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122 Cards in this Set

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Brodmann's area 44, 45 is? ...
Broca's area (motor speech)
Brodmann's area 6 is? ...
Premotor Area
Brodmann's area 8 is? ...
frontal eye movement and pupilary change area
CN I has what function? ...
CN I passes through what 'hole'? ...
cribriform plate
CN II has what function? ...
CN II passes through what 'hole'? ...
optic canal
CN III has what 4 functions? ...
eye movement, pupil constriction, accommodation, eyelid opening
CN III inervates what 5 muscles. ...
medial rectus, superior rectus, inferior rectus, inferior oblique, levator palpebrae superioris
CN III passes through what 'hole'? ...
superior orbital fissure
CN IV has what function? ...
eye movement
CN IV inervates what muscle? ...
superior oblique
CN IV passes through what 'hole'? ...
superior orbital fissure
CN IX has what 4 functions? ...
posterior 1/3 taste, swallowing, salivation (parotid), monitoring carotid body and sinus
CN IX passes through what 'hole'? ...
jugular foramen
CN V has what 2 functions? ...
mastication, facial sensation
CN V1 passes through what 'hole'? ...
superior orbital fissure
CN V2 passes through what 'hole'? ...
foramen rotundum
CN V3 passes through what 'hole'? ...
foramen ovale
CN VI has what function? ...
eye movement
CN VI inervates what muscle? ...
lateral rectus
Brodmann's area 44, 45 is? ...
Broca's area (motor speech)
Brodmann's area 6 is? ...
Premotor Area
Brodmann's area 8 is? ...
frontal eye movement and pupilary change area
CN I has what function? ...
CN I passes through what 'hole'? ...
cribriform plate
CN II has what function? ...
CN II passes through what 'hole'? ...
optic canal
CN III has what 4 functions? ...
eye movement, pupil constriction, accommodation, eyelid opening
CN III inervates what 5 muscles. ...
medial rectus, superior rectus, inferior rectus, inferior oblique, levator palpebrae superioris
CN III passes through what 'hole'? ...
superior orbital fissure
CN IV has what function? ...
eye movement
CN IV inervates what muscle? ...
superior oblique
CN IV passes through what 'hole'? ...
superior orbital fissure
CN IX has what 4 functions? ...
posterior 1/3 taste, swallowing, salivation (parotid), monitoring carotid body and sinus
CN IX passes through what 'hole'? ...
jugular foramen
CN V has what 2 functions? ...
mastication, facial sensation
CN V1 passes through what 'hole'? ...
superior orbital fissure
CN V2 passes through what 'hole'? ...
foramen rotundum
CN V3 passes through what 'hole'? ...
foramen ovale
CN VI has what function? ...
eye movement
CN VI inervates what muscle? ...
lateral rectus
CN VI passes through what 'hole'? ...
superior orbital fissure
CN VII has what 4 functions? ...
facial movement, anterior 2/3 taste, lacrimation, salivation(SL, SM glands)
CN VII passes through what 'hole'? ...
internal auditory meatus
CN VIII has what 2 functions? ...
hearing, balance
CN VIII passes through what 'hole'? ...
internal auditory meatus
CN X has what 5 functions? ...
taste, swallowing, palate elevation, talking, thoracoabdominal viscera
CN X passes through what 'hole'? ...
jugular foramen
CN XI has what 2 functions? ...
head turning, shoulder shrugging
CN XI passes through what 'hole'? ...
jugular foramen (descending) -- foramen magnum (ascending)
CN XII has what function? ...
tounge movements
CN XII passes through what 'hole'? ...
hypoglossal canal
Complete the muscle spindle reflex arc by placing the following in order: alpha motor, Ia afferent, muscle stretch, extrafusal contraction, intrafusal stretch. ...
muscle stretch - intrafusal stretch - Ia afferent - alpha motor - extrafusal contraction
Extrafusal fibers are innervated by what motor neuron? ...
alpha motor neuron
From which 3 spinal roots does long thoracic nerve arises? ...
C5, C6, C7
General sensory/motor dysfunction and aphasia are caused by stroke of the? (ant. circle or post. circle) ...
anterior circle
Give 3 characteristics of a LMN lesion. ...
atrophy, flaccid paralysis, absent deep tendon reflexes
Give 3 charateristics of internuclear ophthalmoplegia (INO) ...
medial rectus palsy on lateral gaze, nystagmus in abducted eye, normal convergence.
Give 4 characteristics of an UMN lesion. ...
spastic paralysis, increased deep tendon reflexes, + Babinski, minor to no atrophy
Golgi tendon organs send their signal via what nerve? ...
group Ib afferents
Horner's Syndrome is present if the lesion in Brown-Sequard is above what level? ...
How are the fibers of the corticospinal tract laminated? (legs/arms medial or lateral?) ...
arms- medial, legs-lateral
How are the fibers of the dorsal column laminated? (legs/arms medial or lateral?) ...
legs-medial, arms-lateral
How are the fibers of the spinothalmic tract laminated? (sacral/cervical medial or lateral?) ...
cervical-medial, sacral-lateral
How do glucose and amino acids cross the blood-brain barrier? ...
carrier-mediated transport mechanism
How does the hypothalamus control the adenohypophysis? ...
via releasing factors (ie. TRH, CRF, GnRF, etc.)
Huntington's patients typically have what type of movements? ...
If the radial nerve is lesioned, what 2 reflexes are lost? ...
triceps reflex and brachioradialis reflex
If you break your humerus mid-shaft, which nerve would likely injure? ...
