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25 Cards in this Set

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What structure is formed where the endoderm (hindgut) meets the ectoderm?
Pectinate (Dentate) Line
Pectinate (Dentate) Line
What is the location of the Pectinate line?
Formed between where endoderm (hindgut) ends and ectoderm begins
What pathology occurs above the pectinate line?
- Internal hemorrhoids
- Adenocarcinoma
What is the arterial and venous supply to the area above the pectinate line?
- Arterial supply: superior rectal artery (branch of IMA)
- Venous drainage: superior rectal vein → inferior mesenteric vein → portal system
What pathology occurs below the pectinate line?
- External hemorrhoids
- Anal fissures
- Squamous cell carcinoma
What is the arterial and venous supply to the area below the pectinate line?
- Arterial supply: inferior rectal artery (branch of internal pudendal artery)
- Venous drainage: inferior rectal vein → internal pudendal vein → internal iliac vein → IVC

How does the area above and below the pectinate line compare in terms of the pathology that occurs there?

Above pectinate line:
- Internal hemorrhoids
- Adenocarcinoma

Below pectinate line:
- External hemorrhoids
- Anal fissures
- Squamous cell carcinoma
How does the area above and below the pectinate line compare in terms of the arterial supply?
Above pectinate line:
- Superior rectal artery (branch of IMA)

Below pectinate line:
- Inferior rectal artery (branch of internal pudendal artery)
How does the area above and below the pectinate line compare in terms of the venous drainage?
Above pectinate line:
- Superior rectal vein → inferior mesenteric vein → portal system

Below pectinate line:
- Inferior rectal vein → internal pudendal vein → internal iliac vein → IVC
How do internal and external hemorrhoids compare?
Internal hemorrhoids:
- Above pectinate line
- Visceral innervation → not painful

External hemorrhoids:
- Below pectinate line
- Somatic innervation (inferior rectal branch of pudendal nerve) → painful
What causes an anal fissure? Symptoms?
- Tear in the anal mucosa below the pectinate line
- Pain while Pooping: blood on "toilet" paper
- Located Posteriorly since this area is Poorly Perfused
What surface of the hepatocytes faces the bile canaliculi?
Apical surface of hepatocytes

What surface of the hepatocyte faces the sinusoids?

Basolateral surface of hepatocytes
What are the zones of the liver?
- Zone I: periportal zone
- Zone II: intermediate zone
- Zone III: pericentral vein (centrilobular) zone
- Zone I: periportal zone
- Zone II: intermediate zone
- Zone III: pericentral vein (centrilobular) zone
What is the name of Zone I? Characteristics?
Periportal Zone:
- Affected first by viral hepatitis
- Ingested toxins (eg, cocaine)
What is the name of Zone II?
Intermediate Zone
What is the name of Zone III? Characteristics?
Pericentral Vein (Centrilobular) Zone
- Affected first by ischemia
- Contains cytochrome P-450 system
- Most sensitive to metabolic toxins
- Site of alcoholic hepatitis
Which type of hepatitis affects the different zones of the liver?
- Viral: zone I
- Alcoholic: zone III
Which type of toxins affects the different zones of the liver?
- Ingested toxins (eg, cocaine): zone I
- Metabolic toxins: zone III
Where are the cytochrome P-450 enzymes located in the liver?
Zone III (pericentral vein zone)
Which part of the liver is affected first by ischemia?
Zone III
What is the branching pattern of the biliary structures?
- L & R Hepatic Ducts drain bile from liver into Common Hepatic Duct
- Common Hepatic Duct takes bile to be stored in gallbladder via Cystic Duct or to drain into Duodenum via Common Bile Duct
- L & R Hepatic Ducts drain bile from liver into Common Hepatic Duct
- Common Hepatic Duct takes bile to be stored in gallbladder via Cystic Duct or to drain into Duodenum via Common Bile Duct
Which duct drains the gallbladder?
Cystic duct → Common Bile duct → Sphincter of Oddi / Ampulla of Vater → Duodenum
What happens if a gallstone reaches the common channel at the Ampulla of Vater?
Can block both the bile and the pancreatic ducts
What are the potential implications of tumors that arise in the head of the pancreas?
Can cause obstruction of the common bile duct (preventing bile from entering the duodenum)