated with Depression?
↓ Norepinephrine
↓ 5-HT
↓ Dopamine
What neurotransmitter changes are associated with Huntington Disease?
↓ ACh
↑ Dopamine

(opposite of Parkinson disease)
What neurotransmitter changes are associated with Parkinson Disease?
↓ Dopamine
↑ 5-HT
↑ ACh

(opposite of Huntington disease)
What neurotransmitter changes are associated with Schizophrenia?
↑ Dopamine
When you are testing a patient's "orientation", what are you assessing?
Ability to know:
- Who he or she is
- Where he or she is
- Date and time
What is the usual order of loss of orientation? How do you document this?
1st: time
2nd: place
3rd: person

Often abbreviated in medical charge as "alert and oriented x 3 (AOx3)"
What are common causes of loss of orientation?
- Alcohol
- Drugs
- Fluid / electrolyte imbalance
- Head trauma
- Hypoglycemia
- Infection
- Nutritional deficiencies
What are the types of amnesias?
- Retrograde amnesia
- Anterograde amnesia
- Korsakoff amnesia
- Dissociative amnesia
What is the inability to remember things that occurred before a CNS insult?
Retrograde Amnesia
What is the inability to remember things that occurred after a CNS insult (no new memories)?
Anterograde Amnesia
What is the classic anterograde amnesia caused by thiamine deficiency? What happens in brain?
Korsakoff Amnesia - associated with destruction of the mamillary bodies
What type of memory is affected by Korsakoff Amnesia? Cause?
- Classic anterograde amnesia
- May also include some retrograde amnesia
- Caused by thiamine deficiency and the associated destruction of the mammillary bodies
- Seen in alcoholics, and associated with confabulations
What is the inability to recall important personal information, usually subsequent to severe trauma or stress?
Dissociative Amnesia
What type of memory is affected by Dissociative Amnesia?
- Inability to recall important personal information, usually subsequent to severe trauma or stress
- May be accompanied by dissociative fugue (abrupt travel or wandering during a period of dissociative amnesia, associated with traumatic circumstances)
What is "dissociative fugue"?
- Abrupt travel or wandering during a period of dissociative amnesia, associated with traumatic circumstances
- May be a component of Dissociative Amnesia
What is the definition of a cognitive disorder?
Significant change in cognition (memory, attention, language, judgment) from previous level of functioning
What are cognitive disorders associated with?
- Abnormalities in CNS
- General medical conditions
- Medications
- Substance use

- Delirium
- Dementia
What are the components of cognition that can be significantly altered in a cognitive disorder?
- Memory
- Attention
- Language
- Judgment
What term is used for the "waxing and waning" level of consciousness with acute onset and a rapid decrease in attention span and level of arousal?
What are the characteristic symptoms that may be seen in Delirium?
- Disorganized thinking
- Hallucinations (often visual)
- Illusions
- Misperceptions
- Disturbance in sleep-wake cycle
- Cognitive dysfunction
What is usually the cause of Delirium?
Usually 2° to other illness, such as:
- CNS disease
- Infection
- Trauma
- Substance abuse / withdrawal
- Metabolic / electrolyte disturbances
- Hemorrhage
- Urinary / fecal retention
- Check for drugs with anti-cholinergic effects
What is the most common presentation of altered mental status in an inpatient setting?
Will the EEG be normal or abnormal in patients with Delirium?
How do you treat Delirium?
- Identify and address underlying cause
- Optimize brain condition (O2, hydration, pain, etc)
- Anti-psychotics (mainly haloperidol)

* T-A-DA approach: Tolerate, Anticipate, Don't Agitate (helpful for management)
Is the decreased level of consciousness associated with Delirium reversible?
Often reversible
What disorder is associated with a gradual decrease in intellectual ability or "cognition" without affecting the level of consciousness?
What symptoms / changes is Dementia characterized by?
* Memory deficits
- Aphasia (loss of ability to understand or express speech)
- Apraxia (inability to perform particular purposive actions)
- Agnosia (inability to interpret sensations and hence to recognize things)
- Loss of abstract thought
- Behavioral / personality changes
- Impaired judgment
What does aphasia mean?
Loss of ability to understand or express speech
What does apraxia mean?
Inability to perform particular purposive actions
What does agnosia mean?
Inability to interpret sensations and hence to recognize things
How are dementia and delirium related?
- Dementia: more gradual changes in cognition, specifically memory
- Delirium: rapid decrease in level of consciousness, attention span, and level of arousal

