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309 Cards in this Set

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What supplies the Posterior Descending Artery (PD artery)?
80% of time= RCA
20% of time- Circumflex A
What artery supplies the RV?
Acute Marginal A
What artery supplies the apex and anterior interventricular septum?
What artery supplies the posterior LV?
Circumflex A
Coronary Artery occlusion most commonly occurs in the ___________artery.
Pulse pressure = _________ -__________.
systolic pressure - diastolic pressure
______________= SV x HR
_____________=2/3 diastolic P + 1/3 systolic P
___________= CO x TPR
____________= EDV-ESV
enlargement of the LA can lead to _________ and _____________.
SV is affected by what 3 variables?
What 4 things would increase contractility?
Increase Intracellular Ca
Decrease Extracellular Sodium
5 things that would decrease Contractility?
B1 blockade
Heart Failure
Non-dihydropyridine Ca channel blockers
______________is proportional to initial length of cardiac muscle fiber (preload).
Force of Contraction
What is the Ejection Fraction?
index of ventricular contractility
Normal Ejection Fraction?
> or = to 55%
How do you calculate the Ejection Fraction?
Resistance is directly proportional to _________.
Resistance is indirectly proportional to __________.
radius to the 4th power
What accounts for most of the TPR?
Viscosity depends mostly on __________.
3 examples of increased Viscosity?
Hyperproteinemic states (multiple myeloma)
Hereditary Spherocytosis
Shift along the SAME line on the Cardiac and vascular function curve?
change in PRELOAD
Shift to a DIFFERENT line on the Cardiac and vascular function curve?
What is the meaning of the X-intercept of venous return curve?
Mean Systemic Pressure
What is the name for when the CO and Venous Return are equal?
Operating Point of Heart
What is Isovolumetric Contraction?
period between mitral valve closure and aortic valve opening. Period of HIGHEST O2 consumption
What is Isovolumic Relaxation?
period between Aortic Valve closing and mitral valve opening
Period right after mitral valve opening? (on Cardiac cycle curve)
Rapid Filling
Period just before mitral valve closure? (on Cardiac cycle)
Reduced filling
S1 sound?
mitral and tricuspid valve closure
S2 sound?
aortic and pulmonary valve closure
S3 sound?
early diastole during rapid ventricular filling. Common in Dilated ventricles, kids, and pregnant women)
S4 sound?
late diastole, high atrial pressure. Common in Ventricular Hypertrophy. Stiff LV.
JVP a wave?
atrial contraction
JVP c wave?
RV contraction
JVP v wave?
increase in right atrial pressure
What is S2 splitting?
Aortic valve closes before Pulmonic, this difference is increased with inspiration
splitting assoc. with Pulmonic Stenosis or RBBB?
WIDE splitting
Splitting assoc. with ASD?
Fixed Splitting
Splitting assoc. with Aortic Stenosis or LBBB?
Paradoxical Splitting ( A2 and P2 reverse, so P2 comes first)
Right sided heart sounds increase intensity with ______________.
Left sided heart sounds increase intensity with _________.
Systolic Heart Sounds include ____________and ____________.
Aortic/Pulmonary Stenosis
Mitral/Tricus. Regurgitation
Diastolic Heart Sounds include __________and ___________.
Aortic/Pulmonary Regurg.
Mitral/Tricus. Stenosis
Holosystolic, high pitched blowing murmur?
Mitral/Tricuspital Regurgitation
Crescendo-Decrescendo systolic ejection murmur following an Ejection Click?
Aortic Stenosis
Age-related Calicifications + Pulsus Parvus et Tardus
Aortic Stenosis
Holosystolic Harsh sounding murmur?
Late systolic crescendo murmur with midsystolic click?
Mitral Prolapse
Immediate high pitched blowing diastolic murmur?
Aortic Regurgitation
Bounding pulses + Head bobbing?
Aortic Regurgitation
Delayed rumbling late diastolic murmur following an Opening Snap?
