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104 Cards in this Set

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Outer memb.



Xtremely heat-stable (cGMP)


N' chemotaxis
GN's structure:
Outer memb.

Peptide wall


Cytoplasmic (Inner) Memb
3 features of C. diphtheria and its toxin:
1. colonizes respiratory tract

2. AB toxin in granules within Corynebact.

3. developing countries
3 complications of diphtheria:
1. suffocation

2. myocarditis/HF

3. neuro toxicity
unlike that of Clostridium, every other toxin:
B subunit binds,

while A is the active part
immunization against diphtheria is achieved by:
IgG against the B subunit,

preventing attachment and thus maleffect
difference b/w passive and active immunization:
passive immunization = antitoxin/antidote,

active immunization = vaccine against future inf's/toxins
the first step of viral inf. =

- need glycoproteins to attach, then fuse
Enteroviruses = RNA viruses of the GI tract that:
commonly cause meningitis in children

4 enteroviruses:
1. polio

2. echo

3. rhino

4. coxsackie

(all (picornoviruses)
try to eliminate certain bugs from the answer choices based on the part of the world the pt is coming from;
e.g. if from America, probably vaccinated against MMR, diphtheria, etc.
biofilm =
extracellular polysaccharide matrix
one bug notable for biofilm production =
S. epidermis

- think catheters, tubes
Adenovirus inf. ~~
close quarters and fatigue/stress

- barracks, college dorm, summer camp
2 classes of virus with segmented genomes:
Orthomyxovirus, Rotavirus

~~ genetic shifts via reassortment
remember that Clostridium botulim lives:
in the ground
hypervariable pili are characteristic of the:


- makes vaccines against pili impractical - too much antigenic variation
Protein A is an outer memb. prot. that binds:
the Fc portions of IgG,

thereby preventing phag.

- **expressed by Staph aureus**
m.c.c. of catheter inf. =
unwashed hands
what does rabies virus bind to?
Nicotinic ACH r's

- then travels retrograde to the CNS
pts with CGD/NADPH oxidase deficiency are susceptible to inf. with:
catalase+ org's (PLACENSS)
dysphagia, drooling with microbe, think:

=> H. influ

(~~ lack of vaccination against it)

- epiglottitis is exclusively caused by H. influ.
remember that antimicrobials against malaria end in:

- Primaquine, Mefloquine
"walking pneumonia" ~~
severe pneumonia on CXR, despite looking ok

~~ Mycoplasma pneumonia
T. pallidum must be viewed with:
darkfield microscopy
H. influ type b vaccine is composed of:
polyribosyl-RP, a component of its capsule

=> life-long immunity against Hib
what does Chagas dz do?
destroys myenteric plexi in esophagus, intestines, ureters

=> dysphagia, megacolon, megaureter

- caused by Trypanosoma cruzi
Isospora belli causes:
profuse watery diarrhea in imm-comp,

esp. AIDS
tie-in b/w Micro and peripheral neuropathy:
Campylobacter jejuni ppt's Guillain-Barre syndrome
m.c.c. of opportunistic mycosis =
Candida albicans
"germ tubes" =
true hyphae coming out of circular yeast, under microscope

~~ Candida albicans
apart from mycosis/blood, Candida can show up in:

1. oral thrush

2. vulvovaginal inf.
(thick white DC)

3. cutaneous
(e.g. diaper rash)
remember that apart from mucopurulent DC, N. gonorrhea can cause:
polyarthritis, if disseminated

- m.c.ly in young adults
m.c.c. of septic arthritis in children and non-sexually-active adults =
S. aureus
Waterhouse-Freidrichson syndrome =
DIC and bilateral, hemorrhagic destruction of adrenal glands,

due to sepsis from N. meningitidis
Enterococci are colonic bact. that are frequently found near the:
perineum and genital skin

=> can infect urethra with them via cystoscopy (seeing inside urethra/bladder)
the m.c.c. of E. coli bacteremia is from:

- colonic sepsis is infrequent; only bowel perforation could do it
positive monospot test =
red cells agglutinated in vitro by **heterophil AB's**
cryoglobulins =
cold-pp'd serum prots associated with Hep C
m.c.c. of UTI in pt with cather =
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
barking cough or stridor in child (croup), think:
parainfluenza virus
wheezing inf. in child, think:
remember that N. meningitidis can cause:
upper respiratory tract inf.