* A patient with dementia can develop delirium (eg, patient with Alzheimer disease who develops pneumonia is at ↑ risk for delirium)
What are the irreversible causes of dementia?
- Alzheimer disease
- Lewy body dementia
- Huntington disease
- Pick disease
- Cerebral infarcts
- Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
- Chronic substance abuse (d/t neurotoxicity of drugs)
What are the reversible causes of dementia?
- Vitamin B12 deficiency
- Hypothyroidism
- Neurosyphilis
- HIV (partially)
How does the incidence of dementia change in different populations?
Increased incidence with age
Will the EEG be normal or abnormal in patients with Dementia?
Usually normal
How does dementia relate to depression?
In elderly patients, depression may present like dementia (pseudo-dementia)
What is the term for a distorted perception of reality characterized by delusions, hallucinations, and/or disorganized thinking?
What are the possible components of a psychosis?
- Delusions
- Hallucinations
- Disorganized thinking
Psychosis can occur in what kind of patients?
- Patients with medical illnesses
- Patients with psychiatric illnesses
- Patients with both
What is a hallucination?
Perception in the absence of stimuli (eg, seeing a light that is not actually present)
What is a delusion?
Unique, false beliefs about oneself or others that persist despite the facts (eg, thinking aliens are communicating with you)
What is disorganized speech?
Words and ideas are strung together based on sounds, puns, or "loose associations"
What are the types of hallucinations?
- Visual
- Auditory
- Olfactory
- Gustatory
- Tactile
- Hypnagogic
- Hypnopompic
What type of hallucination is more commonly a feature of MEDICAL illness (eg, drug intoxication) than psychiatric illness?
Visual Hallucinations
What type of hallucination is more commonly a feature of PSYCHIATRIC illness (eg, schizophrenia) than medical illness?
Auditory Hallucinations
What type of hallucination often occurs as an aura of psychomotor epilepsy?
Olfactory Hallucinations
What type of hallucination often occurs with brain tumors?
Olfactory Hallucinations
What type of hallucination is very rare?
Gustatory Hallucinations
What type of hallucination is common in alcohol withdrawal? Example?
Tactile Hallucinations
- Eg, formication: the sensation of bugs crawling on one's skin)
What type of hallucination is seen in cocaine abusers?
Tactile Hallucinations
- "Cocaine crawlies"
What type of hallucinations occur while going to sleep?
HypnaGOgic (while GOing to sleep) Hallucinations
What type of hallucinations occur while waking from sleep?
HypnoPOMPic ("POMPous upon awakening") Hallucinations
What mental disorder causes periods of psychosis, disturbed behavior and thought, and a decline in functioning that lasts >6 months?
How long must symptoms of Schizophrenia occur to make a diagnosis?
6 months
What brain changes are associated with Schizophrenia?
- ↑ Dopaminergic activity
- ↓ Dendritic branching
What is required to make a diagnosis of Schizophrenia?
Requires 2 or more of the following:
- Delusions
- Hallucinations (often auditory)
- Disorganized speech (loose associations)
- Disorganized or catatonic behavior
- Negative symptoms: flat affect, social withdrawal, lack of motivation, lack of speech or thought
What diagnosis would someone get if they are experiencing symptoms of schizophrenia, but for less than one month?
Brief Psychotic Disorder (usually stress related)
What diagnosis would someone get if they are experiencing symptoms of schizophrenia, but for only 1-6 months?
Schizophreniform disorder
What diagnosis would someone get if they have a stable mood with psychotic symptoms, plus a major depressive, manic, or mixed (both) episode, for at least two weeks? Types?
Schizoaffective Disorder
- Bipolar type
- Depressive type
What contributes to the etiology of schizophrenia?
- Genetics
- Environment
What is associated with psychosis / schizophrenia in teens?
Frequent cannabis use
What is the lifetime prevalence of schizophrenia? How does it compare in males vs females and whites vs blacks?
- Males = Females (but presents earlier in men - late teens to early 20s - vs in females - late 20s to early 30s)
- Blacks = Whites
What are patients with Schizophrenia at increased risk for?
What diagnosis would you give a patient who genuinely believes she is married to a celebrity when, in fact, she is not?
Delusional Disorder
How do you make a diagnosis of Delusional Disorder?
-Fixed, persistent, untrue belief system lasting >1 month
- Functioning otherwise not impaired
What are the types of dissociative disorders?
- Dissociative Identity Disorder
- Depersonalization / Derealization Disorder
What is the new name for "multiple personality disorder"?
Dissociative Identity Disorder
What is necessary to make a diagnosis of Dissociative Identity Disorder?
Presence of 2 or more distinct identities or personality states
Who is more likely to have Dissociative Identity Disorder? What is it associated with?
- More common in females
- Associated with history of sexual abuse, PTSD, depression, substance abuse, borderline personality, and somatoform conditions
What is necessary to make a diagnosis of Depersonalization / Derealization Disorder?
Persistent feelings of detachment or estrangement from one's own body, thoughts, perceptions, and actions (depersonalization) or one's environment (derealization)
What are the types of mood disorders?
- Major depressive disorder
- Bipolar disorder
- Dysthymic disorder
- Cyclothymic disorder
What are the characteristics of all mood disorders?
- Abnormal range of moods or internal emotional states
- Loss of control of moods
- Severity of moods causes distress and impairment in social and occupational functioning
Do mood disorders have psychotic features?
Psychotic features (eg, delusions or hallucinations) may be present
What is it the term for the distinct period of abnormally and persistently elevated, expansive, or irritable mood and abnormally and persistently increased activity or energy? How long does it have to last?
Manic Episode - must last at least one week
What does a diagnosis of a Manic episode require?
- Lasts at least one week

