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116 Cards in this Set

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What are chalazia and hordeolas?
inflammatory processes involving tissue of eyelid, usually upper eyelid
What is another name for hordelum?
What is blepharitis?
inflammatory condition of eyelid margins
What is a common cause of blephartis?
contaminated eye make-up
What is most common organism causing a hordeolum?
s. aureus
Does infection accompany a chalazion?
no usually just chronically inflammed meibomian gland
Which are tender to palpation, hordeolum or chalazia?
How should a hordeolum or stye be intially treated?
warm, moist compresses and may need topical antibiotics (Tobramycin)
How do you treat recurrent eyelid lesions?
daily lid scrubs with diluted baby shampoo
What is more common in children hordeola or chalazion?
hordeola and chalazion more common in adults
Which type of conjuctivitis is most common?
viral - adenovirus, herpes simplex and herpes zoster
Is lymphadenopathy seen with conjuctivitis?
Yes sometimes usually preauricular of submandibular
What are sings of conjuctivitis?
red sclera, photophobia, acute onset, mucopurulent drainage, tearing, swelling
What is seen on everted eyelids when having an allergic response?
cobblestone appearance
What OTC med can be used for allergic conjuctivities?
Naphcon-A - decongest/antihistamine or Vasocon-A
What non-med measures can be used with allergic conjuctivitis?
cold compresses
Conjuctivitis is usually self-limiting and will heal itself?
True, but with bacterial drops can hasten resolution
What increases risk of corneal abrasions?
extended wear contacts - 5 fold over daily wear
What can cause a corneal abrasion?
chemical or mechanical debridement - trauma or UV radiation exposure
Is pain associated with corneal abrasions?
yes - intense pain, ocular redness, tearing, and photophobia
How to treat corneal abrasions?
antibiotic ointments - tobramycin or eryc
Is patching indicated for corneal abrasions?
Should steriod solutions be used with corneal abrasions?
No steriods can slow healing and promote infection
What abnormality is seen in the auricule with arthritis?
hard nodules
What can cause a hematoma of the auricule?
blood disorders or trauma and should be drained can result in deformity of ear
What 2 skin cancers can be found in the auricule?
basal cell - most common and least deadly, shiny lesion on top of ear that is irregular and painless. Squamous cell - lesion raised, crusted border around center ulcer - can cause death
Define otitis externa
superficial inflammation or infection of the external ear - can be called swimmers ear
What causes otitis externa?
cerumen impaction, trauma from cleaning with q-tips, swimming in unclean pools, lakes, river, and ocean
What organism causes otitis externa?
S. aureaus, candida and aspergillus - oftne CA-MRSA
What clinical s/s are seen with otititis externa?
unilateral pain, tenderness, red and edematous - typanic membrane poorly visualized
How do you treat otitis externa?
antibiotic-hydrocortison drops
Use 1:2 vinegar/alcohol drops in each ear after swimming or 2% acetic acid
Define otitis media
Infection of middle ear
What is otitis media associated with?
upper respiratory infection or allergies that result in edema & dysfunction of eustachian tube or reflux of nasopharyngeal fluid into eustachin tube
What is otitis media with effusion?
infection with accumulation of serous fluid behind ear drum
What can predispose someone to otitis media
cigarette smoke
What bacteria causes otitis media?
strep or Heamophilus influenzae
What s/s can accompany otitis media?
painful ear, warm ,enlarged posterior auricular nad cervical lymph nodes, rhinorrhea, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, vertigo, hearing loss
What percentage of otitis media is bacterial?
75%, 25% may resolve on own
How to treat otitis media?
When would you use prophalytic antibiotics for otitis media?
if more than 2 episodes in 6 months or 3 episodes in 12 months - give amoxicillin 20 mg daily during winter months
What are predisposing factors to nosebleeds?
nasal trauma, rhinitis, drying of nasal mucosa in low humidity, deviated septum, alcohol use and antiplatlet meds
Where do most nosebleeds come from?
anterior nasal septum. Posterior bleeds hard to control and associated wtih vascular disease
How should a patient sit with a nose bleed?
sit straight up, tile head forward and apply firm continusous pressue to affected nostril
What can be used besides pressure to stop a nosebleed?
topical nasal decongestant sprays
What is allergic rhinitis?
sneezing, rhinorrha, congseiton, pruritis of nose and eyes, popping of ears, postnasal drip, throat clearing and coughing
when should you refer eye problems?
