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52 Cards in this Set

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Causes hearing loss 4
loud noise, constant
ototoxic drugs - mycins, asa, loop diur
aging - degenerative
s/s hearing loss
infant - no babbling, no response loud
adults - speech deterioration, social withdraw, disinterest
hogs conversation, false pride
conductive hearing loss
impairment of outer or mid ear or both
sensoineural hearing loss

perceptive loss
disease of inner/nerve paths
- ototoxic, blow to head, loud noise
dx tests for hearing
Weber - tap fork on forehd/top
compares bone conduction

Rinne test - tap fork - mastoid bone
motions sickness rx
antihistamines (Dramamine, Antivert)
anticholinergics (Scopolamine patches)
meds cause dry mouth/drowsy
Meniere's Disease s/s
chronic inner ear (labyrinth) dis
+ family hx often
s/s feelings fullness in ear
paroxysmal whirling vertigo, tinnitus, sensoineural loss
Meniere's Disease rx
diuretics, lo Na
limit alchohol, caffeine
avoid MSG, ASA
Antivert, Valium,
antiemetics - Phenergan
Vasodilating Pavabid, Banthine -
Acute Otits Media -
middle ear d/o
strep, URI r/t short, straight eust tube
chronic expos to 2nd hand smoke
-pain, pulling on ear, inc T, n/v, dec hear, h/a
drainage if ruptures (pain goes), eardrum bright red/yellow
Otitis media rx