Diagnosis requires hospitalization or at least 3 of the following (manics DIG FAST):
- Distractibility
- Irresponsibility
- Grandiosity

- Flight of ideas
- ↑ Activity (goal directed) / Agitation
- ↓ Sleep
- Talkativeness (or pressured sleep)
What is the definition of a hypomanic episode?
- Like manic episode except mood disturbance is not severe enough to cause marked impairment in social and/or occupational functioning or to necessitate hospitalization.
- No psychotic features.
- Lasts at least 4 consecutive days.
What is Bipolar I disorder?
Presence of at least 1 manic episode with or without a hypomanic or depressive episode.
What is Bipolar II disorder?
Presence of a hypomanic and a depressive episode.
What happens to a patient's mood and functioning between manic and depressive episodes in bipolar disorder?
Mood and functioning usually return to normal between episodes.
What happens in a patient with bipolar disorder who takes anti-depressants?
Can lead to increased mania
What is there risk of in bipolar disorder?
High suicide risk
How do you treat bipolar disorder?
- Mood stabilizers (eg, lithium, valproic acid, carbamazepine)
- Atypical anti-psychotics
What is the term for dysthymia and hypomania? How long does it have to last for a diagnosis?
Cyclothymic disorder (milder form of bipolar disorder); lasting at least 2 years
How long do major depressive episodes usually last?
Usually last 6–12 months (self-limited)
How many symptoms and for how long must they be present to be diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder?
- At least 5 of 9 symptoms
- 2 or more weeks

* Must include patient-reported depressed mood or anhedonia
* Must occur more frequently as disorder progresses
What are the 9 symptoms used to diagnose Major Depressive Disorder?
- Sleep disturbance
- Loss of Interest (anhedonia)
- Guilt or feelings of worthlessness

- Energy loss and fatigue

- Concentration problems
- Appetite/weight changes
- Psychomotor retardation or agitation
- Suicidal ideations