- spread is promoted through barracks, etc. like Adenovirus
5 bugs that cause CGD:
1. S. aureus

2. Pseudomonas cepacia

3. Serratia marcescens

4. Nocardia

5. Aspergillus
remember that with a lack of NADPH oxidase, cells use:

- catalase+ org's readily destroy H2O2, so MPO can't convert it to HOCl and is thereby ineffective

=> bugs have free rein over cells
frothy, yellow-green DC w/ motile org's having a flagella =
Trichomonas vaginalis

- sting-ray
croup is most likely caused by parainfluenza virus, but also consider:
diphtheria if un-vaccinated,

influenza virus,


most antibiotics courses last:
5-7 days

- except for TB, which is months, and UTI's, which req. only one dose
giving antibiotics to Salmonella =>
prolong excretion
Giardia = trophozoite that infects:
the SI

- IgA prevents adherence

hemagglutinin, e.g. of influenza virus, binds:
sialic acid of host cell plasma membranes
remember that a vaccine against N. gonorrhea is untenable b/c of:
high antigenic variation of their membrane prot's

- there is NO lasting immunity, even naturally
5 effects of IL-2:
1. activates monocytes

2. activates NK's

3. CD4+ differentiation

4. Th1 IFN-y secretion

5. stimulation of B-cell division
Misoprostol =
PGE1 analogue

- uterine contraction, cervical dilation
Mifepristone =
tx for Chlamydia =
Z-pak OR Doxycycline
***primary mech. by which OCP's inhibit pregnancy is by:
suppressing LH and FSH synth in the ant. pit.

=> lack of LH surge

=> lack of ovulation
a positive VDRL in the CSF is diagnostic of:
TERTIARY syphilis
gummas =
granulomas occurring almost anywhere,

via tertiary syphilis
O and A of endotoxin:
O-antigen = antigen part

Lipid A = part that causes shock, etc.
mechanism of different toxins:
diphtheria and exotoxin A of Pseudomonas inhibit EF-2 via ADP-ribosylation => prevent prot. synthesis => cell death

Shiga and Shiga-like toxin cleave rRNA 60S subunit of ribosomes => block prot. synthesis => cell death

cholera toxin permanently activates Gs (via AD-r) => Cl- secretion into gut

pertussis toxin disables Gi => inc. cAMP => impairs phagocytosis, inc. HIST sensitivity

alpha toxin/lecithinase of C. perfringens => degradation of memb => cell death/gas gangrene

anthrax => inc. cAMP

Streptolysin O => lysis of RBC's
Which toxins are ADP-ribosylating A-B toxins?

(recall: A- active part, B- binding part)

Diphtheria toxin,

Pseudomonas (exotoxin A),


Cholera toxin,

Pertussis toxin
3 features of Viridans streptococci (mutans, sangui):
1. responsible for dental caries

2. can attach to pre-existing valve defect following dental procedure

3. form dextrans out of glucose
erythema nodosum is extremely:
ss(+) viruses with can make:
one big protein, then use protease to make the active parts

- think retro hippy toga etc. mnemonic
acute bronchitis is almost always:
VIRAL in etiology
remember that the NONtypable (non-vaccinable) H. influ is the one that causes:

- Epiglottitis and Meningitis are caused by H. influ. type B
"pleocytosis" =
increased cell count

- esp. in CSF - meningitis
Cryptococcus has a:
polysaccharide capsule

- that's how it can cause meningitis in HIV+
latex agglutination test detects:
polysaccharide capsule of Cryptococcus
India ink staining of Cryptococcus shows:
round or oval BUDDING yeast

