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180 Cards in this Set

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How many bones make up the lower extremity?
Glenoid fossa
The pelvic girdle is formed by the fusion of what 3 bones?
Ischium, ilium, pubis
What part of the pelvic girdle articulates with the sacrum?
Auricular surface
The ischial spine separates what?
The greater and lesser sciatic notch
What's the body's largest foramen?
Obuterator foramen
What forms the anterior region of the pelvic girdle?
The pubic tubercle
Where do blood vessels enter and exit the pelvic girdle?
Acetabular notch
This separates the inferior and superior portions of the pelvis, and is the superior boundary of the pelvis
Pelvic brim/inlet
What is contained in the false pelvis?
Bladder and uterus
What does the femur articulate with?
Hipbone, patella, tibia
What is the fovea capitis?
Femoral depression where the ligament of the head of the femur connects
What does the tibia articulate with?
Femur, fibula, talus
What is the intercondylar eminence?
Projection that separates the tibia's condyles.
What is the function of the patella?
Additional leverage for the quadriceps muscle
What are the five major tarsal bones?
Calcaneus, talsus, navicular, cuboid, and cuneiforms
What bones makes up the medial longitudinal arch?
1st meta tarsal, 1st cuneiform, navicular, calcaneus
What bones make up the lateral longitudinal arch?
Calcaneus, cuboid, 5th metatarsal
Where are the two sesmoid bones in the foot?
Head of 1st metatarsal
How many bones make up the upper extremity?
What two bones make up the pectoral girdle?
Scapula and clavicle
What does the clavicle attach to?
Acromion and manubrium
Between which two ribs does the scapula lie?
2nd and 7th
The clavicle bones have a concave and convex bend. Where are they located?
Convex: medially
Concave: laterally
The humerus articulates with what?
Scapula, ulna, radius
Where do the rotator cuff muscle insert on the humerus?
Greater and lesser tubercles
What parts of the humerus articulate with the radius and ulna?
Capitulum and trochlea
Which two distal humerus landmarks are anterior? Posterior?
Radial fossa + coronoid fossa
Olecranon fossa
What does the radius articulate with?
Capitulum of humerus, radial notch of ulna, distal end of ulna,
scaphoid, lunate
A Collie's fracture occurs where?
Just above styloid process of radius
What does the ulna articulate with?
Distal end of radius, head of radius, trochlea of humerus.
How many bones are in the wrist? Knuckles? Fingers?
8, 5, 14
What forms the carpal tunnel?
Flexor retinaculum, pisiform, hamate, scaphoid, trapezium
What forms the Tunnel of Gyon? What passes through it?
Pisiform and hamate
Ulnar nerve
How many bones are in the skull?
How many bones are in the vertebral column?
26 fused or 33 unfused
How many bones are in the thorax?
The parietal bones form what? What may they contain?
Greater portion of sides and roof of cranial cavity
Contain protrusions and depressions for blood vessels
What do the temporal bones form?
Inferior lateral aspects of the cranium
What are 3 temporal bone landmarks?
External auditory meatus
Mandibular fossa
Mastoid process
What does the frontal bone form?
Forehead, roofs of orbits, anterior part of cranial floor
What is the glabella?
Flat anterior portion of cranium
What are three landmarks of the frontal bone?
Supraorbital margin
Superciliary arch
What does the occipital bone form?
Posterior part and base of cranium
What are 4 occipital bone landmarks?
External occipital protuberance
Nuchal lines
Foramen magnum
Where is the sphenoid bone and what does it form?
Located in middle part of skull base
Keystone- articulates with all skull bones
What are 4 sphenoid bone landmarks?
Greater/Lesser Wings
Sella Turcica
What is the sella turcica associated with?
Sphenoid bone
Pituitary Gland
Where is the ethmoid bone located?
Midline in anterior part of cranial floor
What is the ethmoid bone associated with?
Cribiform plates
Crista galli
Superior/Middle Nasal Conchae (turbinates)
What are the cribiform plates?
Part of the ethmoid bone that contains the olfactory formen where the olfactory nerces pass through
What is the crista galli?