- Depressed mood
What happens to the sleep stages in patients with Major Depressive Disorder?
- ↓ Slow-wave sleep
- ↓ REM latency
- ↑ REM early in sleep cycle
- ↑ Total REM sleep
- Repeated nighttime awakenings
- Early-morning awakening (important screening question)
What is the term for a milder depression that lasts at least 2 years?
Persistent Depressive Disorder (Dysthymia)
What is the term for the depressive symptoms that are associated with the winter season? How can it be improved?
Seasonal Affective Disorder
- Improves in response to full-spectrum bright-light exposure
What is the most common subtype of depression?
Atypical Depression
What are the characteristics of atypical depression?
- Differs from classical forms of depression

Characterized by:
- Mood reactivity (being able to experience improved mood in response to positive events, albeit briefly)
- “Reversed” vegetative symptoms (hypersomnia and weight gain)
- Leaden paralysis (heavy feeling in arms and legs)
- Long-standing interpersonal rejection sensitivity
How do you treat atypical depression?
- MAO inhibitors
What are the types of postpartum mood disturbances?
- Maternal (postpartum) "blues"
- Postpartum depression
- Postpartum psychosis
How common are maternal (postpartum) blues?
50-85% incidence
Characteristics / criteria for maternal (postpartum) blues?
- Depressed affect, tearfulness, and fatigue
- Starting 2-3 days after delivery
- Usually resolves within 10 days
How do you treat a patient with maternal (postpartum) blues?
- Supportive treatment
- Follow-up to assess for possible postpartum depression
How common is postpartum depression?
10-15% incidence
Characteristics / criteria for postpartum depression?
- Depressed affect, anxiety, and poor concentration starting within 4 weeks after delivery
- Lasts 2 weeks to a year or more
How do you treat a patient with postpartum depression?
- Antidepressants
- Psychotherapy
How common is postpartum psychosis?
0.1 - 0.2% incidence
Characteristics / criteria for postpartum psychosis?
- Delusions, hallucinations, confusion, unusual behavior, and possible homicidal/suicidal ideation or attempts
- Usually lasts 4-6 weeks
How do you treat a patient with postpartum psychosis?
- Anti-psychotics
- Anti-depressants
- Possible inpatient hospitalization
- Assessment of child safety
What are the characteristics of normal bereavement?
- Shock
- Denial
- Guilt
- Somatic symptoms
- May experience simple hallucinations (eg, hearing name called)
What is the timeline of normal bereavement?
6-12 months
What are the characteristics of pathologic grief?
- Excessively intense grief
- Grief that is delayed, inhibited, or denied
- May experience depressive symptoms, delusions, and hallucinations
What is the timeline of pathologic grief?
> 6-12 months
What treatment can be given for major depressive disorder refractory to other treatment?
Electroconvulsive therapy
What treatment can be given for pregnant women with major depressive disorder?
Electroconvulsive therapy
When is Electroconvulsive therapy indicated?
- Major depressive disorder refractory to other treatment
- Pregnant women with major depressive disorder
- Considered when immediate response is necessary (acute suicidality)
- In depression with psychotic features
- Catatonia
What does electroconvulsive therapy cause? Adverse effects?
- Relatively painless seizure in an anesthetized patient
- Disorientation, temporary headache, and partial anterograde/retrograde amnesia usually fully resolving in 6 months
What kind of amnesia may be caused by electroconvulsive therapy? How long does it last?
Partial Anterograde / Retrograde Amnesia - fully resolves in 6 months
What are the risk factors for suicide completion?
SAD PERSONS are more likely to complete suicide:
- Sex (male)
- Age (teenager or elderly)
- Ethanol or drug use
- loss of Rational thinking
- Sickness (medical illness, ≥3 prescriptions)
- Organized plan
- No spouse (divorced, widowed, or single, especially if childless)
- Social support lacking
Who attempts suicide more often?
Who succeeds at suicide more often?
What are the characteristics of anxiety disorder?
- Inappropriate experience of fear/worry and its physical manifestations (anxiety)
- The source of the fear/worry is either not real or insufficient to account for the severity of the symptoms
- Symptoms interfere with daily functioning
How common is anxiety disorder by gender?
30% in women, 19% in men
What are the types of anxiety disorder?
- Panic disorder
- Phobias
- Generalized anxiety disorder
What are the characteristics (symptoms) of panic disorder?
Defined by the presence of recurrent panic attacks (periods of intense fear and discomfort peaking in 10 minutes with at least 4 of the following):
- Palpitations
- Paresthesias
- Abdominal distress