Mitral Stenosis
Continuous, Machine like murmur due to congenital rubella or prematurity?
Voltage gated Na channels open during what phase of ventricular AP?
Phase 0- Rapid Upstroke
During what phase of ventricular AP is there initial repolarization with inactivation of Na channels and opening of K channels?
Phase 1
What phase of ventricular contraction is the plateau?
Phase 2
During what phase of ventricular contraction is there Ca influx that balances the K efflux?
Phase 2- plateau
Phase of Ventricular AP with opening of slow K channels and closing of K channels?
Phase 3- rapid repolarization
During what phase of Ventricular AP is there high K permeability thru the K channels?
Phase 4- resting potential
Upstroke phase of Pacemaker AP?
Phase 0
What phase of the Pacemaker AP determines Heart Rate?
Phase 4- slow diastolic depolarization
What phase of the Pacemaker AP is the membrane potential spontaneously depolarized as the Na conductance increases?
Phase 4
What part of the EKG represents conduction delay thru the AV node?
PR interval
PR interval is normally ___________.
<200 msec
QRS complex is normally ______________.
<120 msec
What part of the EKG represents mechanical contraction of the ventricles?
QT interval
T wave inversion indicates ____________.
recent MI
What would cause an U wave?
Prolonged QT intervals can lead to ___________, ventricular tachycardia.
Torsades de Pointes
Defects in cardiac sodium or potassium channels?
Congenital long QT syndromes- can present with congenital sensorineural deafness
Ventricular Preexcitation Syndrome?
Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome
Delta wave on EKG (shoulder)?
Wolff-Parkinson-White SYndrome
Accessory conduction pathway from atria to ventricle (bundle of Kent), that results in ventricles depolarizing too early?
Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome
Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome may cause reentry current and may lead to ____________.
Supraventricular Tachycardia
Irregulary irregular with NO P waves?
A Fib
Sawtooth appearance, rapid succession of identical p waves?
Atrial Flutter
prolonged PR interval? (>200 msec)
1st degree AV block
Progressive lengthening of PR interval leading to a dropped beat? (not followed by a QRS complex)
AV block- 2nd degree (Mobitz Type I)
Dropped beats on EKG?
AV block- second degree, Mobitz Type II
P waves and QRS complexes beat independently?
AV 3rd degree block
Erratic rhythm with no identifiable waves?
V Fib
How do the kidneys increase TPR?
Angiotensin II (vasoconstriction)
How do the kidneys increase CO?
Aldosterone (increase blood volume)
What contributes to the "escape from aldosterone" mechanism and is released by the atria?
What receptors are important in response to severe hemorrhage?
Carotid Sinus?
Carotid Body?
How does Carotid Massage decrease HR?
increases pressure on the Carotid A leading to increase in stretch and then leading to increase in afferent barorecptor firing
Peripheral carotid bodies and aortic bodies respond to changes in ____________.
decrease PO2
increase PCO2
decrease pH
Central chemoreceptors respond to changes in ______________.
What is the Cushing Triad?
Respiratory Depression
What organ is responsible for the largest share of systemic CO?
Good approximation of LA pressure?
How is Pulmonary capillary wedge pressure measured?
Swan-Ganz Catheter
How do lungs autoregulate?
Hypoxia = vasoCONSTRICTION= so that only well-ventilated areas are perfused
_________determine fluid movement thru capillary membranes.
Starling Forces
Capillary permeability
What causes Right-to-Left shunts?
5 T's
Failure of Truncus Arteriosus to divide into Pulmonary Trunk and Aorta?
Peristent Truncus Arteriosus
absence of Tricuspid Valve + Hypoplastic RV?
Tricuspid Atresia
What is TAPVR?
Pulmonary Veins drain into Right heart circulation
Late Cyanosis?
Left-to-Right SHunts
Early Cyanosis?
Right-to-Left Shunts
What would cause Left-to-Right shunts?
MC congenital cardiac anomaly?