When eyeball affected
What do you see with blepharitis?
scaly, crusty more seborreic
redness more likey infectious
Treat with lid washes and antibiotic ointment
How to treat blephaitis?
scrub with diluted baby shampoo then antibiotic ointment
Where aer chalazia found?
midway up lid, not on lid margins
How do warm compresses help hordeolums?
hasten pointing and drainage
When to use antibiotic ointment for hordelum?
helps prevent secondary infection r/t drainage of stye
How to treat chalazion?
warm compresses to liquify secretions, then massage of gland toward tear duct no antibiotics indicatid - block meibomian gland
What is meibomian gland
produces oil into tears along lid
What are clinical s/s seen with viral conjuctivitis?
red eye, pre-auricular lymphadenopathy
What are clinical s/s seen with allergic conjuctivitis?
cobbblestoning in conjuctivia
When is crustying or drainage seen with pink-eye
mostly with bacterial conjuctitivis
what meds for allergic conjuctivitis?
naphcon A or Vasocon A - topical antihistamine/decongestant
What meds for bacterial conjuctivitis?
Suamyd or Tobrex
What type of compresses for conjuctivitis?
cool compresses help with itching
S/S with conjuctivitis?
tearing, photophobia, crusting, itching, burning
How to find corneal abrasions?
need to use florescein stain/UV light
What are some emergent eye condiditons that shoudl be refered
loss of vision, angle-closure glaucoma, foreign body, ulcer, abrasion, scleritis, iritis or uveitis, retinal detachment
What meds used for rhinitis
1st removed environmental irritants, intranasal steriods,decongestants and antihistmines
Other help with rhinitis
saline nasal spray, high does guaifenesin
What meds to use in pregnancy with rhinitis?
chlorpheniramine and nasal cromolyn or intranasal beclomethasone - no decongestants 1st trimester d/t can cause fetal abnormalities
Where is sinusitis seen?
usually maxillary & anterior ethmoidal - mostly bacterial
What other c/o seen with sinusitis?
teeth, throat nad ears, increased pain when bending head forward
How to treat sinusitis?
for s/s greater than 1 week or4 unilaternal symptoms - decongestant & antitiobic augmentin or levaquin, saline nose drops or rinse
What disorders can be seen with the auricular?
rheumatoid nodules - also seen hands, elbows, knees, feet. Tophi - uric acid nodules painless, hematoma - cauliflower or boxers ear
What cancers can be seen on auricles?
basal cell carcinoma, - slow growing, common, squamous cell carcinoma - can metastatize to lympn node
What is best med for otitis media?
If otitis media not responding to antibiotic what shoudl be suspected?
beta lactimase producing bacteria- then prescribe Augmentin
What are causes of aphthous ulcer or cankers?
vitamin deficiency, stress, famiily predispostion - more females than males - more in adolescents
What causes stomatitis or glossitis?
nutritional defienceis, drug rx, irritants like dentures
What rinses can be used for stomatis/glossitis or ulcers?
baking soda/salt water rinse or mylanta/benadrly rinse
What see with viral pharangitis?
dry, scratchy thoat with rhinorrhea - nasal congestion
Waht see with bacterial pharangitis?
sore throat, painful swallow, fever, chills, N&V no nasal congestions - treat with PCN
What is mono caused from?
Epstein Barr of CMV
S/s of Mono
malaise, anorexia before sore throat, then fever up to 104, sore throat, lymphadenopahty triad
Education for mono
no strenuous exercise for 2-4 weeks d/t can rupture spleen
Where is pulmanry TB infection seen?
apex of lung
S/S of TB
faigue, anorexia, weight loss, night sweats, low grade diuranal fever, cough, chest pain r/t cough, hemoptysis, irreg menses
Exam for TB
maybe rales in upper posterior area, maybe plueral effusion, lymphadenopathy
When can isonozid be given for TB?
under 35 for mautoux test of greater than 10mm, no hx of liver problems or alcohol use - avoid Tylenol or other heptotoxic drugs - take B6 to decrease peripheral neuropathy
Influenza s/s
fever by 2-3 day, chlls, HA, malaise, loss of appetite, dry cough, nasal congestion with clear drainage, sore throat - cough most prominient - last 4-8 days with cough longer
When contagious with influenza?