- Nausea
- Intense fear of dying or losing control
- lIght-headedness
- Chest pain
- Chills
- Choking
- disConnectedness
- Sweating
- Shaking
- Shortness of breath
What is panic disorder associated with?
Strong genetic relationship
How do you treat panic disorder?
- Cognitive behavioral therapy
- Venlafaxine
- Benzodiazepines (risk of tolerance, physical dependence)
What is necessary for a diagnosis of panic disorder?
Attack followed by 1 month (or more) of 1 (or more) of following:
- Persistent concern of additional attacks
- Worrying about consequences of attack
- Behavioral change related to attacks
What causes the symptoms in panic disorder?
Symptoms are the systemic manifestations of fear
What is a specific phobia? How do you treat?
- Fear that is excessive or unreasonable and interferes with normal function
- Cued by presence or anticipation of a specific object or situation
- Person recognizes fear is excessive
- Can treat with systematic desensitization
What are the characteristics of a social anxiety disorder? How do you treat?
- Exaggerated fear of embarrassment in social situations (e.g., public speaking, using public restrooms)
- Treatment: SSRIs
What are the characteristics of agoraphobia?
Exaggerated fear of open or enclosed places, using public transportation, being in line or in crowds, or leaving home alone
What are the criteria for Generalized Anxiety Disorder?
- Pattern of uncontrollable anxiety for at least 6 months that is unrelated to a specific person, situation, or event.
- Associated with sleep disturbance, fatigue, GI disturbance, and difficulty concentrating.
How do you treat Generalized Anxiety Disorder?
- Buspirone
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
What is the term diagnosis for emotional symptoms (anxiety, depression) causing impairment following an identifiable psychosocial stressor (e.g., divorce, illness)? How long must it last for a diagnosis?
Adjustment Disorder
- Lasts <6 months
- >6 months in presence of chronic stressor
What is the diagnosis for recurring intrusive thoughts, feelings, or sensations that cause severe distress, relieved in part by performance of repetitive actions?
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
What is an "obsession" in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder?
Recurring intrusive thoughts, feelings, or sensations that cause severe distress
What is a "compulsion" in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder?
Performance of repetitive actions that partially relieve distress of obsessions
What does the term "ego dystonic" mean regarding Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder?
Behavior is inconsistent with one's own beliefs and attitudes (unlike in obsessive-compulsive personality disorder)
What is Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder associated with?
Tourette Disorder
How do you treat Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder?
- Clomipramine
What is the diagnosis for the preoccupation with minor or imagined defects in appearance, leading to significant emotional distress or impaired functioning?
Body Dysmorphic Disorder
How do patients with Body Dysmorphic Disorder present to the doctor?
Repeatedly seeking cosmetic surgery
What are the symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder?
- Persistent reexperiencing of a previous traumatic event (e.g., war, rape, robbery, serious accident, fire)
- May involve nightmares or flashbacks, intense fear, helplessness, or horror
- Leads to avoidance of stimuli associated with the trauma and persistently ↑ arousal
- Disturbance lasts > 1 month, with onset of symptoms beginning anytime after event, and causes significant distress, negative cognitive alterations, and/or impaired functioning.
How long must the disturbance last for a diagnosis of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder?
> 1 month
How do you treat Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder?
- Psychotherapy
What is the term for the symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder that last <1 month?
Acute Stress Disorder (lasts between 3 days and 1 month)
What is the diagnosis in a patient who consciously fakes, profoundly exaggerates, or claims to have a disorder in order to attain a specific secondary / external gain?
What does a patient with Malingering do?
Consciously fakes, profoundly exaggerates, or claims to have a disorder in order to attain a specific secondary / external gain (eg, avoiding work, obtaining compensation)
What do malingering patients do regarding treatment / follow-up?
- Poor compliance with treatment
- Poor compliance with follow-up of diagnostic tests
What happens to a patient with malingering when they get when they wanted?
Complaints cease