Part of the ethmoid bone that serves as a point of attachment for meninges
What does the coronal suture unite?
Frontal bone and two parietal bones
What does the sagittal suture unite?
Two parietal bones at the midline.
What does the lambdoidal suture unite?
Parietal and occipital bones
What does the squamosal suture unite?
Parietal and temporal bones
Where is the bregma located?
Anteriorally; later cross of sagittal and coronal suture
Where is the lambda located?
Posterially, cross sagittal and lambdoidal sutures.
Where is the lacrimal bone located?
(smallest bone); medial orbital wall
What does the lacrimal bone contain?
Lacrimal foramen, where tear duct passes through
What does the zygomatic bone form?
Cheeks and lateral wall of each orbit
What do the maxillae bones form?
Upper jawbone; articulate with every facial bone except mandible
What is the palatine process?
Part of maxillae bone that forms anterior 3/4 of hard palate
What does the vomer form?
Inferior and posterior part of nasal septum
What is the mandible?
Largest and strongest facial bone
Lower jawbone
What are the three ear ossicle bones (laterally to medially)
Malleus- hammer
Incus- anvil
Stapes - stirrup
What is the hyoid bone suspended from?
Styloid process of temporal bone
What is the function of the hyoid bone?
Support tongue
Attachment site of neck and pharynx muscles
How many bones make up the sacrum?
5 fused
How many bones make up the coccyx?
4 fused
Kyphosis affects what portion of the vertebral column?
Lordosis affects what portion of the vertebral column?
What is a pedicle?
Posterior vertebral arch process that unites with laminae
The transverse process projects....
The internal portion of the intervertebral disk
Nucleus pulposus
The outer portion of the intervertebral disk
Annulus fibrosis
T/F The atlas has a spinous process and body
Articulates with atlas
Occipital condyles
What is the dens?
Process on axis that is a pivot point allowing head to rotate
What is the vertebral prominens?
C7 spinous process that is not birfurcated
What do the thoracic vertebrae articulate with?
What is the difference between the T1/T2 and T11/T12 spinous processes?
Long, flat, inferior versus short, broad, and posterior
What does the demifacet articulate with?
Head of rib
What does the facet articulate?
Rib tubercles
What is unique about the superior and inferior articular processes of the lumbar vertebrae?
They project medially and laterally, not sup/inf
What is the purpose of the sacrum?
Strong foundation for pelvic girdle
Sacrum alae
Wings at the top of the sacrum
Transverse ridges
Where sacrum fuse
Sacral tubercle
Attachment site for ligaments of sacroilialic joint
What does the superior articular processes of the sacrum articulate with?
5th lumbar vert.
Sacral foramina
Exit point for spinal nerves
Sacral hiatus
Lamina of 5th sacral vertebrae do not meet
Exit point of nerves of tail end of spinal cord
Sacral promontory
Where body sits on sacrum
How many ribs are there?
24 (2 sets of 12)
What does the manubrium articulate with?
Costal cartilage of ribs 1 and 2
What are two manubrium landmarks?
Jugular notch
Clavicular notch
What does the body of the sternum articulate with?