24 hours before coming down with symptoms
What meds can be given for flu?
Tamiflu or Zanamivir helpful if given w/i 48 hours can reduce severity and duration about 1 day, Vaccine best prevention
What is Asthma?
Chronic inflammation of the airways
What triggers asthma?
allergens - coachroach, dust mites, cat, tree & grass pollen, infections, exercise, changes in weather, irritants, allergy to ASA
S/S of asthma
episodic wheezing with dyspnea, cough (most common symptom), breathlessness, anxiety, sputum production
When see exercise induced asthma?
5-10 minutes after the exercise
What is best test for Asthma lung function
spirometry, Peak expiratory flow meter should be done each morning
What should be asked with Asthma F/U visits
Asthma better or worse since last visit, high and low peak flow, has asthma interfered with daily life, what meds taking and how often
What see with severe Asthma Attack?
forces expiration, both inspiratory and expiratory, use of accessory muscles, hyperinflation, RR greater thatn 30 HR greater than 120
Describe Step 1 - Mild Asthma
symptoms less than 2 times a week, exacerbations brief nightime symptoms less than 2 times a month
Describe Step 2 - Mild persistant Asthma
Symptoms greater than 2x week, but less than 1 time/day, exacerbations affect activity, nighttime > 2x month
Describe Step 3 - Moderate persistent Asthma
daily symptoms, daily use of rescue inhaler, exacerbations affect activity > 2 time a week can last days, nighttime > 1x/week
Step 1 - mild intermittent managment of Asthma
Long term: no daily med
quick relief: Short acting bronchodilator
Step 2 - mild persistant management of Asthma
One daily med - either inhaled corticosteriod or cromolyn or nedocromil (children start with these), quick relief: Short acting bronchodilator
Step 3 - moderate persistant managment of Asthma
daily med: either inhaled antiinflammatory medium or low medium dose and long actiing bronchodilator
Step 4 - severe persistant Asthma
daily meds: inhaled corticosteriod high dose & long acting bronchodilator & steriod tablets if necessary
What daily use Asthma meds are good for peds, exercise induced and pregnancy??
Cromolyun and Nedocromil
When is singular effective?
Takes 1-2 hours for onset - last 10-12 hours good for nightime and before exercise
S/S of acute bronchitis
begins with URI, burning in chest, nose and throat s/s, cough, wheezes, rhonchi and rales, substernal pain
What is most common cuase of pneumonia?
strep pneumoniae
Pneumonia is leading cause of death from infectious diesase - T or F
Gram pos pneumonia s/s
onset high fever, shaking chills, purulent sputum, chest pain, rust or bloody sputum, egophay over consolidation, fremitus, dullness to percussion
Gram Neg pneumonia
Haeophilis influenza - pneumonia in people who are immunocompromised
Atypical pneumonia
walking pneumonia - seen in younger adults, no high fever - 100, HA, malaie, dry cough, much less ill, no lung consolidation, macupapular rash on trunk, earache - see blister on eardrum
Smoking 4 A's
Ask about smoking every visit, Advise benefit of quitting to smoke, Assist them to stop smoking, Arrange for follow-up visits
35 million people try to quit smoking each year only 7% succeed
What is best way to stop smoking
Cold turkey
Smoking #1 cause of premature death, 1:5 deaths r/t smoking T or F
What are 6 phases of change in a smoker?
1: precontemplation 2: contemplation 3: determination 4: action 5: maintenance 6: relapse
concern for women who quit smoking?
weigth gain
What are some pharmocologic interventions to help stop smoking?
nictotine replacement - patches, gum, Bupropion - prolong effect ot neuronal uptake of dopamine. Chantix: binds and deactivates nicotine receptors