What is the diagnosis in a patient with unexplained symptoms or complaints that are not consciously made up to deceive?
Somatoform Disorder
What is the diagnosis in a patient with unexplained symptoms or complaints that are consciously made up to deceive with the chief goal being psychological gain?
Factitious Disorder
What is the diagnosis in a patient with unexplained symptoms or complaints that are consciously made up to deceive with the chief goal being external gain?
What are the types of factitious disorders? Purpose?
Done for primary / psychological gain
- Munchausen syndrome
- Munchausen syndrome by proxy
What does a patient with a factitious disorder do?
Consciously creates physical and/or psychological symptoms in order to assume "sick role" and to get medical attention (1° [internal] gain)
What is the chronic factitious disorder with predominantly physical signs and symptoms, characterized by a history of multiple hospital admissions and willingness to receive invasive procedures?
Munchausen Syndrome
What is the factitious disorder where a child or elderly patient's illness is caused by the caregiver; motivation is to assume a sick role by proxy?
Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy (form of child / elder abuse)
What are the types of somatoform disorders? Purpose?
Physical symptoms with no identifiable physical cause:
- Somatic symptom disorder
- Conversion disorder
- Illness anxiety disorder (hypochondriasis)
What are the characteristics of Somatic Symptom and Related Disorders?
- Category of disorders characterized by physical symptoms with no identifiable physical cause
- Both illness production and motivation are unconscious drives
- Symptoms not intentionally produced or feigned
- More common in women
What disorder causes a variety of complaints in one or more organ systems lasting for months to years? What is it associated with?
Somatic Symptom Disorder
- Associated with excessive, persistent thoughts and anxiety about symptoms
- May co-occur with medical illness
What disorder causes a sudden loss of sensory or motor function often following an acute stressor?
Conversion Disorder (somatoform disorder)
What are the symptoms of Conversion Disorder?
- Sudden loss of sensory or motor function often following an acute stressor
- Eg, paralysis, blindness, mutism
- Patient is aware of but sometimes indifferent towards symptoms ("la belle indifférence")
In whom is Conversion Disorder most common in?
- Females
- Adolescents and young adults
What disorder is associated with a preoccupation with and fear of having a serious illness despite medical evaluation and reassurance?
Illness Anxiety Disorder (Hypochondriasis)
What is a personality trait?
Enduring, repetitive pattern of perceiving, relating to, and thinking about the environment and oneself
What is a personality disorder? By when does it present?
- Inflexible, maladaptive, and rigidly pervasive pattern of behavior causing subjective distress and/ or impaired functioning; person is usually not aware of problem
- Usually presents by early adulthood
How do you remember the three clusters of personality disorders?
A, B, and C:
- Weird (paranoid, schizoid, schizotypal)
- Wild (antisocial, borderline, histrionic, narcissistic)
- Worried (avoidant, obsessive-compulsant, dependent)
What are the Cluster A personality disorders characterized by? Associated with?
Weird: Accusatory, Aloof, Awkward
- Odd or eccentric
- Inability to develop meaningful social relationships
- No psychosis
- Genetic association w/ schizophrenia
What are the types of Cluster A personality disorders?
- Paranoid
- Schizoid
- Schizotypal
What are the Cluster B personality disorders characterized by? Associated with?
Wild: Bad to the Bone
- Dramatic, emotional, or erratic
- Genetic association with mood disorders and substance abuse
What are the types of Cluster B personality disorders?
- Anti-social
- Borderline
- Histrionic
- Narcissistic
What are the Cluster C personality disorders characterized by? Associated with?
Worried: Cowardly, Compulsive, Clingy
- Anxious or fearful
- Genetic association with anxiety disorders
What are the types of Cluster C personality disorders?
- Avoidant
- Obsessive-Compulsive
- Dependent
Which personality disorder causes pervasive distrust and suspiciousness; projection is the major defense mechanism?
Paranoid (Cluster A)
Which personality disorder causes voluntary social withdrawal, limited emotional expression, and a contentness with social isolation?
Schizoid (Cluster A)
Which personality disorder causes eccentric appearance, odd beliefs or magical thinking, and interpersonal awkwardness?
Schizotypal (Cluster A)
Which personality disorder causes a disregard for and violation of rights of others, criminality, and impulsivity?
Antisocial (Cluster B) (if >18 years old)