Radial Nerve
If you break your medial epicondyle of the humerus, which nerve would likely injure? ...
Ulnar nerve
If you break your supracondyle of the humerus, which nerve would likely injure? ...
Median nerve
If you break your surgical neck of the humerus, which nerve would likely injure? ...
Axillary nerve
In a lesion of the radial nerve, what muscle is associated with wrist drop? ...
extensor carpi radialis longus
Intrafusal fibers are encapsulated and make up muscle spindles that send their signal via what nerve? ...
group Ia afferents
Intrafusal fibers are innervated by what motor neuron? ...
gamma motor neuron
Is Bell's palsy an UMN or a LMN lesion? ...
Is the Babinski reflex (positive or negative) when the big toe dorsiflexes and the other toes fan-out? ...
positive (pathologic)
Name 2 locations for lesions in Syringomyelia? ...
ventral white commissure and ventral horns
Name 3 locations for lesions in Vit.B12 neuropathy(Friedreich's ataxia)?
dorsal columns, lateral corticospinal tracts, and spinocerebellar tracts
Name 7 functions of the hypothalamus? ...
Thirst/waterbalance, Adenohypophysis control, Neurohypophysis control, Hunger/satiety, Autonomic regulation, Temperature regulation, Sexual emotions. TAN HATS
Name the 4 foramina that are in the posterior cranial fossa? ...
internal auditory meatus, jugular foramen, hypoglossal canal, and foramen magnum.
Name the 5 foramina that are in the middle cranial fossa? ...
optic canal, superior orbital fissure, foramen rotundum, foramen ovale, and foramen spinosum.
Name the 5 functions of the Limbic system? ...
Feeding, Fighting, Feeling, Flight, sex (F--K) [the famous 5 F's]
Name the 5 segments of the brachial plexus in order from proximal to distal. ...
roots - trunks - divisions - cords - branches
Name the type of movement with slow writhing movements (esp. the fingers)? ...
Name the type of movement with sudden, jerky, purposeless movements? ...
Name the type of movement with sudden, wild flailing of one arm? ...
Neurons from the globus pallidus have what action on the ventral anterior nucleus? ...
Neurons from the striatum have what action on the globus pallidus? ...
Place the following in order (from light entering the eye to reflex). Pretectal nuclei, pupillary constrictor muscle, retina, ciliary ganglion, Edinger-Westphal nuclei, CN II, CN III.
retina, CN II, pretectal nuclei, Edinger-Westphal nuclei, CN III, ciliary ganglion, pupillary constrictor muscle
Stimulation from the paraventricular nucleus cause the release of what hormone? ...
Stimulation from the supraoptic nucleus cause the release of what hormone? ...
The Blood-Brain Barrier is formed by what 3 structures? ...
choriod plexus epithelium, intracerebral capillary endothelium, astrocytes. (First Aid says Arachnoid but the brains say that’s a typo)
The central retinal artery is a branch off what larger artery? ...
ophthalmic artery
The embryologic defect of having a cervical rib can compress what 2 structures? ...
subclavian artery and inferior trunk of the brachial plexus
The fasciculus cuneatus contains fibers from the upper or lower body? ...
upper extremities
The fasciculus gracilis contains fibers from the upper or lower body? ...
lower extremities
The hippocampal formation is connected to the mammillary body and septal area via what structure? ...
The hippocampus has input from what two areas? ...
entorhinal cortex, septal area
The hippocampus has output to what two areas? ...
mammillary body, septal area
The infraorbital nerve is a branch off what larger nerve? ...
The Nucleus Ambiguus has fibers from what 3 CNs? ...
The Nucleus Solitarius has fibers from what 3 CNs? ...
Traction or tear of the superior trunk of the brachial plexus causes what syndrome? ...
Erb-Duchenne palsy (waiter's tip)
Vertigo, ataxia, visual deficits, and coma are caused by stroke of the? (ant. circle or post. circle) ...
Posterior Circle
Visual fibers from the lateral geniculate body terminate on the upper and lower banks of what fissure? ...
Calcarine fissure
What 1 nerve root is assoc. with the achilles reflex? ...
What 1 nerve root is assoc. with the biceps reflex? ...
What 1 nerve root is assoc. with the patella reflex? ...
What 1 nerve root is assoc. with the triceps reflex? ...
What 2 areas have sensation deficit in a lesion of the median nerve? ...
lateral palm/thumb and the radial 2 1/2 fingers
What 2 areas have sensation deficit in a lesion of the ulnar nerve? ...
medial palm and the ulnar 1 1/2 fingers
What 2 cutaneus nerves are lost in a lesion of the radial nerve? ...
posterior brachial cutaneous and posterior antebrachial cutaneous
What 2 spinal roots make up the inferior trunk of the brachial plexus? ...
C8, T1
What 2 spinal roots make up the superior trunk of the brachial plexus? ...
C5, C6
What 2 structures pass through the internal auditory meatus? ...
What 2 symptoms are seen with a lesion of the musculocutaneus nerve? ...
difficulty flexing the arm, variable sensory loss
What 2 symptoms are seen with a lesion of the ulnar nerve? ...
weak intrinsic muscles of the hand, Pope's blessing
What 3 blood barriers does the body have? ...
blood-brain, blood-gas, blood-testis
What 3 muscles are lost in a lesion of the musculocutaneous nerve? ...
coracobrachialis, biceps brachii, and brachialis