Eisenmenger's Syndrome?
shunt reverses from L to R shunt to a R to L shunt
Clubbing and polycythemia?
Late Cyanosis
4 characteristics seen with Tetralogy of Fallot
Pulmonary Stenosis
Overriding Aorta
Xray of Boot-Shaped Heart?
Tetralogy of Fallot
Anterosuperior displacement of the Infundibular septum?
Tetralogy of Fallot
Patient learns to squat to improve their cardio symptoms?
Tetralogy of Fallot
Failure of aorticopulmonary septum to spiral?
Transposition of Great Vessels
Anomaly causing seperation of systemic and pulmonary circulations?
Transposition of Great Vessels
Coarctation of the Aorta - Infantile type?
PRE-ductal Coarctation
Preductal Coarctation is assoc. with ____________.
Turner's Syndrome
Rib Notching, HTN in UE, weak pulses in LE?
POSTDuctal Coarctation
Late cyanosis in the LE's? (differential cyanosis)
Uncorrected PDA
___________closes PDA.
What maintains a patent PDA?
low O2 tension
Cardiac anomalies seen with 22q11 syndromes?
Truncus Arterisosus
Tetralogy of Fallot
Cardiac anomaly assoc. with Down's Syndrome?
Endocardial Cushion Defects (ASD, VSD, AV septal defect)
Cardiac defect assoc. w/ Turners?
PREductal Coarctation of Aorta
Cardiac defects assoc. with Congenital Rubella?
Septal Defects
Pulmonary A Stenosis
Cardiac defects assoc.with Marfans?
Aortic Insufficiency
Cardiac defects seen in infants of diabetic mothers?
Transposition of Great Vessels
Definition of HTN?
>140/ 90
Plaques in BV walls?
Plaques or nodules composed of lipid-laden histiocytes in the skin?
Plaques or nodules composed of lipid-laden macrophages in the eyelids?
Lipid deposit in Achille's tendon?
Tendinous Xanthoma
Lipid deposit in cornea?
Arcus Senilis
Calcification in the media of the arteries?
Monckeberg Arteriosclerosis
"pipestem" arteries= calcification in media of Radial or Ulnar Arteries?
Monckeberg Arteriosclerosis
Hyaline Arteriosclerosis?
due to Essential HTN or DM
Hyperplastic Arteriolosclerosis?
Malignant HTN
"onion skinning"
Fibrous plaques and Atheromas in the INTIMA of arteries?
MC location of Atherosclerosis?
Abdominal Aorta
longitudinal intraluminal tear forming a false lumen?
Aortic Dissection
Mediastinal widening on Chest Xray?
Aortic Dissection
Tearing chest pain that is radiating to the back?
Aortic Dissection
Retrosternal chest pain with exertion?
Stable Angina
Stable angina on EKG?
ST depression
Angina that occurs due to coronary artery spasm?
Prinzmetal's Variant
Prinzmetal's Variant Angina on EKG?
ST elevation
worsening chest pain at rest or with minimal exertion?
Unstable/Crescendo Angina
Unstable angina on ECG?
ST depression
Sudden cardiac death is death from cardiac causes within _________of symptoms.
1 hour
progressive onset of CHF over many years due to chronic ischemic myocardial damage?
Chronic Ischemic Heart Dx
During an MI, what is seen withing the first 12-24 hours?
Contraction bands
Early coagulative necrosis begins _____________ after an MI.
4 hours
How long after an MI is there acute inflammation, dilated vessels and extensive coagulative necrosis?
2-4 days
When is there central yellow-brown softening after an MI?
5-10 days= Hyperemic Border
When after a MI are you at increased risk for a free wall rupture, tamponade, papillary muscle rupture, interventricular septal rupture?
5-10 days
When after an MI are you at highest risk for a Ventricular Aneurysm?
7 weeks
When after a MI is the contracted scar complete and the area is gray/white?
7 weeks
How do you diagnose an MI within the first 6 hours?