Conduct Disorder (if <18 years old)
In whom is Antisocial Personality Disorder more common?
- Males > Females
- Must be >18 yo w/ history of conduct disorder before age 15
Which personality disorder causes unstable mood and interpersonal relationships, impulsiveness, self-mutliation, boredom, and a sense of emptiness?
Borderline (Cluster B)
In whom is Borderline Personality Disorder more common?
Females > Males
In what personality disorder is splitting a major defense mechanism?
Borderline (Cluster B)
Which personality disorder causes excessive emotionality and excitability, attention seeking, sexually proactive, and overly concerned with appearance?
Histrionic (Cluster B)
Which personality disorder causes grandiosity, sense of entitlement, lack of empathy, requires excessive admiration, and often demands the "best" and reacts to criticism with rage?
Narcissistic (Cluster B)
Which personality disorder causes hypersensitivity to rejection, social inhibition, timid, feelings of inadequacy, and a desire to have relationships with others?
Avoidant (Cluster C)
Which personality disorder causes a preoccupation with order, perfectionism, and control?
Obsessive-Compulsive (Cluster C)
- Ego-syntonic: behavior is consistent with one's own beliefs and attitudes (vs OCD)
Which personality disorder causes submissiveness, clinginess, excessive need to be taken care of, and low self-confidence?
Dependent (Cluster C)
What are the types of "Schizo" disorders? Severity?
Schizoid < Schizotypal < Schizophrenic < Schizoaffective
What are the characteristics of Schizotypal compared to Schizoid?
Schizotypal = Schizoid + Odd thinking
What are the characteristics of Schizophrenia compared to Schizotypal?
Schizophrenic has greater odd thinking than Schizotypal
What are the characteristics of Schizoaffective disorder compared to Schizophrenia?
Schizoaffective = Schizophrenic psychotic symptoms + Bipolar or Depressive mood disorder
What is the diagnosis for symptoms of schizophrenia that last for less than 1 month?
Brief psychotic disorder, usually stress related
What is the diagnosis for symptoms of schizophrenia that last for 1-6 months?
Schizophreniform disorder
What is the diagnosis for symptoms of schizophrenia that last for greater than 6 months?
What disorder is signified by excessive dieting +/- purging with an intense fear of gaining weight, body image distortion, and increased exercise, leading to a body weight well below the ideal?
Anorexia Nervosa
What is the BMI required for a diagnosis of Anorexia Nervosa?
BMI < 18.5 kg/m2
What is Anorexia Nervosa associated with?
- ↓ Bone density
- Severe weight loss
- Metatarsal stress fractures
- Amenorrhea
- Languo (fine body hair)
- Anemia
- Electrolyte disturbances
- Commonly coexists with depression
What causes osteoporosis in Anorexia Nervosa?
Decreased estrogen over time
What disorder is signified by binge eating +/- purging, often followed by self-induced vomiting or use of laxatives, diuretics, or emetics; with a normal body weight?
Bulimia Nervosa
What is Bulimia Nervosa associated with?
- Parotitis
- Enamel erosion
- Electrolyte disturbances
- Alkalosis
- Dorsal hand calluses from induced vomiting (Russell sign)
What is the term for a strong, persistent cross-gender identification with persistent discomfort with one's sex assigned at birth, causing significant distress and/or impaired functioning?
Gender Dysphoria
What is the term for people with gender dysphoria?
What is the term for people who desire to live as the opposite sex, often through surgery or hormone treatment?
What is the term for people who wear clothes of the opposite sex (cross-dressing), not gender dysphoria?
What are the types of sexual dysfunction disorders?
- Sexual desire disorders
- Sexual arousal disorders
- Orgasmic disorders
- Sexual pain disorders
What are the types of sexual desire disorders?
- Hypoactive sexual desire disorder
- Sexual aversion disorder
What are the types of sexual arousal disorders?
Erectile Dysfunction
What are the types of orgasmic disorders?
- Anorgasmia
- Premature ejaculation
What are the types of sexual pain disorders?
- Dyspareunia
- Vaginismus
What is the differential diagnosis for sexual dysfunction?
- Drugs
- Diseases
- Psychological
What drugs can cause sexual dysfunction?
- Anti-hypertensives
- Neuroleptics
- Ethanol
What diseases can cause sexual dysfunction?
- Depression
- Diabetes
- STDs
What psychological factors can cause sexual dysfunction?
Performance anxiety
What is the diagnosis for patients with periods of terror with screaming in the middle of the night? What part of the sleep cycle does this occur during?
Sleep Terror Disorder
- Occurs during slow-wave sleep (non-REM sleep)
Who is more likely to get Sleep Terror Disorder? How do you treat?
Children - usually self-limited
What is the difference between nightmares and sleep terrors?
- Nightmares: REM sleep, w/ memory of scary dream
- Sleep Terrors: non-REM sleep, w/ no memory of arousal
What causes / triggers sleep terrors?
- Cause unknown