- soil or pigeon droppings
"hot tub folliculitis" =
self-limiting Pseudomonas inf. obtained from poorly-kept pools/hot tubs

=> diffuse pustules
TSS has been associated with the use of:

- fever, vomiting, diarrhea, muscle pain, and erythroderma ~~ TSS
hallmark of superantigens =
widespread activation of a LARGE number of T-cells

(nl antigens activate only a small amount)
3 superantigens:
1. enterotoxins
(e.g. GAS, S. aureus)

2. TSST-1
(S. aureus)

3. Exfoliative Toxin
mech. of superantigens:
bind MHC of mP's and TCR's of T-cells

=> TNF-a from mP's, IL-2 from T-cells

=> widespread immune cascade
tetanus toxin (undesired muscle contractions) ~~
entering at the wound, making its way to the SC
Polymyxin is used against:
any UTI that leads to dysuria and hematuria = hemorrhagic cystitis; m.c. viral cause of hemorrhagic cystitis outbreaks in children =
5 features of scarlet fever:
1. strawberry tongue

2. fever

3. pharyngitis

4. sandpaper-like rash on chest and trunk

5. throat possibly covered with gray-white exudate (don't confuse with diphtheria)
scarlet fever [via GAS] predisposes to:

1. rheumatic fever

features of typhus:

1. escalating fever

2. initial watery diarrhea that *becomes bloody*

3. followed by HSM

4. "rose spots" on abdomen

5. pot. bowel perforation (very inflammatory)
remember that C. perfringens' alpha-toxin/lecithinase is a:
phospholipid degrader
to prevent GBS sepsis or transfer to neonate, mom is given:
pen. or ampicillin INTRA-labor

- screened at 35-37 weeks
measles = rubeola =

(cough, coryza, conjunctivitis, Koplik spots)

*these PREcede the diffuse rash [that starts on the face and works to trunk/E's]*
diffuse non-Hodge lymphomas in HIV pts are the result of:
REactivation of EBV
not only are MRSA and VRE a problem, but:
S. epidermis is also becoming R
(as are all Staph)

- treat empirically/prophylactically with VANCOMYCIN
compared to measles, the rash of rubella does NOT:
darken or coalesce
**main differentiation b/w rubella and measles = **
Cervical LAD in rubella
ether and other organic solvents inactivate:
viral envelopes

(cus they're made of lipids)
rubella family =

(includes equine encephalitis - both types)
3 dz's caused by Bartonella henselae:
1. cat-scratch dz

2. bacillary angiomatosis

3. culture-negative endocarditis
***3 features of congenital HIV:
1. oral thrush

2. interstitial pneumonia

3. severe lymphopenia

- prophylactic = Zidovudine
Nikolsky's sign =
easy sloughing of skin with gentle pressure

(~~ SSSS)
all neutropenic pts, as per leukemias and lymphomas, ~~
invasive aspergillosis
botulinum toxin can be preformed, as in canned foods, or:
synthesized within a wound

- honey ~~ bot. SPORE
"slow virus inf" ~~
prolonged incubation
HSV-1 ALSO shows:
Cervical LAD

- like rubella

=> look for mouth ulcers/vesicles
C. perfringens not only causes gas gangrene, but also:
LATE-onset food poisoning (vs, SA, B. cereus)

=> *transient* watery diarrhea
remember that ss(+) RNA is essentially:

- naked, ss(+) RNA viruses can immediately infect

- retro, toga, etc. + NAKED
- Rotavirus is dsRNA, not ss
pityriasis versicolor = white patches when sunlight hits; caused by:
Malassezia furfur

=> spaghetti and meatballs on KOH (like other dermatophytes, Candida)
+ monospot test =
AGGLUTINATION of sheep RBC's via heterophil AB's
symps of mononucleosis:

1. fever

2. myalgias

3. progressive fatigue

NO sore throat
"tumbling motility" ~~

- via contaminated food/dairy in adults,
- vaginal tract or trans-placentally in neonates

- meningitis in neonates and imm-comp