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60 Cards in this Set

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What is the best treatment for a manic patient with agitation and violence in the ACUTE setting?
Why is Haloperidol useful in acute settings?
It has an onset in 20-30 min and can be given PO, IM, or IV
Why aren't Lithium, Carbamazepine, an Valproic acid useful in acute settings?
They take DAYS to work
What is the drug of choice for maintainence of bipolar disorder in a patient with hx of agranulocytosis?
What sex is more likely to have somatization disorder and by how much?
Females - 20X
What can exacerbate the subtle disconnect from reality in schizotypal patients and how can it be managed?
What is the best initial treatment for PANIC disorder?
What are 4 adverse side effects associated with Clozapine?
-Weight gain
What med is associated with Gingival hyperplasia?
Phenytoin (dilantin)
What is the % chance for familial transmission of schizophrenia?
What is the best treatment for a manic patient with agitation and violence in the ACUTE setting?
Why is Haloperidol useful in acute settings?
It has an onset in 20-30 min and can be given PO, IM, or IV
Why aren't Lithium, Carbamazepine, an Valproic acid useful in acute settings?
They take DAYS to work
What is the drug of choice for maintainence of bipolar disorder in a patient with hx of agranulocytosis?
What sex is more likely to have somatization disorder and by how much?
Females - 20X
What can exacerbate the subtle disconnect from reality in schizotypal patients and how can it be managed?
What is the best initial treatment for PANIC disorder?
What are 4 adverse side effects associated with Clozapine?
-Weight gain
What med is associated with Gingival hyperplasia?
Phenytoin (dilantin)
What is the % chance for familial transmission of schizophrenia?
How is ATTENTION assessed during the MSE?
Digit recall
What condition in an 18yo girl is most associated with euphoria, grandiose delusions, decreased need for sleep, and paranoia?
Cocaine intoxication
What is the syndrome where a patient responds by giving approximate or outright ridiculous answers?
Ganser syndrome
What is dissociative identity disorder?
Multiple personality disorder
What is loxapine?
A TYPICAL antipsychotic
What would you prescribe for a patient with Schizophrenia, on haloperidol, who complains of muscle stiffness in back and neck?
Benztropine; an anticholinergic
What would you suspect if the patient then came in a week later with agitation, confusion, dilated pupils, tachycardia, and flushed skin?
Anticholinergic crisis
What should you do for a patient on haloperidol, benztropine, with anticholinergic crisis?
STop the benztropine and prescribe Amantadine
What is Amantadine?
An antiviral that helps alleviate EPS and replaces benztropine
What kind of defense mechanism is denial?
How is ATTENTION assessed during the MSE?
Digit recall
What condition in an 18yo girl is most associated with euphoria, grandiose delusions, decreased need for sleep, and paranoia?
Cocaine intoxication
What is the syndrome where a patient responds by giving approximate or outright ridiculous answers?
Ganser syndrome
What is dissociative identity disorder?
Multiple personality disorder
What is loxapine?
A TYPICAL antipsychotic
What would you prescribe for a patient with Schizophrenia, on haloperidol, who complains of muscle stiffness in back and neck?
Benztropine; an anticholinergic
What would you suspect if the patient then came in a week later with agitation, confusion, dilated pupils, tachycardia, and flushed skin?
Anticholinergic crisis
What should you do for a patient on haloperidol, benztropine, with anticholinergic crisis?
STop the benztropine and prescribe Amantadine
What is Amantadine?
An antiviral that helps alleviate EPS and replaces benztropine
What kind of defense mechanism is denial?
What are 4 ways to delineate psychogenic unresponsiveness from coma?
1. EEG - normal
2. DTR's - may be suppressed
3. Cold-caloric induced nystagmus
With what other diagnosis is Ganser syndrome most often confused, and in what population is it most found?
-Prison populations
What is Capgras syndrome?
Content-specific delusion that a patient's significant other/family has been replaced by an imposter
What is it called when a patient maintains a limb in the position in which you place it?
What is Cataplexy?
Sudden, brief loss of muscle tone
What pain medication can cause a fatal drug interaction with an MAOI?
Meperidine - Demerol
What is a common lab finding in NMS?
Elevated CPK
What is a urine tox screen capable vs not capable of?
-Can diagnose substance ABUSE
-not dependence!
What are the top 2 most common types of dementia?
1. Alzheimers 50-60%
2. Vascular 10-20%
What is the treatment for Anticholinergic toxicity when too much benztropine is given?
AnticholinesterASE medication - somethign to inhibit the breakdown of ACh so that it overcomes the toxic anticholinergic agent.
What are 4 ways to delineate psychogenic unresponsiveness from coma?
1. EEG - normal
2. DTR's - may be suppressed
3. Cold-caloric induced nystagmus
With what other diagnosis is Ganser syndrome most often confused, and in what population is it most found?
-Prison populations
What is Capgras syndrome?
Content-specific delusion that a patient's significant other/family has been replaced by an imposter
What is it called when a patient maintains a limb in the position in which you place it?
What is Cataplexy?
Sudden, brief loss of muscle tone
What pain medication can cause a fatal drug interaction with an MAOI?
Meperidine - Demerol
What is a common lab finding in NMS?
Elevated CPK
What is a urine tox screen capable vs not capable of?
-Can diagnose substance ABUSE
-not dependence!
What are the top 2 most common types of dementia?
1. Alzheimers 50-60%
2. Vascular 10-20%
What is the treatment for Anticholinergic toxicity when too much benztropine is given?
AnticholinesterASE medication - somethign to inhibit the breakdown of ACh so that it overcomes the toxic anticholinergic agent.