- Emotional stress
- Fever
- Lack of sleep
What disease causes disordered regulation of the sleep-wake cycles?
What causes Narcolepsy?
↓ Orexin production in lateral hypothalamus
What are the symptoms of Narcolepsy?
- Primary characteristic: excessive daytime sleepiness
- Hypnagogic (just before sleep) or hypnopompic (just before awakening) hallucinations
- Nocturnal and narcoleptic sleep episodes that start off with REM sleep
- Cataplexy (loss of all muscle tone following a strong emotional stimulus, such as laughter) in some patients
What is "hypnagogic" refer to?
Hallucinations that occur just before SLEEP in patients with narcolepsy

GOing to sleep
What is "hypnopompic" refer to?
Hallucinations that occur just before AWAKENING in patients with narcolepsy

How is the sleep cycle affected by Narcolepsy?
Nocturnal and narcoleptic sleep episodes start off with REM sleep
What is cataplexy?
Loss of all muscle tone following a strong emotional stimulus, such as laughter
What is associated with Narcolepsy?
Strong genetic component
How do you treat Narcolepsy?
- Daytime stimulants: amphetamines, modafinil
- Nighttime sodium oxybate (GHB)
What are the criteria for a substance use disorder?
Maladaptive pattern of substance use defined as 2 or more of the following signs in 1 year:
- Tolerance
- Withdrawal
- Substance taken in larger amounts, or over longer time, than desired
- Persistent desire or unsuccessful attempt to cut down
- Significant energy spent obtaining, using, or recovering from substance
- Important social, occupational, or recreational activities reduced because of substance use
- Continued use in spite of knowing the problems that it causes
- Craving
- Recurrent use in physically dangerous situations
- Failure to fulfill major obligations at work, school, or home due to use
- Social or interpersonal conflicts related to substance use
What are the stages of change in overcoming substance addiction?
1. Precontemplation
2. Contemplation
3. Preparation / determination
4. Action / willpower
5. Maintenance
6. Relapse
What is the first stage in overcoming a substance addiction?
Pre-contemplation: not yet acknowledging that there is a problem
What is the second stage in overcoming a substance addiction, after pre-contemplation?
Contemplation: acknowledging that there is a problem, but not yet ready or willing to make a change
What is the third stage in overcoming a substance addiction, after contemplation?
Preparation / Determination: getting ready to change behavior
What is the fourth stage in overcoming a substance addiction, after preparation / determination?
Action / Willpower: changing behaviors
What is the fifth stage in overcoming a substance addiction, after action / willpower?
Maintenance: maintaining the behavior change
What is the sixth stage in overcoming a substance addiction, after maintenance?
Relapse: returning to old behaviors and abandoning new changes