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66 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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Pectoral Girdle consists of:
2 Clavicle surfaces
- superior surface is very smooth
- inferior surface is rough for ligament attachment
2 Ends of the clavicle
- sternal end (medial)
- acromial end (lateral)
The lateral end contains
Conoid tubercle
Trapezoid line
Conoid tubercle is the site for
Conoid ligament attachment
Location of the Trapezoid line
stemming from the conoid tubercle
Trapezoid line is the site for
attachment of the trapezoid ligament
Trapezoid ligament and Conoid ligament make up
Coracoclavicular ligament
Function of the coracoclavicular ligament
binds the lateral end of the clavicle to the scapula
Medial end of the clavicle contains
costal tuberosity
Costal tuberosity and the 1st rib are connected by
costoclavicular ligament
Clavicle body shape
- medial 2/3 is convex anteriorly
- lateral 1.3 is concave anteriorly
What happens with a fractured clavicle?
o Medial end of clavicle is elevated by upward pull of SCM

o Shoulder drops—trapezius can’t support weight of upper limb

o Arm is adducted and medial rotated.
Purpose of the clavicle
o Acts as a rigid support

o One of boundaries of cervicoaxillary canal

o Transmits forces from upper limb → axial skeleton
Borders of the pectoral region
Superior: clavicle
Inferior: inferior border of pec major
Medial: sternum
Lateral: mid-axillary line
Definition of the Pectoral region
Anterior to thoracic wall (upper 6 ribs)
Contents of the pectoral region
- Pec major
- Pec minor
- Subclavius
- Breasts
- Nerves, blood vessels, lymphatics
Function of pectoral fascia
- attaches to clavicle and sternum
Location of pectoral fascia
Surrounds pec major
Pectoral fascia is continuous with
axillary fascia (floor of armpit) and fascia of anterior abdominal wall
Clavipectoral fascia is continuos with
deep fascia of the neck
Clavipectoral fascia path
- attaches to clavicle
- splits to surround subclavius
- 2 layers fuse to form the costocoracoid membrane
- splits to surround pec minor
- 2 layers fuse to form the suspensory ligament of axilla
Superficial VAN of the upper extremity
Cephalic Vein
Thoracoacromial trunk
Lateral Pectoral nerve
Cephalic vein arises from
The lateral side of dorsal venous arch
Cephalic vein runs through what groove?
Deltopectoral groove
Cephalic vein pierces ----- to drain into -----?
pierces the costocorocoid membrane
drains into the axillary vein
Thoracoacromial trunk is a branch of
Axillary Artery
Thoracoacromial trunk divides into 4 groups
Clavicular branches
Pectoral branches
Deltoid branches
Acromial branches
Pec Major
ORIGIN: 2 heads of origin
- clavicular head: medial 1/2 clavicle
- sternal head: ant. surface of sternum
costal cartilage ribs 1-6
aponeurosis of external obliques
INSERTION: lateral lip of bicipital groove
ACTIONS: arm adducion and internal rotation
• Clavicular head: flexion of arm
• Sternal head: extension of arm
• Clavicular head: lateral pectoral nerve
• Sternal head: medial pectoral nerve
Pec Minor
- origin: ribs 3, 4, 5
- insertion: coracoid process
- action: elevate the ribs on deep inspiration
depress the scapula
- innevation: medial pectoral nerve
Key muscle in the axillary region
Pec Minor
- origin: first costal cartilage
- insertion: middle 1/3 of clavicle
- action: depress the clavicle
- innervation: nerve to subclavius
nerve to subclavius carries fibers from
C5 and C6
Serratus Anterior
- origin: ribs 1-8
- insertion: medial border on the anterior surface of scapula
- innervation: long thoracic nerve C5-C7 “keeps wings out of heaven”
- action: stabilize scapula
protraction of scapula
assists with rotating the scapula when the arm is abducted above the horizontal
Definition of the Axilla
pyramidal or cone shaped space between the arm and the thoracic wall
Borders of the apex of the axillary region
- anterior- clavicle

- medial- 1st rib

- posterior- superior boarder of scapula
Base of the axilla is made up of
skin and fascia of the armpit
- axillary fascia
- suspensory ligament of axilla
Anterior wall of the axilla AKA
Anterior axillary fold
Posterior wall of the axilla AKA
Posterior axillary fold
Anterior wall of the axilla made up of
- pectoralis major
- pectoralis minor
Posterior wall of the axilla made up of
- subscapularis
- latissimus dorsi
- teres major
Medial wall of the axilla made up of
- ribs
- serratus anterior (overlying)
Lateral wall of the axilla made up of
- intertubercular groove
Origin of the axillary sheath
continuous with prevertebral layer of cervical fascia
Location of the axillary sheath
surrounds the NV bundle of upper extremity
Borders of the axillary artery
lateral border of the 1st rib

distal border of teres major
Axillary artery is continuous with --------- and becomes ---------
subclavian artery

brachial artery
Superior thoracic artery supplies
- 1st and 2nd intercostal spaces

- pectoral muscles
Lateral thoracic artery supplies
o Pectoral muscles
o Serratus anterior
o Breast
Subscapular artery breaks into
Circumflex scapular artery

Thoraco-dorsal artery
Circumflex scapular artery supplies
T. Minor
T. Major
Thoraco-dorsal artery supplies
supplies muscles of the lat. Dorsi
----- branches off of Part 1 of the axillary artery
Superior thoracic a
-------- branches off of Part 2 of the axillary artery
Thoracoacromial trunk

Lateral Thoracic artery
4 branches of the thoracoacromial trunk
o Clavicular branch
o Pectoral branch
o Acromial branch
o Deltoid branch
----------- branches off of Part 3 of the axillary artery
Subscapular artery

Anterior humeral circumflex artery

Posterior Humeral circumflex artery
Location of the anterior Humeral Circumflex artery
runs laterally, deep to coracobrachialis and biceps brachii
Location of the posterior humeral circumflex artery
runs medially, joins the axillary nerve
Where do Posterior and Anterior Humeral circumflex artery anastamose
Around the surgical head of the humerus
Axillary VEIN is formed from what other veins?
Basilic vein joins the 2 brachial veins
Cephalic vein empties into which vein?
Basilic Vein
Contents of the axilla
Axillary Artery
Axillary Vein
Cords of the brachial plexus
Adipose tissue
Lymph nodes and fascia
Axillary sheath is made of
Axillary Artery
Axillary Vein
Cords of the brachial plexus
Part 1 of the axillary artery is bounded by
Lateral border of the 1st rib and pec minor.
Part 2 of the axillary artery is bounded by
Posterior to the pec minor muscle
Part 3 of the axillary artery is bounded by
lateral border of pec minor and the distal border of teres major