What is a specific marker for diagnosis of MI, rises after fust 4 hours and remains high for 7-10 days?
Cardiac Troponin I
What is useful for diagnosing reinfarction on top of acute MI?
ECG findings of ST elevation + Q waves?
Transmural Infarct
ECG findings of ST depression?
Subendocardial infarct
Infarct of the entire wall?
Infarct of <50% of ventricle wall?
What lead on an ECG would show Q waves due to Anterior wall infarct? (LAD)
Anteroseptal infarct on ECG?
Anterolateral infarct on ECG?
Lateral wall infarct on ECG?
I, aVL
Inferior wall infarct on ECG?
friction rub 3-5 days post MI?
Postinfarction Fibrinous Pericarditis
Fibrinous Pericarditis several weeks post MI?
Dressler's Syndrome
Cardiomyopathy with ECCENTRIC hypertrophy?
Dilated (Congestive)
MC Cardiomyopathy?
Cardiomyopathy assoc. with S3?
Cardiomyopathy assoc. with Friedrich's Ataxia?
Sudden death in young athletes?
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
Cardiomyopathy assoc. w/ S4?
Cardiomyopathy with CONCENTRIC hypertrophy?
Loffler's syndrome is assoc. with what Cardiomyopathy?
Isolated Right Sided Heart Failure?
Cor Pulmonale
Round white spots on retina surrounded by hemorrhage?
Roth Spots
When do you see Roth spots?
Bacterial Endocarditis
tender raised lesions on fingers and toes that is seen with Bacterial endocarditis?
Osler's Nodes
Small erytheatous lesions on palm or sole, seen with bacterial endocarditis?
Janeway Lesions
Large vegetations on previously normal valve, with rapid onset?
Acute Bacterial Endocarditis- S. AUREUS
small vegetations on congenitally abnormal or diseased valves?
Subacute Bacterial Endocarditis- Viridans Streptococci---insidious onset, after dental exam
Verroucous, sterile vegetations?
Libman-Sacks endocarditis
Aschoff Bodies?
Rheumatic Heart Dx
Activated histiocytes seen with Rheumatic Heart Dx?
Anitschkow's cells
consequence of pharygeal infection with group A B-hemolytic streptococci?
Rheumatic Heart Dx
Migratory Polyarthritis, increased ESR, Chorea, and FEVER?
Rheumatic HEart Dx
Pulsus Paradoxus?
Kussmaul's Pulse= decrease in amplitude of pulse during inspirtation
equilibration of diastolic pressures in all 4 chambers?
Cardiac Tamponade
increase JVD
distant heart sounds
increase HR
Pulsus Paradoxus
What is your ddx?
Cardiac Tamponade
"tree bark" appearance of aorta?
Syphilitic Heart Dx
heart dx that can cause dilation of the aorta and valve ring?
MC primary cardiac tumor in adults?
"ball valve" in the LA?
MC primary cardiac tumor in children?
Rhabdomyomas- assoc. with Tuberous Sclerosis
dilated veins due to chronically increased venous pressures?
Varicose Veins
arteriolar vasospams in resonse to cold temperatures or emotional stress?
Raynaud's Dx
Triad of focal necrotizing vasulitis, necrotizing granulomas in lung and upper airways, and necrotizing glomerulonephritis?
Wegener's Granulomatosis
c-ANCA + chest xrays with large nodular densities?
Wegener's Granulomatosis
Trx for Wegener's Granulomatosis?
Cyclophosphamide & Corticosteroids
Vasculitis limited to the kidney?
Primary Pauci-Immune Crescentic-Glomerulonephritis
Granulomatous Vasculitis with Eosinophilia + pANCA?
Churg-Strauss Syndrome
presents with asthma, sinusitis, skin lesions, and peripheral neuropathy?
Churg Strauss Syndrome
Presents with Port wine stain, itracerebral AVM, seizures and early onset glaucoma?
Sturge Weber Dx
MC form of childhood systemic vasculitis?