Ribs 2-10
Sternal angle
Sternum body landmark, where manubrium joins body
T/F The xyphoid process attches to ribs
Articular system
All joints of the body
Functions of the urinary system
Produce, store, eliminate urine
Regulate volume and chemical composition of blood
Regulate fluid and electrolyte balance
Functions of endocrine system
Regulate body activities with hormones
Transports chemicals in blood to various target organs
On the same side of body
On opposite side of body
Plane dividing body into Right and Left halves
Sagittal plane
Plane dividing body into Top and Bottom
Transverse Plane
Plane dividing body into Front and Back
Frontal Plane
Axis for Frontal Plane
Antero-posterior axis
Axis for Transverse Plane
Longitudinal axis
Axis for Sagittal Plane
Transverse Axis
Movements associated with the saggital plane
Movements associated with the transverse plane
Horizontal abduction and adduction
Movements associated with the frontal plane
Abduction and adduction
Horizontal forward movement
Horizontal backward movement
Radial deviation
Movement away from body midline
Ulnar deviation
Movement toward body midline
Combination of flexion/extension and abduction/adduction
Abdominal cavity
Contains stomach, spleen, liver, gall bladder, pancreas, small intestine
Pelvic cavity
Contains bladder, reproductive organs, parts of large intestine
Right Upper Quadrant
Ascending colon
Right Kidney
Left Upper Quadrant
Descending colon
Left Kidney
Right Lower Quadrant
Left Lower Quadrant
Sigmoid colon
Small, raised, rounded
Swelling, knob, rounded
Large, blunt, rounded
Large, rounded
Linear ridge
Large linear ridge
Sharp, slender
Spinous process
Circumscribed, large or small
Trough like
Long narrow opening
Bone hole
Indentation at bone edge
Opening that does not go through structure
Bone to bone contact areas
Articular facets
Seed shaped bones developing in tendons
Innervated by dorsal scapular nerve
Rhomboid major
Rhomboid minor
Levator Scapulae
Innervated by musculocutaneous nerve
Biceps Brachii
Not part of the rotator cuff
Teres Major
Innervated by ulnar and median nerve
Flexor digitorum profundus
Arm muscles innervated by median nerve
Flexor Carpi Radialis
Palmaris Longus
Flexor Digitorum Superficialis
Which four muscles originate at the medial epicondyle of the humerus?
Flexor carpi radialis
Flexor carpi ulnaris
Palmaris longus
flexor digitorum suerpficialis
Where does the palmaris longus insert?
Palmar aponeurosis
Which muscles have two heads?
Pronator teres
Flexor digitorum superficialis
Biceps brachii
What is the origin of the flexor digitorum profundus?
Proximal ulna
What nerves innervate the medial and lateral half of the flexor digitorum profundus?
Medial: Ulnar nerve
Lateral: Medial nerve
Where do the three tricpes brachii heads originate?
Infraglenoid tubercle
Proximal posterior surface of humerus
Post surface of distal humerus
What does the musculotaneous nerve innervate?
Biceps brachii
Where do the long and short heads of the biceps brachii originate?
Long: supraglenoid tubercle
Short: Coracoid process
Where does the biceps brachii insert?
Radial tuberosity
Where does the brachialis insert?
Coronoid process of ulna
Where does the teres major muscle insert and what innervates it?
Inserts into the bicipital groove
Innvervated by the lower scapular nerve
What muscles provides external rotation of the arm?
Teres minor
Where does the teres minor originate?
Scapula axillary border
Where does the serratus anterior insert?
Anterior surface of scapula
What nerve innervates the serratus anterior?
Thoracic nerve
What nerve innervates the subclavius muscle?
C5 and C6
What is the function of the serratus anterior?
Protracts scapula
What is the origin of the deltoid?
Anterior: lateral third of clavicle
Medial: Acromion process
Posterior: Scapula spine
What is the insertion of the deltoid?
Deltoid tuberosity
What is the function of the deltoid?
Flexion, abduction, extension
What nerve innervates the deltoid?
Axillary nerve
What are the origins of the trapezius?
Superior nuchal line
External occipital protuberance
Vertebral spinous processes
What are the insertions of the trapezius?
Lateral clavicle
Medial scapular spine
What nerve innervates the trapezius?
(C3, C4, 11th cranial)
What is the origin of the latissimus dorsi?
Spinous processes t6-s5
Where does the latissimus dorsi insert?
Bicipital groove of humerus
What three structures insert into bicipital groove of humerus?
Lat. dorsi
Teres major
Pectoralis major
What is the origin of the rhomboid major?
What nerve innervates the latissimus dorsi?
Thoracodorsal nerve
What nerve innervates the rhomboid major?
Dorsal scapular nerve
What is the origin of the rhomboid minor?
What nerve innervates rhomboid minor?
Dorsal scapular nerve
What is the origin of the levator scapulae?
Transverse processes of C1-C4
What nerve innervates the levator scapula?
Dorsal scapular nerve