-post op
rx - antibiot, decong,
myringotomy - incise drum to release fluid, promote healing
- affected ear in dep posi, report severe pain, COCA, hearing loss, keep h2o out of ear
Chronic otitis media
post op for mid ear or mastoid surg
prevent infex, antibiot, no h2o 6 wks, keep dry 2 days
sleep w operative ear up
blow nose gently, sneeze/cough w mouth open
external otitis media s/s
pain - inc when move auricle (mid ear infex no pain w move)
maybe yellow/green foul d/c
rx- antibiot, hot packs, analgesics, no h2O in ear
signs for
both ears,
left ear
right ear
Danger signals fro eyes
continued pain in/around
persistent redness
crossing eyes
visual probs
growths on eye, lid, swollen lid
d/c continuedd, crusting, tearing
pupils unequal, distorted shape
chemical burns to eyes - first aid
flush w h2o at least 15 min - before moving pt - can use IV tubing
both eyes
right eye
left eye
never change till ordered,
pull tape toward eye, then straight up
do not apply pressure unless ordered - then use 2-3 pads and tape
Visual assessment
fluorescein angiography
-measures intraocular press - use top anesthetic drops 1st
-dye into antecubital vein, seen in retinal vessels, skin and urine may turn yellow - gone 24 hrs
refraction errors
age > 40
ability of eye to accommodate decreases
- lens loose elasticity
- presbyopia (type farsightedness type)
refraction errors
-nearsightedness - can't see far
-farsightedness - can't see near * most common error
Glaucoma meds- Miotics
decrease IOP
Miotics=cholinergic agents -(pilocarpine, carbachol)
inc fluid outflo by constricting pupils
-s/e blurred, pain, diff seeing in dark, stings immed > admin
Glaucoma meds- Beta Blkers
decrease IOP
(betaxolol, timolol)
decr. aqueous humor production
s/e - same as all betas
Glaucoma meds- carbonic anhydrase inhibitors
decrease IOP
(Trusopt-drops, Diamox-po)
decr. aqueous humor production
- no sulfa allergies
Meds for pupil dilation - exams, surg
mydriatic/cycloplegic drops
- dilate pupil
-paralyze iris sphincter to keep dilated
Mydriacyl (cyclogyl)
Eye anti-infectives
gentamicin, erythromycin
Eye meds - osmotic agents
-make plasma hypertonic so draw aquious humor from eyes and reduce IOP
- often used pre-op
Conjunctivitis -s/s
-redness, swelling, pain, lacrimation, d/c, foreign body sensation
-warm compresses, antibiotic, maybe steroid drops
Hordeolum (sty)-s/s
infex of superficial lid gland
-pain, swelling, redness, then small abscess
-warm compress, maybe I&D, antibiotic drops
Chalazia - s/s
inflammatory cyst of gland of eyelid
-burning, itching, lid margins red, crusty
-warm compress to soften, remove crusts, antibiotic ointment
Glaucoma pathophysiology
- norm balance amt fluid enters/leaves eye
-distubance of circulation aqueous fluid
=> incr prod of humor w decrease in outflow
-incr IOP
-damage optic nerve
-visual loss - blindness
-lost vision can't be restored
closed angle glaucoma - un rx?
due to?
-blind in 2-5 days
-sudden incr IOP -> blockage of angle of anter chamber by root of iris => blocks aqueous outflow (drainage channels normal)
closed angle glaucoma
- sudden severe pain - 1st eye, then other parts of head
blurred vision
halos, rainbows around lights
red eye
dilated pupil does not respond to light
closed angle glaucoma
decr IOP - miotics, osmotics, carbonic anhydrase inhibitor
decr pain, nausea - Demerol causes miosis + decr pain
closed angle glaucoma
eye patch at least 24 hr
antibiotic gtts 4-5 days
steroid gtts weeks (scarring, inflamm)
don't lay on operated side
progressive ambulation - not fast
no reading until MD oks
no driving 1 week
glaucoma pt teaching
-explain need for lifelong rx
-avoid activity that incr IOP: sneezing, vomiting, coughing, no bending from waist, squat to pick up, no straining (valsalva, lifting > 5#)
-avoid emotional stress, excessive fluid intake, tight clothing ie collars
miotic gtts cause diff night seeing => incr lighting at home
no reading extended time, or fast moving object games
-no mydriatics (dilates),
-no antihistamines (glaucoma is s/e of meds)
Cataracts causes
long term steroids, sun exposure
-blurry, hazy, distortion
-diplopia (dbl vis), poor nite vis.
-glare in brite lite,
no pain, gradual visual loss
-pupils black, gray, then white
Cataracts rx
surgery - not laser
done when interferes w life
-postponing has no effect
- protection from sun may prevent/slow dpwm cateracts
Cataracts pre-op
mydriatic/cycloplegic (dilates/open)
osmotic - to decr IOP
antiemetic - to prevent vomit would inc IOP
Cataracts post-op
usu discharged few hrs
sleep on back or non-surg side w HOB 45
discharge surg eye only - 1st day
antiemetics prn nausea (don't wait)
Cataracts post-op eye meds
pt teaching
if no lens implant - mydriatic or mydriatic/cycloplegic
if lens implant - miotic (to prevent from dislodging
BOTH antibiotics, steroids
congenital cataracts
remove asap - by 6 mo to preserve vision
if monocular and not corrected early => perm blind from lazy eye (amblyopia)
Retinoblastoma - definition
congen malignant tumor arising from retina - usu unilateral
may be present at birth or during 1st 2 yrs
Retinoblastoma s/s
s/swhitish glow in pupil (cats eye reflex)
strabismus - eyes not aligned
red, painful eye
glaucoma often
blindness a late sign
- radiation or enucleation, chemo
Strabismus definition
eyes not staraight or aligned bilaterally - eyes see 2 diff images
1/2 family hx, imbalance of intraoc muscles
Strabismus s/s
-malalignment of eyes, squint, head tilt
-patching good eye, eye exercises, glasses, surgery to correct mus
glasses after surgery for maintenance
Macular degeneration
most common cause vis loss > 60
Amsler used to dx
Drusen (yellow spots) appear in retina
Retinal detachments s/s
occur suddenly or gradually
flashes of light
blurry, sooty vision
un rx - incr detach -> blindness
Retinal detachments pre-op
-immediate bedrest - to prevent further detachment
-both eyes bandaged
- lie so area of detach is dependent (flat, sitting, etc)
Retinal detachments post-op
-both eyes bandaged,
-bedrest w BRP assisted
-if gas bubble during surg, position ordered
-deep breathe q 2hrs
-decr ,movement of head, no jarring, no activities that inc IOP
-restrict reading initially
- no flying till gas bubble gone, if used
removal of eyeball
-pressure dressing for wk - reduce swelling
-antibiotic oint TID
-remove and clean per orders - (either leave in for months and do daily irrigations or remove and clean daily)
blind pt care in hosp
-orient to room, don't rearrange, leave door all the way open, not 1/2, call bell in reach
-speak to pt when entering
-when walking pt, pt touches elbow and walks 1 step behind nurse
-allow independence AMAP - tell where food is on plate
eye donation post op, pre-op
recipient may only know hrs before
pre-op - ck s/s eye infex, antibiotic gtt
-pressure dress. and eye shield 1 day,
elevate hob,
lie on non-surg side,
monitor bleeding, infex, graft rejection
RSVP (red, swell, vis acuity decrease, pain)