Henoch-Schonlein Purpura
skin rash on buttocks and legs of a kid?
Henoch-Schonlein Purpura
Common triad of Henoch Schonlein Purpura?
IgA immune complexes that cause skin, joint and GI problems following an URI?
Henoch-Schonlein Purpura
aka Thromboangiitis Obliterans?
Buerger's Dx
Thrombosing vasculitis seen in smokers?
Buerger's Dx
necrotizing vasculitis in infants/children?
Kawasaki Dx
Fever, Conjunctivitis, Strawberry Tongue, lymphadenitis, and skin rash in small child??
Kawasaki Dx
Immune complex mediated transmural vasculitis with fibrinoid necrosis?
Polyarteritis Nodosa
Polyarteritis Nodosa is found in 30% of pts with __________.
Hep B seropositivity
Polyarteritis Nodosa trx?
Kawasaki Dx trx?
IV immunoglobulin
Buerger's Dx trx?
Smoking cessation
Fever, weight loss, malaise, abdominal pain, melena, HA, HTN, neuro dysfxn, and cutaneous eruptions (of different ages)?
Polyarteritis Nodosa
"pulseless dx"
Takayasu's Arteritis
granulamatous thickening of Aortic Arch and/or proximal great vesels?
Takayasu's Arteritis
Asian females <40 with an increased ESR?
Takayasu's Arteritis
Fever, Arthritis, Night sweats, myalgia, skin nodules, ocular disturbances, and weak pulses in UE's?
Takayasu's Arteritis
MC vasculitis affecting medium and large arteries?
Temporal Arteritis
Unilateral HA, jaw claudication and impaired vision that can lead to irreversible blindness??
Temporal Arteritis
Elderly female with increased ESR and headaches?
Temporal Arteritis
Temporal Arteritis trx?
High dose steroids
benign capillary hemangioma of infancy?
Strawberry Hemangioma (will regress with age)
benign capillary hemangioma of the elderly?
Cherry Hemangioma (does NOT regress, worse with age)
Pyogenic Granuloma?
polypoid capillary hemangioma that can ulcerate and bleed
Capillary hemangioma assoc. with trauma and pregnancy?
Pyogenic Granuloma
Cavernous Lymphangioma of the neck seen with Turners?
Cystic Hygroma
Benign, painful red-blue tumor under the fingernails?
Glomus Tumor
benign capillary skin papules found in AIDS pts?
Bacillary Angiomatosis
Capillary skin papules caused by Bartonella Henselae infxn?
Bacillary ANgiomatosi
lymphatic malignancy assoc. with persistent lymphedema?
Endothelial malignancy of the skin assoc. with HHV-8 and HIV?
Kaposi's Sarcoma
What is CONTRAindicated in decompensated CHF trx?
B blockers
________are protective against daibetic nephropathy.
ACE inhibitors
Antihypertensive trx that decreases afterload?
1st line therapy for HTN in pregnancy, with methyldopa?
What is Hydralazine used for?
Severe HTN
HTN in pregnancy
co-admin. with B-blockers to prevent reflex tachycardia
What antihypertenise therapy has a toxicity of Lupus-like syndrome?
Calcium channel blocker that reduces muscle contractility of Vascular Smooth Muscle?
Nifedipine the MOST
Calcium channel blocker that reduces muscle contractility of the Heart the most?
Toxicity assoc. with Calcium Channel blockers?
Cardiac Depression
AV block
peripheral edema
What drug causes your veins to vasodilate by releasing Nitric Oxide and thus decrease preload?
Isosorbide DInitrate
Clinical uses for Nitroglycerin & Isosorbide Dinitrate?
Pulmonary Edema
Aphrodisiac/Erection enhancer
Nitroglycerin toxicity?
Monday Disease
Reflex Tachycardia
Malignant hypertension trx that releases NO and causes increase in cGMP?
Malignant HTN trx that can cause Cyanide poisoning?
Fenoldopam MOA?
D1 receptor agonist- relaxes RENAL vascular smooth muscle
Malignant HTN trx that relaxes RENAL vascular smooth muscle?
Malignant HTN trx that is a K+ channel opener?
Diazoxide for Malignant HTN, can cause ______________.
Goal of Antianginal therapy?
reduce myocardial O2 consumption
What anti-anginal trx reduces EDV and thus decreases preload?
anti-anginal trx that reduces blood pressure?
Nitrates AND B-blockers
What anti-anginal trx will decrease Contractility?
What anti-anginal trx will decrease HR?
What anti-anginal trx will decrease Ejection Fraction?
What Ca channel blocker is similar to effects of NItrates?
What Ca Channel blocker is similar in effects to B-blockers?
HMG-Coa Reductase inhibitors SE?
What inhibits lipolysis in adipose tissue and reduces VLDL hepatic secretion?
Goal of Antianginal therapy?
reduce myocardial O2 consumption
What anti-anginal trx reduces EDV and thus decreases preload?
anti-anginal trx that reduces blood pressure?
Nitrates AND B-blockers
What anti-anginal trx will decrease Contractility?
What anti-anginal trx will decrease HR?
What anti-anginal trx will decrease Ejection Fraction?
What Ca channel blocker is similar to effects of NItrates?
What Ca Channel blocker is similar in effects to B-blockers?
HMG-Coa Reductase inhibitors SE?
What inhibits lipolysis in adipose tissue and reduces VLDL hepatic secretion?
Niacin SE's?
Red, flushed face
Bile acid resin SE's?
bad taste
GI discomfort
Cholesterol gallstones
What upregulates lipoprotein lipase and decreases the effect of triglycerides?
"fibrates" SE's?
Cholesterol Gallstones
Cardiac Glycosides MOA?
direct inhibition of Na/K ATPase which leads to indirect inhibition of Na/Ca exchanger.
Clinical use of Cardiac Glycosides?
A Fib
Digoxin toxicty antidote?
slowly normalize K+
Cardiac Pacer
Anti-Dig Fab fragments
Antiarrythmic that decreases slope of phase 0?
Na Channel blockers
What Antiarrythmic increases AP duration and can be used for atrial and ventricular arrythmias?
Class IA
Antiarrythmic used POST-MI?
Class 1B
Antiarrythmic used for acute ventricular arrhythmias and digitalis induced arrythmias?
Class 1B
Antiarrythmic that decreases AP duration?
Class 1B
Antiarrythmic that has no effect on AP duration and is only used as last resort for refractory tachyarrhythmias?
Class 1C
Antiarrythmic that CONTRAindicated post-MI?
Class 1C
Quinidine Toxicity?
Cinchonism- HA, tinnitus
Procainamide toxicity?
reversible SLE-like syndrome
Class 1C toxicity?
Proarrythmic, prolongs refractory period in AV node
Antiarrythmic toxicity that can cause local anesthetics, CNS stimulation/depression, and Cardiovascular depression?
Class 1B
What suppresses abnormal pacemakers by decreasing slope of phase 4?
Clinical uses for Class II antiarrythmics?
Slow ventricular rate during afib and aflutter
Class II antiarrythmic toxicity?
Exacerbation of Asthma
CV effects
AV block
CNS effects
may mask hypoglycemia
Class II antiarrythmic that can cause dyslipidemia?
What increases AP duration by blocking K channels?
Class III antiarrythmics
Sotalol SE?
Torsades de Pointes
Excessive B block
Bretylium SE?
new arrythmias
Amiodarone SE?
Pulmonary Fibrosis
corneal deposits
blue/gray skin deposits
What antiarrhytmic is used in prevention of nodal arrythmias?
Class IV
Class IV anti-arrythmics work on what phase?
Phase 0 and Phase 2
DOC in diagnosing/abolishing Supraventricular tachycardia?
What depresses ectopic pacemakers in Hypokalemia?
antiarrythmic effective in torsades de pointes and digoxin toxicity?